Wasp of Love and Lust

As the group got to the school, they realized that everyone else had grown too, and the school was more like a college now. Everyone had their own dorms given by Ms. Fey, and it was time for Merlin's group to get theirs. "Thanks mom, see you later today." Morgan said, but G looked surprised. "Wait..Ms. Fey is your mother?! Damn." he said. But Morgan looked unimpressed at all. "No duh dumbass, my last name is Fey. What you think this was, coincidence?" she asked sarcastically as she opened the door. The room was large, and had 2 bunk beds on both corners of the room, but the room was pretty plain overall. "Well...I guess we movin' in here. Alright, the beast boys are in charge of their odor, I don't wanna be sniffin' wet dog, monkey, or dead fish got me?" Morgan said while she sat on the top bunk. G paid her no mind as he went into the bathroom and filled up the tub with water to sit in. Morgan then squeezed Merlin's sides, causing him to jump involuntarily, and his pants almost fell off since he forgot his belt. She giggled and handed him a belt. "Sorry, but you're too cute like that. And that's a cute outfit, you'll be turning boy's heads all over campus. But maybe we should make sure you dress appropriate. I actually have a cousin who's got a great outfit for you. We'll be back boys, Merlin's got a beauty appointment." Morgan said, pulling Merlin with her outside. Merlin blushed, feeling a bit exposed as it was, but now it felt like he was just getting twice as lewd. He then noticed that everything seemed different. Everyone had gotten stronger, and there was even a football court outside. He then remembered something, like deja vu. He walked through the corridor that seemed like a basement of a building, but he didn't see anything coming at him that time. As they went outside, they saw that some people were practicing their powers, and someone was even riding on a mechanical wolf. He then saw the city of Thelema, with large buildings that seemed to mold themselves, and shine like luminous water. There were no cars, or bikes, or scooters riding around, just people flying or walking around the place. It seemed very peaceful, and there were many different animals with people. There were even some arcades and book stores. "And here we are. Apostle Church. This is where those chosen by the gods come to pray and teach. My cousin is a Battle Nun here and he knows good outfits. Come on." she said pulling Merlin inside. It was empty in the church today, and Morgan's cousin was the only one cleaning up. He had a short nun hood, and a full one piece leather suit with his hips exposed and a large star on the back.

"Hey cousin, how you been? Who's your friend?" he asked, cleaning out a very fancy chalice. Morgan explained that she wanted to give Merlin a better outfit. "Hey, you know cousin Dio got the hook-up. Come with me little magician, time to get your perky ass fabulous." he said as he pushed Merlin into a booth with a wide sadistic smile on his face. Morgan waited, listening to music, and texting her pen-pal. After about 20 minutes, Merlin came out of the booth, dressed in a skin tight all black body suit similar to a leotard, but stopped at his hips. The sleeves hung low and stopped at his elbow. His pants were missing a leg, and he wore fingerless gloves. "Morgan...never pick my outfit from a man nun again dammit!! I'll make my own clothes!" he yelled as he went back in the booth to change his clothes. Morgan just laughed with Dio while waiting. Chyribdys found them, and looked like he grew a few feet taller, but was far from his true power for now. "I have come to...where's young Merlin? Is he okay?" he asked. Morgan pointed to the booth he was getting changed in, so Chyribdys waited also. After about 10 minutes Merlin came back out wearing a one shoulder top shirt with a crop jacket with a long hood and cat ears. He had chaps shorts too, with one leg being shorter than the other and had a stocking on the short side, and a half skirt with a punk design to it. "Well look at witch boy slay huh? Even showing that g-string thong too, someone wants to get laid tonight don'tcha?" Morgan asked, which Merlin immediately denied, but secretly did want to at least try. Chryibdys started to explain that they need to get back to visiting the Spires and gaining new Authorities, which are the abilities gained when a Dark Lord permits after the trial is finished. Merlin wondered about which spire he should visit next, but Chyribdys already had that planned. "We'll be visiting a friend of mine. Her name is Vespa of Love. I already have Rikusa, G, and Shikom outside ready to go so let us depart swiftly. I shall show you a fun type of spell that shall get you where you need to go in no time." he said as he walked outside. Merlin and Morgan bid Dio farewell, and see the gang outside ready to go. "Alright young ones. It's time I show you a long forgotten magick called Etherena. I can teach you the basics, but the rest is up to you. Now focus and imagine your whole body as energy, that energy travels down to your legs, feeling light as air, propelling you forward. Faster than sound." he described and actually managed to do it, with his legs being see-through and glowing yellow. As he ran, the rest tried to keep up, but were having trouble using Etherena from first glance, so they ended up flying instead. Chyribdys figured they wouldn't understand at first, so he kept running on foot. They eventually reached a large spire with a pink aura, and a heart shaped door. The spire actually has a scent of honey and cookies, and there were a few wasps flying around. "So this is the spire of....who's this?" Morgan asked. Chyribdys explained that this was the spire of a friend of his named Vespa. A wasp woman who's main power is that of love and manipulating wasps. Her supernatural heart ability was pretty strong, and allowed her to survive with two hearts and allowed her to manifest things out of her passionate desires. They decided to go inside, but as they entered, they noticed a strange mist around the room. Within that mist, it was full of wasps with large abdomens, aimed at them and charging some sort of energy at them. Shikom made a massive slab of rock erect from the ground and used it as a shield and a battering ram, however the wasps went around it, and began to fire energy blasts. Morgan punched them away as she tried grabbing one of the wasps, but got spun around and tossed into a wall. These bugs were stronger than they appeared, so Merlin conjured a wind tunnel to pull them in and had G create shark jaws to chomp them to bits. The wasps fused and turned into a sort of humanoid insect, pried the jaws apart, and kicked both of them away. Rikusa swung his claws attempting to hit it, but it just batted his strikes away with ease, then grabbed his legs and slammed him to the ground. Shikom shot a torrent of fireballs in random directions, seeming to intentionally miss the insectoid. When he finished, he charged at the bug, attacking swiftly and using shuriken for range. Morgan aimed and shot multiple arrows rapidly, each of them barely hitting just like she planned. G and Rikusa shot long range spells, with Rikusa using air alchemy, and G spitting globs of water with the properties of syrup. Merlin then kicked the hanging fireballs, each of them aimed at the bug and forcing it to split apart again, which Shikom was waiting for, using the leftover fireballs to seek out the remaining wasps, burning them to dust, and using the air to clear the mist.

"Now that's what I call bug zapping. Let's get outta this room, I bet there's something bigger beyond this door, and I'm finally pumped up and ready to start blastin'!" G said enthusiastically. with his body rehydrating automatically. As he went into the next room, it was the same pink smoke, however it seemed to be more of it, and heavily concentrated. All of them felt a strange warmth, their bodies gone limp and unable to move. "No...that erotic temptress bug woman...she really created a love room, with a bunch of teenagers in it..?" Chyribdys said, barely able to stand up. Merlin looked at Shikom, crawling over, with lust filled eyes and his cheeks bright red. Morgan held his leg to keep him from going any further. "No man...fight the sexy smoke. Don't you dare start deflowering boy holes while we got a job to do." she said, barely able to contain herself anyways. Merlin didn't seem to care, unzipping his shorts and trying to go over to Shikom. "I gotta...I can't hold it anymore, I'm gonna go crazy..! I'm about to flood the floors if I don't get in that...it's too good looking.." Merlin moaned as he started to take off his shorts and worked down to his underwear. Morgan couldn't look away, seeing that Merlin's extreme lustful desires was only a few steps away, and he wanted to be with him. Rikusa lunged at Merlin and kissed him on his lips, not wanting to be outdone. "I want you Merlin, I want to be first. If I don't...I'll...I'll explode and...I want you to take all of me..!" he cried out as he held Merlin tight, making Merlin moan in pleasure with his burning erection rubbing onto his stomach. Shikom held Merlin from the other side, his erection rubbing on both of theirs. "No, I want him first..I already grinded on him, so he's mine first." he growled. G was barely standing while looking at Morgan. He walked over to her, drool leaking from his mouth, and he held onto Morgan's body. "You're pretty hot...I promise I don't bite. And I'm very flexible, so if you have someone I don't mind joining in on that action." he said, with Morgan weakly attempting to push him off, but her strength was fading with her lust overriding her sense of reason. Chyribdys had been slowly managing to reach the door, and forced it open with an explosion, making the mist dissipate. Everyone had snapped back to their senses, but Rikusa was more upset and embarrassed. "This...isn't...over, you annoying wolf!" he said while letting Merlin go and walking towards the door's entrance. Merlin put his pants on and helped Morgan up. "So....we almost...did it huh?" Merlin said softly, with Morgan nodding in confirmation. "We can't tell anyone about this. I was really about to kiss G for a sec. And I'm a poly chick so that would've gone on for a while." Morgan said. Merlin blushed, feeling ashamed he let himself go so far with both Rikusa and Shikom. He walked up to Rikusa, but couldn't bring himself to say anything. "I'm not upset with you. And I'm sorry for almost forcing myself on you, I just felt..something." Rikusa said while holding Merlin's hand. Merlin apologized as well, and they all went into the next room.

The next room was essentially a healing jacuzzi bath, with butterflies fluttering around as well. G got in, enjoying the healing water. Merlin just dipped his feet in, closing his eyes to daydream. Shikom sat next to him, while Rikusa sat on the other side while holding his hand. "Say, Merlin. How about me and you skinny dip together? Maybe we can see who can stay in the water longest?" Shikom suggested. Merlin didn't really know how to answer that, but Rikusa interrupted. "No, we should just sit still. Besides, I wanted to try luring butterflies so we can feel their wings." he suggested. Merlin was torn between them and his thoughts. "How about...we just wait till our energy is replenished. It shouldn't take more than five minutes, so let's just relax." Merlin suggested as he gently laid back. Rikusa gently laid on Merlin's chest, smiling gently and enjoying hearing Merlin's heartbeat. Shikom laid on Merlin's stomach, wagging his tail while enjoying hearing his breathing. He then started to lick up his stomach, enjoying the sensation of Merlin's skin on his tongue. Rikusa got a bit upset, gently licking on Merlin's neck and tracing up to his ear. Merlin moaned slightly as his daydream started to get erotic as he felt the erotic sensations on his body. Morgan opened the door to the next room, making Merlin wake up and walk to the door. Rikusa and Shikom walked to the door, disappointed they were interrupted.

The room seemed to be a sort of arcade room, full of old timey games that you would see in arcade buildings. They all picked a game to play and saw the score requirement to pass, 100,000 points. Morgan played her game swiftly, gaining points. Merlin was close behind her, seeming to be intensely focused on the game. G was playing his own fishing game, making sure to catch every single fish no matter how small the points were. The score was halfway to the goal, and they started to play a bit harder, going for the higher scores and critical moves. After about an hour, they managed to beat the score and the door had opened, showing that there was Vespa, sitting in her throne tending to her wasp nests. "Ah. My young love bugs have fluttered into the colony. Welcome to the final room. I am Vespa, the Pink Wasp. And I must ask. Do you believe in the almighty power of love?" she asked. No one had an answer as they were surprised a woman with bright pink skin, dark pink hair, claws on her wrists, a leotard, and large insect wings would ask about love. Then again, she had a beautiful human face and body. She then started to dance sensually, and made roses appear. "Your answer children. I shall wait no longer." she said, with her claws having grown bigger. But still, no one had an answer for a question like that. Not a solid answer anyways. "So. You don't know the answer yet. I understand." she said before suddenly appearing behind Morgan, batting her into the air with just a swipe of her claws. No one even noticed her movements, but instantly backed away from her. She caught up to G swiftly, swinging him around by his tail, and then throwing him into Morgan. However he launched off her feet, turning himself into a speeding hydro torpedo, but she redirected his momentum into the walls using rotation to make him crash. She smiled as she went towards Shikom next, his defense being outdone with a piercing shockwave from Vespa's claws, but he grabbed onto her arm and managed to land a fierce kick on her ribs, however she didn't wince in pain. "That was....so good!!" she yelled in blissful delight. She didn't seem to feel the sensation of pain at all on her skin, it was all pleasure to her. Merlin then shot bolts of energy from his finger, which seemed to just be Magick Missile but more focused, aimed right at Vespa's wings to prevent her from flying in the air, but the blasts went right through them. "Ah, going for my wings sweetie? I applaud that smart move." Vespa said as she twirled, and then bowed down. She then went into the air, holding her hands into the air, and started to talk so fast, it didn't register to them as a hail of heart shaped arrows rained down. Morgan created a staff to spin as a shield against the onslaught of arrows, not wishing to know what they were going to do. Rikusa created a barrier of spirit particles, blocking the arrows as well. "She's really bugging me now. Let's see her deal with this. Spiritum Catastrophe!" Rikusa chanted as he summoned forth five spirit golems that began to transform and create a massive tempest in the space. Vespa smiled and countered the rotation from the inside, emerging unscathed. "You're simply attacking me with your minds. You must use your hearts. Yes the power of the heart is an invincible force, not just a plot device in a story that's saved for the last possible moment. Now focus, who or what do you love that gives you a reason to do anything? Why do you fight? Why do you wake up? What is the definition of your love?" she asked. Everyone was silent, the only sound was the buzzing of the wasps. Merlin then looked at Rikusa and Shikom, and then gained a sort of serious look, holding them both by their chins gently. "Boys. I can love more than one person, there's no need to fight over me." he said with a confident smile. Morgan tried not to laugh due to the look on his face, and walked over to Vespa. "You know. I have a feeling that we can agree that we love basically everything. Now I know that's a cheap answer but it's true. So can we try fighting you again? For real this time?" she asked, which Vespa agreed to. So all of them got together, and started to attack at once. Vespa's speed was countering every move thrown at her, and was enjoying every part of it, making them try harder to hit her. G managed to catch her off guard by tripping her foot, slamming his fist into her gut, launching her to Morgan, who hit her with a five hit combo and launched her into Merlin and Shikom, who both used a combined tetsuzanko attack and Rikusa spin kicked her into her throne chair. Vespa was shaking in pleasure, her whole body seemed like a curled up bug squirming on the ground with a pleasured look on her face. "Y-you kids....you're amazing! I'm very proud of you, you earned my power." she said. But before she could do anything more, a hail of spears ripped her body apart like a hot knife through butter. She didn't seem to feel pleasure anymore, she was surprised, wondering who attacked her. But it was too late as she fell, a mass of blood and limbs. Everyone looked in horror at her body dismembered in a disgustingly brutal way. Her bones and flesh were broken and ripped in a way that would make anyone's skin crawl, blood formed a massive pool around the limbs and organs on the ground, seeming to try and pull themselves together. Chyribdys grabbed a large wasp egg that was in the blood and saw the same shadow that attacked him before. "Damn you!! Who the hell are you?!" he roared. The shadow gave no response, pointing to the group. But then Merlin shot at it, making it drop the cursed spear. "You make me sick. Enjoy purgatory you ugly son of a bitch!" he yelled as he fired another energy blast, but the shadow managed to slip away again. Merlin grabbed the spear before running with everyone out of the spire, making it out just in time. "Damn. Not again. At least she's alive, albeit weakened now." Chyribdys said. Merlin held the spear, which turned a crimson red in his hand. Morgan looked at the spire, now only a black cube, ready to reform itself once more. "We're gonna find out who these bastards are, And they'll give answers to why they target people that did no harm. But for now, we should rest." she said, with everyone going back to their homes, and with Morgan holding onto Vespa's regeneration egg.