
The basin of water had to be changed several times before Ciel's hair began to turn white, as if the ash and dust was ingrained in his head. Well, the tower was old and dusty, and it wasn't like Ciel could clean it in the dark.

"How long have you not properly washed this hair?" The barber had to change the basin of the water several times before the water stopped turning black as Ciel's hair slowly reverted to its former pure white color.

Ciel smiled, "I'm an orphan so I don't have much time to wash."

He was technically counted as an orphan since neither son nor father acknowledged each other and his mother was dead.

Plus, although he had all the time in the world in the tower, that damned ancient building also lacked a shower or any kind of bathing place in its bathroom. Before, the nanny would bring a small bathing basin, but she had gone off to god knows where so although the barrier prevented pests, dust still accumulated in his hair over time, turning it gray.

—It was convenient though since white hair and blue eyes were too eye-catching, especially when they were the features of the late empress.

The barber didn't suspect anything because only the first prince who closely resembled the emperor, Theodore, was known to the citizens. On the other hand, no sane civilian would expect the emperor's son to be wandering around the streets looking like a beggar. To him, Ciel was probably just a albino orphan. But after this, Ciel would have to either cover his head at all times, dye his hair, or cover his eyes—his existence was like a public secret to anyone who had connections to nobles.

"Orphaned? I was wondering what kind of kid would grow their hair so long and then sell it." The barber started to cut Ciel's hair. "I'll pay a silver coin for this hair and give you a nice haircut. You can also wash yourself later and get a new change of clothing."

"Thanks a lot!" Ciel's smile grew brighter. 'That'll save me from having to buy new clothing!'

"Don't mention it." The barber shrugged.


Ciel left the barber's shop refreshed with new clothes and a completely dust-free body. His hair was also now a comfortable shoulder length—probably the barber's consideration to a little 'girl'.

Upon seeing the first real light since he had been born, he quickly shut his eyes, not used to the sun that had just started to rise. Because of the light, he was starting to get a migraine.

'Ow ow ow. Why is this world's sun so bright?' He pulled out his white robe, only to put it back in when its color reflected the light even more.

'Looks like I'll still have to visit the clothing store.'

He quickly slipped into the nearest store, ignoring the curious stares at his hair and his closed eyes. When he came out, he was dressed in all black with a hood over his face, perfectly hiding his pure white hair. He also had a black blindfold that would block the sunlight and hide his eye color. It didn't affect his sight anyway because he could 'see' the shape of objects from their mana. The only downside was that he could only see them in shades of black and white.

Upon wearing the blindfold, Ciel instantly felt at ease. In his past life, he had worn a blindfold almost everywhere so much that feeling the sensation of cloth on his face had become a habit. The familiarity of the blindfold was like meeting an old friend.

'What do I do?' At the center of the city, Ciel settled himself in the park next to the fountain. He had escaped from the palace. He had a decent amount of money. But his original goal to start over in Anatol was blocked.

Ciel couldn't even leave the city because the first order of knights under the emperor had started to strictly monitor all routes in and out of the city after the Apache family's incident. Ciel would definitely be caught during inspection because his features were too prominent.

'I can't just stay here where the emperor lives. I don't want anything to do with him.' Ciel ruffled his hair in frustration.

'Ah whatever. Screw it. As soon as night falls, I'm sneaking into a merchant caravan. I don't care where I end up, I won't be as bored as I was in the tower anyway.'


Near the entrance of the capital city, a group of workers were bustling around, preparing for departure.

"Huh, did the cargo become heavier?" A worker carried a large box to the caravan. In the box, Ciel curled up in a ball, perfectly still.

"How should I know? Maybe the snake ate more than usual and grew fat."

"Rich people have strange hobbies. Who would want a black snake anyway?"

"It's not any black snake, it's a winged snake! Creatures like that have a higher chance of becoming eves. If that snake can turn, it'll be a great asset. Even if eves don't have magic, they're still stronger than normal people."

Hearing their conversation, Ciel thought of the drugged black snake he was hiding with. The snake had curled up in a hollow poop shape, letting Ciel conveniently hide in the middle, his black clothes blending in with the snake's scales.

"Inspection!" Another voice called out.

Ciel tensed up. The lid above him opened as a knight peaked in. The knight shivered at the sight of the black serpent and quickly drew back the hand that was about to reach in.

"All clear!" The lid was quickly shut. Ciel could feel himself being moved away.

'All right, I just need to jump out and run away after we're out of the city. The merchants probably won't bother chasing me.'

"So where are we going?"

"We're going through an exclusive route to Anatol. Apparently one of the princes ordered the serpent." Ciel withdrew the foot that had reached out as the worker spoke out what Ciel was thinking.

"Anatol? Wasn't that blocked off?"

"That's why we're going on an exclusive route. The princes were the ones who blocked Anatol, if they want, we can go in. They want the snake, so we are allowed to go in. If we didn't have the snake, we would be like the other merchants, blocked at the entrance of Anatol. So you better be gentle with that merchandise there alright? That's not just a snake, it's our opportunity to get access to the trade routes before everyone else!"

"Yes sir!"

'Maybe I'll stay after all.' Ciel changed his mind. 'Can't believe a random merchant caravan I chose would be going to Anatol.' He glanced at the sleeping serpent. He had chosen this merchant caravan because one, the black snake would blend in with his clothing, two, the serpent was alive, so there were already breathing holes in the box, and three, the cold snake body would be comfortable in the summer heat. He never expected that this choice would give him a free pathway to Anatol.

'My crappy luck is finally getting better.' Ciel smiled, patting the snake's cold scales.

The journey from the city to the 'exclusive route' took about three days. In those three days, Ciel was relaxed. The snake was put on some unknown drugs that would make the snake go into a state similar to hibernation, so it had no need for food or drinks and stayed in an unconscious manner the entire time. The merchants were also pretty slack so he could sneak out from time to time to fulfill his daily needs.

The problems started when the merchants arrived at their destination.

"What do you mean we can't go in? We're delivering the serpent!" Ciel woke up to the furious voice of the one he presumed to be the leader of the caravan.

"You'll get your pay. We'll be taking the serpent from here on." A cold voice could be heard replying.

The merchant leader gritted his teeth. The only reason why he had accepted to get a winged serpent was because he had thought the entire caravan would be able to go to Anatol. There, they would be able to monopolize the resources as all the other foreign merchants were blocked.

He never thought that the second prince would personally send his elite knights to receive the serpent at the portal to Anatol.

About to argue for more benefits, his eyes met the oppressing faces of the second prince's knights and all the courage drained out of his body. He quickly shivered and averted his eyes.

"F-fine. The serpent is in the back."

Ciel quickly dispersed his presence as the lid to the box was opened, trying to blend in with the snake's mana. "Why is it so dark? I thought the second prince said it would be best if you acquired a brightly colored snake?" The knight said in dissatisfaction.

The merchant leader wiped his sweat away, "There was a brightly colored serpent, b-but the black serpent ate it. However, increased aggression and hunger is a sign that he's turning into an eve! Rather than that brightly colored serpent who didn't seem to have much potential, we thought it would be better if we just brought him over. Besides, this serpent is an incredibly rare winged serpent!"

In truth, they just didn't have much time to go back and catch more serpents, but the knight seemed to buy the story.

"Fine. Here's the payment."

"Yes, yes. Thank you. We hope to cooperate again!" The merchant leader took the money pouch and bowed to the retreating backs of the knights.

The mana operated portal to Anatol closed immediately after the last knight entered it. Leaving the merchant group sighing, half from relief, and half from disappointment.


At the same time, a carriage hurriedly entered a hastily made portal to the royal palace of Anatol. A young boy who looked ten years old hurriedly rushed out of the carriage to the north wing of the palace.

"Dominic! I just received the news! Are you ok?"

Dominic, another young boy that seemed the same age as the first boy, looked up from the book he had been reading, "Cedric?"

Cedric gasped, "Dominic, your, your eyes!"

Dominic smiled, his sunset red hair reflecting the palace lights, while his previously gray eyes now changed colors with each movement he made.

"It's nothing, I just awakened my attributes. Don't worry. From now on, I won't need to borrow your first and third squad elites. As the only heir, my safety will be guaranteed. The disloyal retainers were all taken care of by my dearest brothers."

"You–hah, fine. Do as you like." Cedric sighed.

Dominic smiled radiantly, patting Cedric's fluffy light brown hair. "I knew I could trust you. Go get some rest. It'll be chaotic tomorrow."

Just as those words landed, two maids appeared at the entrance of the door.

"You planned this huh?" Cedric grumbled as he was led away.

Dominic's eyes became bright red as his eyes curved from smiling, "No, they brought it upon themselves. I'm just reaping the benefits."

"Fine fine, I'll believe you. You better sleep soon too! Don't stay up late reading, it'll damage your eyes!" Cedric nagged behind his shoulder as he was picked up by one of the maids and brought away.

"Don't worry, I don't do anything that won't give me any benefits." Dominic replied leisurely.


The next morning, the 25 year old first prince and the 23 year old second prince of Anatol were declared dead. They had been found dead in the royal palace's dueling arena.

It had been a mutual destruction after they got into swordfight for unknown reasons at midnight. As a result of their deaths, the ten year old third prince Dominic was designated as crown prince. Only a few facts were known and spread to the public.

1. Because the king and his older brothers were all dead, the third prince's middle name that represented his kingship would be given by the god Delmira at his coming of age ceremony when he turned 18.

2. During his time as crown prince, third prince Dominic would be doing the duties of the king and crown prince with the advice of the nobles.

3. All dissenting voices on crown prince Dominic's duties were quelled when he demonstrated his second attribute affinity. As the eleventh shaman with the highest affinity level ever seen in the kingdom of Anatol, crown prince Dominic summoned his two older brothers in front of the court and publicly signed a contract with both the first and second princes. Both spirits had complete memories of their life and submitted voluntarily to their youngest brother. They remained silent to all of the noble's questions and only left a few words before leaving.

—"The youngest will be king."