
Chapter 9:


''Good morning girls. Ready for your first training with me?''

''Naee'' they all say in unison.

I smile at their excitement.

But my smile fades when my heart clenches.


''Chan... are you okay?''

Nothing. I try again.

''Chan can you hear me?''

''Unnie are you okay?'' Chaewon asks, waking me up of my daze.

I look at her smiling slightly.

''Yeah i'm good'' i say. ''Let's start by worming up a bit okay''


I wasn't in my right mind the whole time... i kept thinking about Chan.. is he alright? Ugh why am i even worrying... like whyy!!!

You know what, i found it... i'm just gonna hate him.... yes hate him and despise him, and live as if he's not there. And just focus on my work and my brother...oh and Lix too, yes he's important. I shouldn't forget the guys as well. They're so sweet.

''Unnie, are you sure you're okay? If you're sick or something we can just train some other time?''

''No no no... there is no way... i was just thinking of a choreography but i'm good now. C'mon let's go we have a lot of work to do. Oh and... i'm sorry for zoning out'' i smile at them feeling a new energy building up my whole body.

Suddenly we hear knocking on the door. It was JYP with a girl that might be my age?

''Girls i present to you, Minji she'll be you're coordinator.''

''Annyeonghaseyo Minji imnida. I hope we'll get together well.'' She says with a cheerful tone, i already like her, she reminds me of Seungmin somehow.

We all bow back at her.

''I'll leave you guys now, get back to work''


''Hey Minji-ssi would you like to have lunch with us? It's me the girls and Stray Kids.''

''Oh if Stray Kids are going to be there i'm sure going to join you!'' She says with a giggle. ''Wait, i didn't mean it that way. Umm ... yes sure it sounds nice. I'll have lunch with you guys.''

We all laugh after that.

''Good we'll be able to get to know each other more'' i smile at her. And we all go to the cafeteria.

When Jeongin sees me he quickly gets up from his seat coming to hug me. I hug him back. After that all the boys stand up asking for a hug of course all of them except Chan. And Seungmin... where is he?

''Hyunjin-ah.. where's Seungmin?'' I ask him since he was sitting beside me.

''Oh... he said he needed the restroom. He'll be back in a minute.''

I nod starting to eat my food.

Then i see Seungmin coming.

''Hey guys.. i- aaargh'' he groans letting his tray of food falling on the ground and grabbing his leg tightly as if in pain.

Then i notice that Minji-ssi does the same thing. Wait... is she...?

''Seungmin... are... you okay?'' I say stading up crouching down at his level.

He slowly lifts his head tears in his eyes. But he doesn't look at me... he's looking at Minji.

I look towards her and see a happy smile on her face, that's until Seungmin harshly gets up running away from us... Oh my God, this isn't good. Who am I even kidding I'm talking as if I didn't reject my soulmate as well? Argh, life is complicated.

I turn around to the boys and they all have their heads down. My eyes suddenly lock with Chan's. But we quickly look away.

Minji stands up and excuses herself before leaving the cafeteria.

''I'll go check on Seungmin... wait who's gonna talk to Minji-ssi?''

''Just let them be for now YN, i think they'll need some time alone'' Felix says smiling at me pulling me back on my seat beside him. He was sitting on my left and Hyunjin on my right.


After finishing work i get back home... the boys were all in the living room but they seemd tense. Wait.

''Where's Seungmin? Is he in his room?''

''Noona... S- Seungmin hyung didn't come back yet. We haven't seen him since lunch.'' Jeongin says his eyes teary.

''What?'' No... it can't happen. ''I'm going out to look for him.''

''Wait.. Yn-ah, Chan hyung is already out looking for him...''

''I don't care i'm going out''

I put my shoes back on.

When i open the door, i'm met with Chan's face. He looked tense and stressed.


I walk past him ignoring him, but he grabs me from my wrist, the warmth of his hand overwhelming my whole body.

''You can't go out at this time.''

''I don't give a shit, i'm going out to look for my brother.''

''I already looked for him he's nowhere to be seen''

''I said i'm going out'' i say sternly.

''Well then... i'll go with you''

''O-okay...'' did i just stutter!

We get in Chan's black van.

We go to the park.

''I suggest we separate ways, if you find him call me... wait i don't habe you're number'' i say realising that i still didn't have his contact.

''You know what there's no need anyway... you... you can just talk to me.. through thoughts ...yeah that'll be enough''

Then i just walk away too busy praying for Seungmin to be alive.

Nothing. He's nowhere to be seen.

''I can't find him... did you find anything?''

''No... I can't find him anywhere. I'll meet you at the van we'll go look for him somewhere else.''

With that i run to the car as fast as possible and suddenly an idea of where Seungmin could be pops in my head.

''Is there a dog caffe near here?'' I say as soon as i get to the car and spott Chan.

''Uuuh.. yes i think i know one around here, w-why tho?'' He answers panting. He was running as well.

''Just go there.''


We get to the cafe and I quickly look for my twin... please let him be here... please let him be safe.

I searched with my eyes for him everywhere until I spot a silhouette that looked like him but he was having his back to me and he wasn't alone...

I get closer to their table, Chan following close after me. As if the person senses our presence he turns back, he's wearing a mask but I can tell that it's Seungmin. When I said that he wasn't alone. I was right. But I was more surprised to see who he was with...