Five million years might seem much, but it the eyes of the Myriad Cosmos Universe's sentience, it's time was already running out.
However, haste makes waste. The process of choosing the Agent of Fate shouldn't be done in a hurry. It's the crucial point after all.
[Should I create a new soul, or should I use an existing one?]
Both options had advantages and disadvantages.
Using an existing soul would require less time, less effort and unless the recieve a great impact, old souls rarely change.
However using an old soul would entail inheriting the souls [Karma], which usually affects cultivators negatively. Also, the older the soul, the lower it's potencial, whith rare exceptions.
Creating a new soul would require quite some time and effort, after all, souls were delicate things, and unlike a regular soul, the Agent of Fate's must not have any flaw, that would only result in catastrophe to it.
A new soul would be very malleable, and their personality and character could be molded by it's surroundings until it lived enough to "harden" itself. This meant that the new soul would not necessarily stay the way it was meant to be.
As newly created soul, naturally it would not have prior [Karma] problems to worry about. It would not affect it negatively or positively. They would only need to pay attention to the [Karma] created this lifetime.
Also, a new soul's potential is full of possibilities. Their talent is naturally greater than old souls.
[Potential would be a crucial factor in the later stages of the Trial. Even though I can't interact with them too much, they should know their mission and it's importance.]
As soon as it decided, Myriad Cosmos Universe's sentience started to work.
Slowly and carefully, it assembled Qi.
[It shall be a perfectly healthy and strong soul, full of potential.]
After gathering a sufficient amount of Qi, it started infusing Soul Power.
[It shall be adaptable. It'll have great control of it's body and it's capabilities no matter it's body's race and bloodline.]
Using the authority and pressure of the heavens it handle the soul and changed it's format.
[It shall be a male, as currently the cultivation society is much more dangerous towards women. I don't want to fail the Trial because my Agent is a female.]
It might seem unfair but it was true.
Cultivation was not restricted to males, and many women cultuvated. However, the cultivation society is mostly machist and patriarchal.
The amount of women supreme experts was much smaller than the male counterparts, and most women studied and followed the path of other women, making cultivation methods meant for women to be much scarcer and undiversified.
This formed a vicious cycle that reduced the possibility of a female to reach the pinnacle of strength.
This didn't manage stop a few women from standing at the very top though.
Manipulating Qi of various elements and natures and utilising laws unknow even to the strongest experst in the universe, it began to mold the soul.
[His mind will be sharp. He will be able to understand my laws and mysteries much faster than others.]
Finally, it took something glowing in rainbow colors. It was both the proof of his identity as Agent of Fate and his tool to help him complete his mission.
[He will have a Differential. It will be powerfull, but limited. It'll provide him with guidance and great strength, but it will also test and threaten him.]
It was done. It has been a very long time since it create a soul by it's own hands.
It checked time and again to find any mistake it could have overlooked.
After a few thousands checks, there didn't seem to be any trouble.
There was no time to waste! His mission had to start immediately.
[Now, where will you be born? This choise is also very important.]
If his background was too great, he was bound to attract a lot of attention, whether he wanted it or not, risking the exposure of his identity. However, a background too weak would obstruct his growth and put him in danger, endangering the whole universe, after all, if he dies, the Trial will be considered a failure.
Also a background that had a fierce internal competition would also put him in great danger.
The ideal choise was a peaceful and strong backgroung. It would be even better if they were secluded and low-key.
[It should also be a neutral alignment, or at least a non extremist.]
Large organizations like countries, sects and cults were divided in three categories: [Righteous], [Evil] and [Neutral].
Righteous and Evil organizations were almost always in hostile relationship. At least publicly.
If the Agent was to guide and unite the most talented [Fated] in order to defeat the Trial Beast, they need at least be able to talk without drawing their weapons against eachother.
As the Heavens, Myriad Cosmos Universe's sentience naturally knew anything and everything about everything and everyone in the Myriad Cosmos Universe.
After some thought, it immediately came to an answer.
[Ghost Fox Valley Sect.]
With everything decided, it was time to start.
[Go, my child. May you find success in your endeavours.]
Ghost Fox Valley Sect headmaster was currently very anxious.
His wife was currently in labor. His first child was about to be born.
Watching him walking back and forth was a white fox. It seemed fed up with him.
"Calm down, headmaster. Your wife and child will be just fine. You're the headmaster, for god's sake. Show some composure."
"Calm down?! How can I calm down?! My wife's and son's life might be in danger and I can't-"
His hysterical shouting was interrupted by an unmistakable sound.
"Waaaaaaaaahh. Uwaaaaaaaaa. Uweeeeeeeeen."
The headmaster immediately used his fastest movement technique and invadade the room that was the origin of the cry.
After slamming the door open he immediately went to his wife, who was smiling while holding a crying baby.
When he saw the baby's face however, he froze on his tracks and kept staring at him dazedly. He was feeling a lot of emotions this moment. Pride, joy, fear, anxiousness.
The wife noticing the headmaster's daze woke him up.
"Husband look. It's a boy. Your son, our son."
The headmaster woke up with a start. He finally reached hia wife's side, where he wanted to pick up his son, but he was shaking too much. He was afraid to pick up his child. It looked so fragile, wouldn't he break him if he weren't careful?
"D-dear, how about you? How are you?"
The woman rolled her eyes, seeing through husband.
"I'm perfectly fine. Here, take him. You've yet to choose his name."
The man carefully moved his shaking hands around the baby. After a long time he managed to pick him up on his embrace.
The headmaster nearly broke in tears. That small life immediately became the most precious thhing in his life.
"He is the fulfilment of our wishes, so he will be named Luixing.'
Meanwhile, the baby Luixing was just recovery from the terrible headache he just felt when he was born.
All the information was perfectly stored in his mind that definitively is not comparable to a normal newborn's mind.
After "reading" through everything, it felt a tremendous distressed. It had a monumental mission and the fate of every life and the existence of the heavens themselves was riding on his shoulders.
'Damn', though baby Luixing, ' I just wanted to be a Mr. Nobody. I don't want such an important role.'.
Whether it was intentional or not by the Heavens, it seems that the Agent of Fate really didn't want to stand out.