Chapter 3 - See the Truth.. Hear the truth..stay silent..

The Congress of the Senate, was a remarkable building in the heart of Indomnia. Its wide halls inside were made of the purest marble and there so may offices and so many beautiful paintings, that decorated the walls in and outside the offices, Frescoes adorned the ornate ceilings and portraits of past and present heads of states. The Main offices of the Senate, itself was a work of absolute perfection in regards to masonry, the Main office off course being occupied, by the current Senator Ray Griffiths, The Chief Senator of Congress and the Leader of the ruling party known as The Founder's party. Every Past ruling President, every Senator, Statesman and member of this centuries old party, ruled Indomnia with an iron fist. They had never allowed the opposition party or people to dictate or assist in making or passing new laws. Although the Federation claimed to be the most Democratic and most people rights orientated Nations in the newly formed Earth Coalition States. However, others in the Federation knew the truth about the Founder's Party and what they helped the current ruling Federation President Larry Eiderman get up to. President Eiderman was what you would call, a wanted follower, a proper disciple of the school of old and ancient alchemy of bedeviling people, ruling the people's minds and destroying any hope they might have of being different. Although the opposition party of the federation, the People Unite, were slowly building momentum, their leader Senator Julian Cavalle, faced an uphill battle getting the majority voters of Indomnia, to change parties and vote for them. Never had the party members, Senatorial members or even its supporters been harassed or threatened in public. However, rumors were rife in the Federation and Indomnia, that a mysterious force was at work, slowly and effectively silencing those who would oppose the dictatorial ways of the President. Demonstrations were allowed, Debates were even entertained, but every now and then, mysteriously a reporter who was overeager in his or her judgements and writing of the President, would be found dead on the streets of Indomnia and its surrounds. The cause of death would normally be a mugging or at other causes given: asphyxia, stabbing to the main ventricle artery and all such issues were the delight of gossip mongers at dinner tables around Indomnia. One thing was certain, and that was that whatever was going on in Indomnia, none of its citizens, its elite members of society and even its general population had any idea as to what was to unfold in the weeks to come.

Bianca cursed as she spat out the stale Dunky doughnut she was eating on. Dana laughed and asked:"What's wrong hun? cat caught your tongue? Or should I rather ask if Dunky D finally got your taste bud wagging ha ha ?!" Bianca threw the empty wrapper at her and laughed at her and said:" I hope you're enjoying your day with me Dana, as you seem to have forgotten that our chops are on the line the Senate and the brass. Dana looked at her irritated and barked:" okay Miss Spoil Sport! Let's go pay us a visit to the Coroner's office, I'm tired of that M.E. making us wait so long and he had better not be trying my patience today, or he might just join some his corpses on a good ole' slab of his own>

The office of the Federal Medical Examiner was a cold, tidy and very funny smelling place, Dana equated the smell to that of bleach being used to clean items. They found the office on the 4th floor of the City Hall Building. As they entered an officer stopped them at the door. Good morning officers, how may we help you today?" he asked grinning at Bianca. Dana smiled a terse smile and said: I'm Special Detective Dana Phiri-Rutherford and this is my partner you're grinning at Special Detective Bianca Carmichael, F.O.D, we are the lead detectives on the Mayor Cato murder case, we are here to see Dr. Trendell. The officer becoming serious now saluted both of them and led them into Dr. Trendell's Personal office, smiling at Bianca he secretly asked her telephone number, she agreed and quickly typed it in on his cellular phone. Dana rolled her eyes and went in to meet Dr. Trendell. "Good morning Dr. Trendell, I'm...".Without turning his back from Dana and continuing to stich the last closing stitches on the corpse spread out before him, he replied:"One more second please….Excellent! that should do it "looking up at his assistant, the Dr. said:"Linda, please finish the bioanalysis report on this one, thank you." Turning to face Dana, he held out his hand and said:"Ah Yes! Forgive me I presume you are Special Detective Dana Phiri-Rutherford; I was told by your commander that you would pay me a visit. Stunned, Dana replied: "Thank you Dr. Forgive me for the intrusion but unfortunately the Senate is rushing us for a report and feedback on the death of our beloved Mayor and this brings to you, to ask for the finalized autopsy report. Dr. Trendell nodding, went to a locked filing cabinet and after entering a unique code she could not see, on a keypad attached to the cabinet, he unlocked the cabinet and pulled out a file. :"Here you go Detective, this is it. Handing it to Dana he further remarked: "Please turn to Page 10, Sub-section five, under the heading Toxicology Analysis."

He continued: "As you can see Detective, the stomach contents reveals the last meal of His Honor the Mayor was beef lasagna, an eggplant salad and to drink, a double shot of some sort of whisky, there were no unknown compounds or any sort of poisonous substances of any form, found in his blood. However, one peculiar thing we picked up was that his potassium levels were highly elevated. Now this should not cause any concern, as he was a cardiac patient and we all know that he was killed as the direct result of a shot right through his jugular vain. This would mean that …:"That the killer knew exactly where to aim and shoot and that he was a professional marksman or assassin". Impressed the Dr. looked at her and said: "Precisely! Perhaps you should join us here Detective, some our students are somewhat "delayed" in their thinking. Laughing Dana replied: "Thank you Doc but I think the whole building would rebel if I worked here but I will keep that offer in mind" Smiling lightly again, she thanked the Dr. for the autopsy report and walked out of his office, to find Bianca twirling her hair and standing like a cheerleader with her new boyfriend at a music box in a diner, giggling together. As soon as she was in close range they both jumped startled and Bianca started:" oh, great you're back, hope it went well "she asked trying to look as official as ever. Dana replied:" Sure thing, let's go we have to stop of at ballistics, thank you officer for keeping my partner safe, I am truly impressed, enjoy you day.| He smiled and shook Dana's hand and as they left he blew Bianca a kiss. Dana laughed hysterically and Bianca frowned as she said to her:"Looks like someone scored her a date for the weekend". Bianca laughed as they walked out of the Medical Wing at the City Hall. In the unmarked SUV outside, sat the strange mysterious man with the bowler hat and his team. They were just about ready to unleash the first of an installment of surprises that was not only going to rock Dana and Bianca's world but that of the entire population of Indomnia.