" Poor pathetic Linda." It was the mysterious man with the bowler hat talking to her, clearly agitated he faced off with his partner in crime.: "You listen to me very slowwwlllyyyy and nicely you old miserable bowler hat!!, I am not one of your little girlies nor your team slaves that you get to speak to you any way you want!, you are starting to really piss me off and, if you are not careful, you might be joining Bianca soon!!. Now get the hell out of my face, and if you ever try that surprise shit with me again, you will find out why I like meatballs, cutting them off and shoving in the mouths of wise assholes like yourself who mouth off too much!!!!." Angrily she got into her car, slammed the door and sped off, leaving the man with the bowler hat laughing as he watched her drive off. He loved Linda but she knew how to push his buttons, and he was not willing to let her steal his shine, oh no! Linda was the one that needed to be careful, because he worked way too hard on this and was not about to let a wannabe criminal take it all away from him, he whistled as he adjusted his hat and signaled for a limousine that was parked off in the distance of the basement, to come and get him, he climbed in and grinned as they drove off. Yes, Linda was becoming a problem, which he needed to deal with as soon as possible!!!!!!!. As the Limousine drove out of the basement parking area, all was quiet, except for the humming of machinery in a corner. Then unnoticed, a shadow moved about, the shadow grew and stood at the spot where the man with the bowler hat and Captain Linda had stood earlier. It told itself that these two were both becoming a problem, and that as soon as they had completed their assignments, the shadow would deal with both of them and Dana. For now the Shadow drifted back into the darkness of the basement and disappeared leaving the basement area feeling cold and dirty.
Dana had just finished taking a shower, when her front door bell rang. She quickly towel dried her hair off and slipped a bath sheet around her body and slipped into slippers and a dressing gown and went to find out who it was. When she opened the door slightly, it seemed to be a courier delivery man, he had the initials UPS written on his brown and yellow cap. He was standing holding a large box in one arm and clipboard in another:"Good evening mam, are you Miss Dana Phiri-Rutherford?" he asked, she replied:"yes I am, is that for me?":"yes it is mam, overnight courier delivery, please could you sign for it?" he asked, she smiled and slipped the chain lock off from its groove in the door and opened to step out and sign it. He smiled a very bright smile and Dana though to herself, that he was a very handsome young man. She thanked him and took the box from him and asked him to wait to fetch a tip for him, he thanked her but told her it was fine, and that he had been tipped already. She said goodbye and took the big box in and closed the front door and locked it. She was very intrigued as to who it could be from, and took the box to the breakfast table, where she took a letter knife and ran it along the edge of the tape on the box and opened it, when she looked inside it was another box, a white box, she took it out and there was a red rose attached to the top. She looked at the note taped on the rose, it read:" Dearest Love, I didn't know if loved roses but I do hope you like it, it reminded me of you my beautiful Dana, if Heaven permits, I hope to see you soon. All my love, Your Brian xoxo"
Feeling like a young lovesick college girl back in college, she opened up the box and found an exquisite evening gown. It was made of the finest silk and it appeared to be an off the shoulder gown, in a Grecian style, with an exquisite Swarovski crystal brooch on the top and at the small slit on the side near the hip was a Swarovski ribbon brooch attached. It had a small train; this remarkable gown was in a pale pink color. It was accompanied by another smaller box, she opened this one too and in there found the matching clutch purse and gloves as well as a lovely pair of Christian le Croix heels. This truly was the most beautiful gift anyone had given her in a long time she thought, and she immediately called him to thank him. His cellular went to voicemail and she left him a message:" My darling I have no words to express my thanks, it is a most unexpected gift and it is so lovely, I thank you and love you too, I hope to wear it for you soon and go to our favorite place to celebrate. Love you, bye." As Dana put down the phone, she realized that it was a waste of time denying how she felt about Mark to herself!. After all the protesting and fighting and denying she had been doing lately, she finally admitted to herself that she was in love with Mark, in fact that she truly loved Mark too. She put her gift away and then tried to still the lovely butterflies in her stomach and felt a bit better after she had consumed three double shots of whisky with the Captain, she decided to dress quickly and then see what was on tv, she was told by the jail warder that Bianca was not allowed any visitors at current, and she remembered the Captain asking her to calm down and wait a bit before reacting. She prayed for her dearest friend and Sister in her heart and as tears streamed down her eyes, took the bottle of whisky and a half eaten cannelloni from the fridge and sat down in front of the tv and decided to put on a dvd movie, to keep her mind occupied, she put a musical dvd of Mariah Carey, a famous songbird musician whom she had loved as a child and even now, and as Mariah hit those beautiful notes effortlessly, Dana felt herself relax as she enjoyed the music and drank the rest of the whisky. That night Dana slept the sleep of the angels. She had no nightmares and kept calling Bianca's name in her sleep. Her dreams were filled with images of Judge Holder and Mayor Cato and them trying to tell her something she could not hear. It was as if they were talking but no sound was coming out from their mouths. Then, nothing…..she fell into a very deep sleep and drifted off to a faraway place, where only peace and tranquility could be found.
In the morning when Dana awoke to sound alarm clock radio going off at 6am, she thought she would scream and tear the place down. Her head was throbbing and she felt as is little garden gnomes were dancing inside her head, and she quickly went to her drug cabinet, and took two aspirin tablets with water and made a bloody Mary hangover cocktail, she felt a little less queezy, but then decided to make a greasy breakfast, of cheese grillers, bacon and eggs and fried onions, and was surprised at the amount she consumed, after that, she sat on the sofa and turned on her tv set, every channel had the early morning news headlines on, and all she heard as she skipped between the tv channels with her remote control, was Bianca's name. Poor Bianca, she never missed her friend like she did now and this was the hardest thing she had to do…..somehow she had to get to Bia.
Today was the third night that Bianca spent in jail, she got used to the cold walls now, and although the hospitality of the jail warder was more than lacking, she paid no attention to their rudeness and ill-treatment of her. She asked for some water the previous day and they told her to check her feeding bowl in the urinal section. She retorted that maybe they could refill it for her with their special kind of water in those pants that had no nuts and they just smirked and left her alone after that. They didn't know that she was used to this kind of treatment, she had grown up all her life not knowing anything but the cruelness and unkind sick, demented and sexually perverse way in which adults dealt with her. For her it was just another day and week in the concrete jungle, where she was preparing herself for her lead role in the production of her life, in which she would become the part and play it, that part which she hated so much, the part of willing martyr, for the cause of the just, she had seen a thriller movie once, the Crucible, and she now came to understand, just how easy it was to go from being a much loved heroine to being a martyr. As late night fell on the 16th precinct, she settled down to another night of loneliness and confinement, just then, a police officer dragged in a lady of the night, a prostitute known as Sugar, who was busted regularly for plying her trade, to so many wanting clients in Indomnia and the surrounding suburbs. Sugar was so well known and although she was seen by many as just a "lousy gold digging lady of the night", due to her striking beauty and " feline" type manners, was however still many times offered lead roles in high-end b-grade movie productions and marriage offers by sleazy guys who thought of Sugar as their one and only dream gal. As the police offer threw her into the cell next to Bianca, she swore at him and then licked and bit her lips as she looked at him and he just laughed and said to her: "Now you best behave Sugar, or I'll have to give you your shots tonight!", Sugar laughed a feline laugh and purred like a cat as she replied: "Well honey if they all looked as delicious as you did they could do that and more, so when's you gonna come and visit Sugar for some….Sugar….a young hot filly like you needs Momma Sugar to release that there tension and those calves under that pants look like they need Momma Sugar's golden touch to send 'em to pleasurama and back baby, you know where I am. It can be our dirrrttty little secret."She blew him a kiss and although the young cop faked disinterest, Bianca noted the severe blush on his gorgeous face and him standing uncomfortably to the side, and she laughed hurriedly exited the jail area and left Sugar blowing him kisses and laughing to herself. She then turned her attention to Bianca, and whistled a low feline meow as she turned to her and said:" Well hello there kitsy cat!!! Mmmm what is a delicious little morsel like yourself doing here?, wait a minute!, you kinda look familiar...Wait a minute now I know who you are! Well doggone it! Call me a cat on a hot tin roof! " Bianca shot her a dangerous side look." Yall that little vixen cop turned vigilante bad girl, who offed that darn strict judge what you ma call him aren't ya?!" Bianca continued to ignore her and went and layed down on her side and said nothing. Sugar needed no further encouragement:"Well I don't blame ya hun, this 'ere men's world is one sick damn primordial cesspool for us gals to get thru and no matter who we are, we gals gotta stick together and take care o business when we need to. Peace and power to yah un, oooohhhh! My knickers missing, that handsome young devil took them out ma bag! Good for him, coz when Sugar get outta here I'm going to pay his a little visit and give him not just that but a whole lotta Sugar hahahaha" Bianca winced as the crazy hooker laughed her irritating laughter and was relieved, when she eventually quieted down and lied down on her bunker to sleep. Time felt as if it stood still for Bianca and before she knew it she dozed off to sleep.
Later that night, when all was quiet, it was late night, and the precinct was so quiet you could hear a pin fall. Most of the patrol cars and cops were out and the warden had already locked down the jail area. All that could be heard snoring , was off course the illustrious and somewhat crazy feline gal Sugar, whose snoring could have cut down an entire rain forest for the paper industrialists, Bianca was so tired that even her fellow inmate could not wake her. As these two continued to sleep deeply, another sinister presence was moving about, the lamp shades flickered and a gentle wind entered the jail cells, it was as if someone was passing, or rather, something...…Slowly a shadow started forming in the darkest part of the jail cell shadows next to Bianca and Sugar's cell, the shadow grew and grew and until eventually it grew to stand tall over the two sleeping bodies. The shadow seemed to have a life of its own and slowly drifted towards Bianca, every movement it made, was followed by nothing but cold, dark, evil, as Sugar turned in her sleep, the shadow stilled for a moment. Sugar cursed inwardly as she pulled the thin sheet like blanket the sexy young cop gave her, over her body, she suddenly felt like her cell seemed colder than before, she turned again and in a bit was off to snoring. Then the shadow started moving again, ever closer to Bianca's cell, it snaked past the bars and went to stand right in front of Bianca, its sole purpose this evening, was transmuted into the atmosphere as it closed in on her. Bianca, oblivious of what was taking place, was sound asleep, as the shadow moved over her, in deep state of sleep, she felt a slight chill mover over her body and she tried to pull her blanket over, suddenly the greatest amount of fear she had ever felt in her life, came over and she felt unable to move, no sound escaped her throat as she whimpered in her bunker. She tried to move her body to an upright position, when the force of some invisible strange weight came crashing back down onto her. She managed to kick one of her feet off the bed and this made a slight noise that started waking up Sugar, and still Bianca could not scream or move, Sugar started waking up and as she wiped the sleep from her eyes, she looked around her for the source of the commotion and was shocked at what she saw. Right next to her, was the crazy cop chic being suspended in mid air now, by her throat, arms flailing and kicking in the air, with no sound coming from her, there seemed to be some shadowy thing holding her around the neck. Sugar jumped up from her bed and started screaming a prayer she remembered from back in the day, when she attended a Christian Private School. The Shadowy thing slammed the lady cop into the wall, and dropped her to the floor, it seemed as though it turned its direction and Sugar felt the cold drift come her way, her very neck hair was standing up! She started screaming and ran towards the other end of the cell using her earrings to bang on the cell bars, but that was short lived. Annoyed by her noise, the shadow slithered over to her and grabbed her by the hair! It snaked its long shape around her and slammed her into the bars of her cell violently, she felt like she was in a nightmare and did not have the strength to scream, over and over she could only muster the words No! Please! as the shadow continually violently slammed her into the cell, she screamed one last time, and then it was over…..Sugar lay sprawled on the floor of her cell, her faced bludgeoned beyond recognition, the shadow pleased with its work, proceeded back to Bianca, who was now on her feet banging against the bars and screaming hysterically at the shadow:"Come on you murdering sack of air! I'm not going down, without a fight. Heaven, help me defeat this spawn of satan who comes now to take my life in such a cowardly way. As the shadow came near to her, the lights to the jail area went on and there was a commotion outside the door, police were running around and she heard yelling, this took her attention away for a moment and that was all the shadow needed to grab her by the throat, she cursed and fought and spat at the shadow, she hit the air, and as her last strength left her and the felt the blood pulsed in her head, she cried and thought of Dana, of not seeing her beautiful friend and sister again, and she took her last bit of strength and cursed the shadow, she cursed it in every way she could and though she could not hit it back, she knew it felt the cursing, she cried and then the pain stopped, the pain and the angst left her body, she became still and saw a light, she felt the very life leave her and felt herself pulled towards this bright light she could not explain, and as her life ebbed away, she forgave all.those who had hurt her and asked that endless love be sent to Dana helping her to deal with this. Thereafter she went limp and died..
Dana was sleeping when she got the call, it was 3am that morning, she was not sure if it was a joke when her Captain called her and told her that Bianca, the very sister and friend and partner she loved and known for so long, was found dead, hanged from her jail cell, Dana was hysterical and screaming as the Captain tried to calm her down over the phone, telling her that it appeared to be suicide. Dana screamed and yelled and fell to the floor of her bedroom, on her knees and holding herself, rocking herself back and forth, not believing what she was just told. Richard who had slept over that night, came running from the bathroom, and pulled her to himself, but Dana fought him and struggled against him holding her, he could not get her to tell him what set her off like this. She just kept screaming:"No! No! not my Bianca, not my sister, why, oh the hell why? No!!: She eventually fainted in Richard arms, and unable to revive her, Richard grabbed his car keys from the night stand, called an Ambulance, but decided to rush her to hospital, bare feet and panicking he carried her to the car, strapped her in and rushed out of the basement to the Farenheight Hospital, he grabbed his cellular phone and though he knew it was dangerous to talk and drive, called Dana's parents and relatives and told them what happened. Concerned, they told him they would meet them at the hospital. Richard was scared and worried for Dana. He had never seen this happen to her and he would be damned before he let something happen to the love of his life. "Hold on Dana! We'll be there soon my love just Hold on! I love you dammit! ". Richard skipped robots and was about a block away from the hospital when his cellular rang again, he looked at the number displayed on the caller line identity function of the cellular and ignored it. This was not the time for their crap. He had to save the love of his life. He screeched to a halt in front of the Trauma Emergency Entrance to the hospital and ran to the Casualty night desk and screamed for help, a team of nurses and doctors came running out with a stretcher, and put her on it gently, thereafter they ran to the casualty ward and asked Richard to wait outside as they tended to her. All Richard could think of was that he prayed Dana would be alright, he needed her in his life.
The Shadow moved around near the Rutherford Estate. It was pleases with ending Bianca's life. It mused to itself, as it slithered around the palatial estate, that if the Rutherford girl became "problematic ", it would have to "deal" with her too. No matter what agreements had been made by those who sent it and the Indomnia City Elders, It would not let them compromise the mission it had to complete .
Dana woke up not sure where she was, her head was pounding and she felt weak, she looked at her arm and saw there was a drip in her right arm, it was very painful, she felt very groggy and in a dream like state and tried lifting her head, but she couldn't and was not even sure of why she was in the hospital. As she lay there confused and dazed, she heard a door go open to her room and she smiled a weak smile as she recognized her mother and father standing over her bed. She could hear them talking to her, but she was too weak to answer and just smiled and nodded, next to them came to stand Richard, the worried look on his face told her that something serious must have happened. She could not recall anything and she must have been here for a while as her memory was very dreamy and clouded.
She fell drowsy again and drifted off into a much needed dreamlike state.
As Dana lay sleeping, her father and mother were busy discussing her current mental and health state in the waiting room. They were extremely worried about her and Father told Richard, that this was exactly what he was afraid would happen, that he never supported her choice to go into policing and that she should rather be aspiring to follow in her mother's footsteps. Seeing the apprehensive and uncertain expression look on Richard's face, Dana's Father continued saying that if he wanted Dana to be a part of his future, he had to "man up" and do what was necessary to protect Dana. Richard nodded carefully although he still was not convinced about her father's sincerity, Richard knew of Dana's father's reputation in the political world, for being ruthless and always getting what he wanted no matter what the cost. Richard respected Dana for being a independent woman, who made it in the world, not once using her family's name, power or wealth associated to them and Richard remembered that Dana had told him on two occasions, of how her father had tried manipulating her into marrying at a younger age, into many various political families, to "cement the future of ours" as an endless mantra that she had to endure. At one stage she refused to come from College she told Richard, too afraid that her father would spend the entire holidays through, pressurizing her to get married and abandon her policing career dreams. Richard was well aware of how much they did love their daughter and only wanted the best for her, but they also using this "rare" opportunity, to het Richard to convince her to take a break from her the dangerous life that she was leading and just be an everyday Barbie girl, living the high life. Richard asked to be excused and made up an excuse of having meetings to attend to that he cannot miss out on. He promised that he would be back later in the day to bring her two pairs of pajamas and some other essentials that she would need. He kissed Dana's mother very formally on her hand and shook her father's and left as quickly as his feet could carry him. Owen Phiri-Rutherford looked and Glenda his wife and said:" I refuse to let our daughter end her days in such state!! What will my enemies say and wait till the press finds out about this!! I am furious at her Glenda! Yet I am very worried for her and I am not going to let Richard get out of this so easy! He is perfect for her! We need to keep the pressure on until he caves in! They must be married and I will arrange for them to take an extended honeymoon, far away from all this nonsense! Damn that Bianca Carmichael! Even in death she ruins my daughter!" Owen was shaking with anger and Glenda knew better than to argue with him in such a state, she tried a more gentle approach:" Owen my darling, please calm yourself, you know this is not good for your blood pressure. Everything will work out as you plan, but we need to focus on getting our daughter healed for now, she is very fragile and only our love and gentle support can help her recover from this sad set of events. The doctor says she will be here for the week under observation, and that she is still suffering from dehydration and over exhaustion. Before you came, he also said that they will keep her sedated, I asked your bodyguard Ian to stand outside her door and make sure no one bothers her and hospital security is on high alert not to let anyone near her room that is not hospital staff. So you see my love, your way will still be had and work." Glenda held her husband close and kissed him gently and reassuringly to make him see that he was not alone in wanting the best for their daughter. Owen was very grateful that Glenda was with him during this stressful time, he always knew he made the best choice when he married Glenda, she was not only graceful and wise beyond her years but diplomatic and exceptionally beautiful. When Owen's parents and family met Glenda, they knew she was the one for him and immediately convinced him to marry her, and he was a proud husband of both an amazing wife and a proud of father, of a daughter whose beauty was just as rare as her mother's. However, he knew very well that her stubborn streak and strong willed ways came from his side of the family, he remembered how his father made his mother stress herself to smithers, with his difficult, stubborn nature, in a way Dana was more a chip off the old block than she wanted to admit, and he would be damned if he was going to let her drag the family name through the mud and destroy everything he worked so hard to build, just because she had the temerity to leave the family and find her so called place in the world. Yes, he was going to do everything in his power, to make sure that Dana would not fight him this time; Richard would be the key to keeping Dana in her place and moulding Richard in his own ways and image was the perfect way to ensure this. They would know that Owen Phiri-Rutherford does not take no for an answer, and that he sure as hell did not get where was today in life, by letting others refuse him or have their own way. They went to check on Dana one last time and found her sound asleep, the nurse on duty asked them to please rather come back tomorrow, as the Doctor had given her a sedative and was going to ensure that she would sleep soundly the rest of the evening.
As Dana lay there sound asleep, a shadow seemed to stir in the room, the shadow came, very close to her, it was the mysterious man with the bowler hat. He had slipped in quietly just as her irritating parents had left the room; he was dressed as a male nurse and found the uniform both uncomfortable and hot. Amusingly he thought it would be so easy, to end the life of this stunning young woman, right there and then, but that was not their plan for them. They had instructed him themselves that absolutely no harm was to come to her until she had fulfilled her part in their devious plans for her. He was to ensure that she be cut off completely from everything and everyone she held dear, especially that bloody prissy boyfriend of hers. The man with the bowler hat wondered what a gorgeous spitfire like herself saw in such a weakling like him, but not to worry he laughed inwardly, soon that would not matter at all. Just as quietly as he slipped into her room, he vanished again, pleased that she was fine and alive. He however did not notice another shadow in the room. This time it was the shadow that had been causing so many problems and the sinister force that ended the life of Dana's partner Bianca. They told it to follow him and make sure that he was doing as per their instructions. The malevolent force was ever sure that the time was coming, that it would have to get rid of him permanently; it swept past Dana and left her room.
That night, while Dana was sleeping soundly, she had no idea of all the wrong in this world that was just recently in her room. The Shadow gave her a menacing glare as it stood in her bedroom. It would be so easy to end her life right now it thought. However "They" insisted that a greater plan was being plotted for Dana. The Shadow decided to leave her alive for now at least....it slithered effortlessly out of her bedroom and into the deep vast night time.
Dana opened her eyes to the somewhat blinding light that came flooding into her room at the hospital, she closed her eyes again quickly and winced at the sharpness of it, the nurse that was arranging her flowers on her bed stand, apologized and went over to the window to adjust the lighting, the sunlight now gently flickered into the room. Dana became aware of how rested and relaxed she felt, but not even that could take away the pain and sorrow that was resonating at the core of her soul. She had lost the one other person, except her mother, who truly understood as a woman, what it meant to fight for your place in this world. She had not only lost a sister and a best friend, but one helluva of a partner, whose instincts and gusto had saved them many a time, when she, Dana, chose to go with facts and not intuition. How was she ever going to get over the fact that Bianca was gone? What made it ever more painful, was the way in which Bia, had chosen to end it all. She must have been so desperate to have peace and after all she had been through prior to taking her own life, Dana just could not make sense of this tragedy. There had to be more to this story, and Dana, swore that as soon as she felt up to it, she was going to make sure that she finds out the entire truth, regarding the events that lead up to her darling Bia, ending her life a week ago. Dana's parents in their usual controlling way had send over someone to pack up Bianca's things and placed them in storage, the apartment had been "cleaned" and except for a few photos that Richard managed to save and place next to Dana on her hospital bed stand, there was no trace of Bianca in the apartment. Richard was furious with her parents for doing this and told them so, they however insisted that this was for the best in helping Dana to recover from this tragedy, they also paid for Bianca's body to be moved back home to her last known foster parents and without consulting Dana, had done all of these arrangements. Dana was so angry when she saw them earlier this morning that she screamed at them to leave the room at once, and that she would never go home with them. She also yelled that she would be living with Richard and that their days of controlling every aspect of her life were over. This without Dana being aware of, was precisely what her father wanted to happen, as cold and cruel as he was, in politics he knew that to obtain the best possible outcome, you had to strike while the iron was hot. He told his wife that they would give Dana some time to calm down and then just one evening unbeknownst to her, would pop around to Richard's place to have dinner with them and would make sure that she was not able to say no. They would include a complete dinner and not give her any way to refuse them and they would make sure that Richard was part of every step of the plan. If he was going to be a part of the family and of her life, they intended to make sure that he knew his place in the family from the start, and part of that place, was to "tow the line when needed and when commanded to".
In the presidential office, sat the man who was leading the Federation into the new millennium. He was a man of the people, a man of substance (as he always liked to refer to himself), and the man who was going to make the Federation one of the most respected and most loved out all the Unified Nations in the world. This man was President Larry Eiderman, the man who was chosen and elected by the nation four years ago, to lead the Federation to greater heights. Larry Eiderman, growing up, was a very shy and introverted child. He came from a wealthy old family, in the southern unknown region of the Federation, that owned coffee and cotton plantations, and having had the traditional and very conservative upbringing he had, was a no nonsense guy who saw all things in life as black and white. Under his rule the Federation had seen an increase in trade with the Unified Nations and also a decrease in over taxation of its citizens, he had opened more clinics and health care facilities than any other of the Federation's previous presidents, the country's borders were secured and immigration issues were sorted out without any hassles. His policies and those of the Senate under the leadership of the ultra conservative and close friend to him, Senator Ray Griffiths, ensured that the Federation and Indomnia, remained fairly secured under his watch and in his control. The poor opposition was still trying to find his feet and with the next presidential elections only three years away, Larry Eiderman had no real reason to worry, except off course, for the bullshit crisis that was taking place in Indomnia!
Just when he think things could not get any worse, bloody Mayor Cato goes and get himself killed, leaving Indomnia (a stronghold of the founders party) to be run by its deputy mayor and friend to the opposition, Deputy Mayor Karen Arlene, a weak and indecisive leader, thought Larry Eiderman, who was all about loving each other and living happy together as one, when he knew that to obtain ultimate freedom, certain other freedoms and right would have to sacrificed in the process of keeping his family safe. He kept a close eye on her and made sure that she knew who was still in charge. As for the Congressional Senate, they were losing (in his opinion) all touch with reality. All the years he mused of living wealthy, high excessive lifestyles, had caused them to become immune to the sufferings of the everyday people in Indomnia. It was with this sentiment, that he would took matters into his own hands..