
Inside a big and luxurious bedroom, two young people were sleeping soundly on a soft bed; a young man and a young lady.

The young man wore red clothes, while the young lady was dressed in a white robe.

If anyone saw them, they would die of jealousy because the young man could sleep in a luxurious bedroom with a gorgeous lady in his arms.

But what would make them jealous the most was that the young lady was sleeping with a smile on her face as if she was sleeping in the arms of the person she loved dearly.

In other words, their sleeping position was so romantic, to the point it would make anyone who saw them filled with jealousy.

These two young people were none other than Xiao Ming and his binding partner, Evelyn.

Evelyn slowly opened her eyes when the rays of the morning sun entered the room through the windows.

However, she remained in her position because she felt comfortable in his arms. She had never even slept as comfortably as last night before.

This was the reason why she did not move from her position because she wanted to continue to feel the warmth of his embrace.

'It's already morning.'

She felt that morning came faster than usual.

'I should leave now, but….'

Sadness suddenly appeared in her heart when she imagined she would no longer be able to spend time with him every day.

Her life had been filled with happiness ever since she met him. Not only did he treat her well, but she also discovered many exciting things with him.

Due to how happy she was, she even once thought about continuing to live with him like that, but she changed her mind.

In a world where the strong ruled the weak, they would not be able to live happily forever if they could not defend themselves.

Sure, she was in the category of strongest people in Nightshire city, but her strength was nothing in Vlizica continent.

This was the reason why she had to return to the Misty Palace because she would only be able to have a happy life if she were strong.


Her heart did not want to part with Xiao Ming because the world always turned into a beautiful place when she was with him.

She had even forgotten that this world was a cruel place because her heart was only filled with happiness when she was with him.

However, she knew they would be unable to maintain their happiness forever if they were weak.

This world was a cruel place where only the strong got the privileges.

Weak people would only be bullied or taken advantage of, especially attractive people like her and Xiao Ming.

'No. I should not waver. I have to leave now or else it will be hard for me to leave.'

She was sure she did not want to part with him even more if she stayed in his room longer.

For this reason, she sat on the edge of his bed after placing a letter on the table.

Yes, she had prepared a letter for him before!

'Ace, I'm sorry for leaving like this.'

She chose to leave in silence because, with this, it would be easier for her to part with him.

'Please take care of yourself when I'm not around, Ace.'

She caressed his cheek for the last time before finally walking out of his room.

Ten minutes after she left, Xiao Ming finally woke up.

'Hmm? Where is she?'

He was a little disappointed when he did not see Evelyn in his room because he planned to lovey-dovey with her after waking up.

'Has she returned to her room?'

He was startled when he saw a letter on the table.

'A letter?'

His pupil dilated, and he rushed to Evelyn's room after reading the letter.

[Ace, when you read this letter, that means I have left Nightshire city.]

He knew that Evelyn had left the Maniacal Shrub Inn, but he still ran to her room because he hoped she was in her room.

[I know you're angry and disappointed that I left without saying goodbye, but this is the best for us.]


He threw open the door.

"Big sister!" he instantly turned around and rushed out of the inn when he did not see anyone in her room.

He did not bother closing the door because what he had in mind was only one thing.

Find Evelyn!

He could not accept it.

No, he did not want to accept it.

Sure, they were not lovers, but they had spent time together for more than two weeks.

They had even done things that only lovers would do, like hugging, going on dates and kissing.

This was the reason why he did not want to accept it. He did not forbid her to leave, but she should at least say goodbye, not leaving without saying anything like that.

[Thank you for everything, Ace. Thank you for protecting me and treating me well during our time together.]

'Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Didn't you promise to go to the lake with me today?'

His heart was filled with sadness as he ran out of the inn.

He thought today would become another beautiful memory, but he was wrong because what welcomed him after waking up was a goodbye letter from Evelyn.

[I will never forget our beautiful memories of when we were in the cave or Nightshire city.]

At this moment, Xiao Ming was already in front of Maniacal Shrub Inn. He skimmed his surroundings, hoping to find her.

[You show me what happiness is. You show me how beautiful this world is, and you show me all what I've been missing all this time.]

He rushed towards every woman who looked like Evelyn. However, they were not her. They were not the person he was looking for.

'She has left.'

He stopped looking for her and stood in front of the wall, leaning his back against the wall.

[For me, meeting you and spending time with you is the most beautiful gift I ever got in my life. I will never forget all the times we have spent together forever. Goodbye, Ace. And I'm sorry.]

Xiao Ming took a deep breath before finally exhaling it.

'At least, you should say goodbye to me. This is unfair to me.'

His heart ached because someone he had spent every day with suddenly disappeared without saying goodbye.

Evelyn, who was floating in the sky, looked at him.

At this moment, all the memories she had spent with him suddenly appeared in her mind.

"My name is Ren." Xiao Ming introduced himself to her.

Another memory popped up.

"Here. Eat this grilled fish." He said as he gave a grilled fish to her.

Another memory appeared in her mind.

"Hehe." Both Xiao Ming and Evelyn chuckled as he carried her on his back.

Another memory popped up.

"Ava!" he said anxiously as he rushed towards the Ice Cheetah to save her.

Another memory emerged.

"Don't worry. I will always protect you." Xiao Ming stated. "I won't let anyone hurt you, including magical beasts."

And the memory of them kissing under the beautiful full moon finally came to her mind.

Her heart was filled with sadness as she looked at him from the sky.

"Young miss, we have to return now." The red-haired woman, who was floating next to Evelyn, uttered.

"Alright." Evelyn nodded her head.

'Goodbye, Ace.'

She looked at him one last time before flying in the direction of the Misty Palace.


A single tear fell from her eyes as she left the Nightshire city.

Her tear slowly became a snowflake before finally falling toward Xiao Ming. He caught the snowflake with his right hand before finally looking at the sky.

However, it was already too late because Evelyn had left.

She was no longer in Nightshire city now!

[God of Mountain says don't be sad. There are many fish in the sea.]

[God of Wind agrees with God of Mountain's words.]

[God of Lust says that's right. For example, the city mistress.]

[God of Wind shouts damn right!]

"I just want her to say goodbye." Xiao Ming stated. "It was as if the time we spent together was meaningless in her eyes."

At this moment, a beautiful mature lady suddenly appeared and said, "Ace, she has left. Let's go home now."

Yes, that lady was the city mistress of Nightchire city, Scarlett.