
Even though the Wynn trading house would be auctioning good spell and skill books, Darwin did not come in person because he was currently dealing with important matters.

It was related to his important business and the death of his two sons, so he only sent his trusted subordinates to come to Wynn trading house.

The names of his trusted subordinates were Tom, Robert and Lucas. 

Tom, Robert and Lucas immediately headed to the VIP area because the Hudson family was a VIP guest at Wynn trading house. 

The guards let them enter the VIP area after Tom showed the golden token.

After sitting on the couch, Lucas caught sight of Ace. "It's him?"

"Him?" Tom and Robert had never met Ace before, so they did not know who he was. "Who is he?"

"Nothing. He is just a rich young master from another city." Lucas still thought Ace was from a wealthy family.