Attacking Ace and the Others

Zaria was currently standing on a tree branch, skimming her surroundings. She wanted to know whether Gracie put a trap or not.


As she was skimming her surroundings, she saw Darwin and his twenty subordinates walking to the orphanage.

'He has come.'

She was not surprised when she saw Darwin and his subordinates because she knew they would come to Goddess Teressa's orphanage.

When they were in front of the orphanage, Darwin stopped his footsteps and turned around. "You guys wait around this orphanage. Remember, don't let Ace escape no matter what."

"Understood, lord." Zion and the others responded in unison.

After ordering his subordinates to hide around the orphanage, Darwin stepped into the front yard.

Zaria, who was looking at them from afar, mused, "Should I kill them or not?"

'I will just kill them.'