
Henry's House, Family Room.

Henry was currently talking with his second son, Edward. Edward was a young man in his mid-twenties. Like his father, he had red hair and blue eyes.

If someone saw them together, that person would know right away that Edward was Henry's son.

Not only did they have similar faces, but their personalities were also similar.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

That was the right proverb to describe them.

If they were the same age, it would be hard to tell the two of them apart because they had similar faces.

The difference between them was that Henry was a mage while his son was a knight. That was why Edward could pretend to be his father if he wanted to.

"That's what you have to do tomorrow." Henry explained his evil plans to his son.

Previously, he told his son everything, including about Sean. Sean was a part of his plan, so Edward had to know about this.