MCs stats

Host: Ace Farley

Race: Human

Age: 18

System Level: Lvl 3

System Exp: 15,310/56,250

Class: Knight, Mage, Archer

Rank: Master 

Talent: Grade F (Surface: Grade C)

Strength: Lvl 56

Agility: Lvl 60

Stamina: Lvl 58

Mana Capacity: Lvl 61

Inventory: judgment card (1) Unlimited Stamina card (1)[ero card given by god of lust.)

Binding partners:

- Evelyn Faens.

Affection Parameter: 90%

- Scarlett Rivera.

Affection Parameter: 97%

*System feature.

- anylize = checking other people's stats

- Scan = Scanning his surroundings with a range of fifty meters. (upgradable by leveling up the system)

* Knight Skills

- battle instinct = 21 seconds.

- Cooking at master level

- Moon Slice 

- Lightning Move

- Sweet Dream 

- secret techniques of Moon Sword Martial Arts school (has 8 form)


- Thunderbolt (Tier 3)

- Ice chain (Tier 3)

- Ice Wing (Tier 4)

- Earth Shield (Tier 3)

- Great Lightning Dragon (Tier 5)

- Fronst arrow  (Tier 3)

- Light magic (Tier 2)

- fire beam (Tier 2)

*Archer Skills

- magic arrows

- Arrow Shower.

- Deadly Shot

- Frost arrow