Fighting Lala and Lily

When Mike was heading to the river, Bella stopped him. "What's wrong? Why do you look panicked like that?"

Instead of answering her question, he asked, "Did you hear a loud sound just now?"

"Yes. What's wrong with it?" she still did not get his words.

Sure, she heard a loud sound, but it was quite far from their camp, so they should ignore it because their priority was guarding their camp.

"Our protector went to the river to fetch water, and the loud sound earlier came from the river. That's why I want to go there to check it." He told her the reason why he wanted to go to the river.

"What?! Is protector fighting someone by the river?" even though she knew Ace was a powerful awakener, she was still worried about his safety.

"I don't know. I will check it now." after saying that, he rushed to the river. "Just wait here. Don't go anywhere and protect the camp."

Bella looked at Mike without saying a single word.