Opening a Restaurant

Ace, Scarlett and Valeria immediately talked after stepping into the family room.

Unlike usual, they chatted for a whole day this time.

They talked from morning to evening because it was their first time talking together as a boyfriend and girlfriend.

They only stopped when the blue sky turned orange.

"I will go home now." Valeria uttered.

They were currently on the terrace.

Scarlett was on Ace's right side, while Valeria was in front of them.

"Are you sure you don't want me to send you home?" previously, he wanted to send her home, but she refused.

"Yes." Valeria responded,

"Then be careful on the road, sister Valeria." Scarlett spoke.

"Un." Valeria nodded her head before finally leaving.

"I thought your second girlfriend would be La-Kya." Scarlett was startled when Ace suddenly carried her in a princess style. "You almost gave me a heart attack, bad young man."