Morgan Is Furious

Riley Family's House, Family Room.

"Haha." Morgan, who was sitting on a couch alone, laughed happily.

Blake had broken through to the Master rank, so the revival of their family was imminent.

No one would look down on them anymore, and no one would say they were a fallen family anymore because they had Blake now.

They had a powerful awakener at the Master rank now, and they could become one of the big families again now.

"I will invest on Blake even more from today onwards. I will make him the most powerful awakener in this city." He would bet everything on his son because he was the most talented awakener in their family.

'Father, I will make your dream come true. I will make our family the most influential and strongest family in this city.'

He said in his head.

Actually, the dream of the previous family head was to be the city lord, but he died before achieving his dream.