Getting Two Cards for Free

Ace was startled when he suddenly got a quest.

'A quest?'

He was not in an exciting situation or facing a problem, so the quest notification stunned him.

'Why am I suddenly getting a quest?'

When he was in an interesting situation or facing a problem, he did not get a quest.

But here, he got a quest when he was in his room.

He even did not do anything and only sat on the bed.

Wasn't it weird? 

He suddenly felt something was off. "God of Wind, why did you suddenly give me a quest?"

[Several diving beings are staring at God of Wind.]

[Three gods try their best not to laugh.]

[God of Wind responds, it has been quite a while since the last time you got a quest, so I decided to give you one.]

"It's suspicious." He still felt something was off, but he could not tell what it was.

[God of Wind says, boy, the reward will be the most amazing reward you have received till now. It's a Divine Throne card.]