What Is the Reward?

Henry was currently standing in front of Leo's grave with a sad face. His red hair had turned white, and the look in his eyes was desolate.

He lost his youngest child last month, but last night, he lost another child.

Previously, he had two sons who accompanied him in his life, but now, he was alone.

His two sons had died.

He had no one now.

He even did not know who killed them.

All he could do was guess who the killer was. 

This was the reason why her red hair had turned white overnight because the sadness he felt was so great. 

"Son…" He said with sadness in his voice.

At that time, he felt like his world was falling to pieces because he did not have someone who could be called family now.

'No! I should not be drowned in sadness. I must take revenge.'

A terrifying light flashed across his eyes. 

'I will kill Ace. I will kill his underlings. And I will kill everyone in this city.'