You Did It, Ace

Upon hearing her question, Ace held her hands and looked into her eyes. "I want to be with you forever."

He did not feel shy when he confessed to her because he did want to be with her forever.

Happiness glowed inside her.

Even though she knew she had a special place in his heart, but hearing it directly from his mouth made her happy.

Due to how happy she was, she even felt like her feet barely touched the ground.

"Do you want to be with me forever?" he inquired.

Evelyn squeezed his hands tighter and looked at him lovingly.

But before she could answer his question, Alena's voice rang out. "Big brother…"

Evelyn and Ace instantly turned their heads toward the source of the sound.


A soft smile spread across their faces when they saw her running toward them with a big smile on her cute face.

"Alena, don't run. It's dangerous." Lexie, who was behind her niece, spoke.