Breaking Through to the Exalted Rank

'I hope I'm not late.'

Ace flew as fast as he could.

He immediately landed on the ground when he saw Colonel Louie and the citizens. "Where is that magical beast?"




Several citizens approached him.

Colonel Louie rose to his feet before finally answering, "They are already dead."

"They are already dead?" Ace did not notice the corpses of the white panda and the bear because it was quite far from them.

"That's right, Ace. They are already dead." The blue-haired man added.

"When we were in a dangerous situation, that magical wolf suddenly appeared and helped us." Colonel Louie knew that Ace was still confused.

"Yes." The red-haired man spoke abruptly. "That magical wolf suddenly appeared and killed the white panda and the bear."

"Magical wolf?" Ace still did not know that they were talking about Nova.