It’s Good to See You Again

The following morning, Ace headed to the forest to meet Nova. Like usual, he did not come empty-handed because he brought food and drinks with him. 

Nova was different than ordinary magical beasts, and it could be said they were acquaintances, so he treated him well.

"Ace, I stopped four 3-star magical beasts from attacking the citizens yesterday, so you should reward me again tomorrow." Nova kept protecting the citizens because he wanted to eat delicious food every day.

Ace, who was sitting on the ground with his back leaning against a tree, uttered, "You are not lying, right?"

Nova, who was sitting in front of him, looked at the food with sparkling eyes. "Of course, not. I love human food, so I always protect your people."

"So, you protect them for the sake of eating human food, huh?" of course, Ace already knew about this.