They Are Cowards

Ace and Layla were currently heading to the Drizzle Hotel. They wanted to stay at the Drizzle Hotel because the locals said it was one of the best hotels in their city.

Even though they said the room at Drizzle Hotel was very expensive, the duo still wanted to stay in that hotel.

They were rich, so money was not a problem for them.

After walking for several minutes, they finally arrived at the Drizzle Hotel. Like what the locals said, the Drizzle Hotel was big and luxurious.

They were still in front of the hotel, yet they could already feel that the Drizzle Hotel was built for rich people only. 

"Let's get inside." Without waiting for his answer, Layla dragged Ace to the reception area.

Like usual, she walked while embracing his right arm as if they were already a couple.

When Ace and Layla were in front of her, the female receptionist said politely. "Hello, Miss, Mister. Do you want to stay in our hotel?"