Let’s Conquer This World

Scarlett's House, Backyard.

Two Ace were standing facing each other in a human form. He was not using his Ice Clone magic because the one standing before him was his true-body avatar.

Nirvana Art!

He was using Nirvana Art to create a true-body avatar. 

Not only that, but he also managed to shift the magic Kane put on him into his avatar.

In other words, he was one hundred percent human now, not a dragon like before.

'Good! Good!'

He nodded his head in satisfaction.

'Now that I look at my avatar, I finally know how handsome I am.'

Even though he had seen himself in the mirror many times, it was different when he saw his avatar because he could see himself from other people's viewpoints.

As Ace was praising his handsomeness, Layla and the others came to the backyard.

"Two Ace?" Layla was pleased when he saw two Ace because that meant he had mastered the Nirvana Art.