Chapter 36

Next day I woke up late as I have no school today, get my self fresh first, then go to eat breakfast and while I am doing this, it clicked in my mind that today there would be a house full and handling all of them together is definitely going to be hectic. Soon I leave my room, go towards the kitchen to have my breakfast. When I reach there, I look my mother is lost in cooking food, so I go and stand beside her, then I put my hand on her shoulder and this way I am side hugging her. This affection from me, I guess provide comfort to her because she leaned into my touch a little bit more.

However, soon our physical affection ended soon because, granny comes there and yelled at us which force us to separate from the hug,

Granny: What is this, why are you becoming so clingy? Can't you keep some distance, let her cook in peace. You haven't even taken the bath yet and standing so close to her? At least keep some safe distance, food will get spoil too.

Siya: (Irritated) Your are sounding like as if I have put a shit on my hand or they are filled with mud, and I am here not even touching the food.

Granny: (Angry) Don't talk to me like this, I am seeing what are you doing, you just like be clingy and making the food dirty. However, whom I am to care, do what ever you want to do? (With this she turned her back at us, move towards the dining table).

As soon as she left the area there comes her dear darling daughter, as if she is just following her and when she is just five to ten feet away from us I start feeling her aura which is completely reeking of negativity and disgusting body odor and it is making me feel suffocated and I guess my mother also felt it, because I can also feel her getting stiff. However, she start speaking too loudly which is unnecessary, because it seems like as if she wants granny or anyone around to hear it too,

Aunt: (Sarcastic laugh) Whom are you trying to explain, if they got chance they will stick up like a magnet for whole day. Huhh when I used to be that young, I used to wake up early in the morning first task is to take bath then work in the kitchen...

Like this she goes on and on, how she used to be in young age and here I am just thinking her life and her time was totally different and her personality was totally different too but why she is comparing her time with me or my mother now. This seems so weird no? However whatever she said next I ignored her because I am busy with the conversation that is going in my head. Soon my thoughts break by my father voice,

Father: (Yelling) Siyu!!!! (Only he calls me with such kind of nicknames)

Siya: (Confused) Yeah coming. Once I reached there, he initiated the conversation.

Father: What happened, why your Aunt and granny sulking near the dinning hall?

Siya: (Taking a long frustrated sigh) I start telling him each and every detail, after finishing my side of detailing I took a pause for some seconds and said... I want to told Aunt that her personality, time, was different from mine so, there is no need to com...

Father: (Cutting my sentence off and straight to the point) No need to say or told her anything, whether she is wrong or night you won't be talking back to her because we know how much chaos she can create in her sadness, anger and frustration. Just ignore whatever she say of the way she behave and no need to create any scene.

Siya: (What the hell, her emotions & behavior should be considered and what about our or my mother's. For me one of the most important rule to live a life is to follow the path of truth and right, no matter how badly it can hurt you or other to face but its the only way to live a meaningful life. Though, here my father is telling me to keep quite and let it happen, this is not right but I can't go against him because he would beat me up) Umm, okay.

After this I again reach to dining hall and thankfully Aunt is not there, but granny is there who is silently enjoying her food so, I go in the kitchen and filled my glass of milk, picked up my stuffed sandwich and brought them to dinning hall and start having it. Soon everyone joined us (as in mother, father and brother) we all eat our breakfast in silence, in half n hour my breakfast got finished so, I excused myself and go to my room, to work on my school assignments.

I studied for for two hours probably, I got tired so thought of taking bath before going for lunch. I got up from the chair, open my wardrobe and set my fresh clothes on the bed, I am all set to enter in the washroom for the bath but suddenly I heard father calling me,

Father: (Yelling) Siyu!!!!

Siya: (Yelling) Coming

With the sulking face and frustrated sigh, I go out from the room because I hate when someone or something becomes an interruption in my already planned schedule, I love to follow my rules of life as well as work rules. However, I can't do anything except, just to go in the direction, from where father is calling me that is on terrace. When I reached there, I see him sitting at a chair so, I go and stand in front of him and he initiated the conversation,

Father: (Stern tone) Listen your cousin brother came here an hour earlier, but now is the lunch time and his parents are waiting, you have to go their house and drop him now.

Siya: (Pleasing tone) Can I go after taking bath, it will just take fifteen minutes or may be ten minutes?

Father: (Determined and stern tone) No your going now that's it.

Siya: (Pleading tone) But please I am feeling tired and exhausted, let me take quick bath?

Father: (Getting angry and frustrated) I told you to leave now and drop him to home, why are you not listening to me? By the way, he just live across the road which is a matter of less then five minutes so without arguing anymore just leave now.

Siya: (Now this angered me, common bro I am being logical and practical here) I just want to take bath first, I will go for it then.

Father: (Full of rage) You are not going now?

Siya: No (And I start moving in my room direction but suddenly stopped in my way by hearing his voice again)

Father: Come back now!!

When I reach in front of him again, with full rage and anger he slapped me on my left cheek. Then he start yelling again saying how immature, irresponsible, careless I am and just want to argue with him. With this he slapped on my other cheek, then he slapped me again on other cheek and this way I got four slapped on my both cheeks and finally he stopped and said,

Father: This is your punishment, next time when you argue and misbehave with me then this will remind me why you should not.

After listening to this, I turned and walk towards where my brother room is because I know my cousin brother is very young and likes to play racing games on computer, which is in my brother's room. Though, all I want to do is to cry hard in my room, my eyes are brimming with tears but I can't show others that I am weak person who cry on such mere issues so, I stand strong hide my tears and reached at his door. Before knocking the door, I take few deep breathes wipe my numb eyes and with a fake smile I know the door, then I enter in his room.

Soon I take my cousin brother out of the house, however after five minutes I drop him at his house and greet his parents. I hurried back home, enter in my room lock the door and then I sit on the couch, let my all emotions out. Though, I want to cry out loud but only two tears flow down from my cheek, then I start saying myself that,

Siya: Hey buddy why are you cry, you are not weak. You know you should smile always because people you know, they like smile on your face not tears. I wish to I could have someone to whom I can hug or I could simply have a shoulder so, I could just cry in front of them. Since I have no one all I can do is stay strong by smile on my face and not to be weak by crying or staying depressed.

However, after talking to my self I took few deep breaths again, then I go for my shower and after finishing my shower I go for my lunch but my head remains down looking at my plate or my lap all the time because I am feeling like I may cry out loud if I speak to any of the family member or look at them. As soon as my lunch got over, I go to my room again and put my ear phones in the ear, then start listening to Ani's favorite track on repeat that is "see you again by Wiz Khalifa." Soon I closed my eyes lay my head on the couch and my mind filled with the memories of our time like a movie, this not only relaxes me but I guess I fall asleep too after sometime.

Around four in the evening I woke up, I feel my neck is a bit sore so, I do some basic stretching exercise but as soon as I wake up fully, I notice I am feeling symptoms of cold, I guess sad mood lead me to this. However, rest of the day goes uneventful but I ignored the talking to any of the family member and interacting with them to avoid any kind of chaos to happen. Later, in the night I worked till eleven, sometime studying different chapters, novels or working on assignments and at last called it a night.