It all started way back in the late 90"s werewolves did not know they were werewolves and co existed with human beings. Life was very normal. It was until some day there was an eclipse and some people started to realize they were shedding their skin and turning to werewolves. That scared the human beings away since they did not know what they were capable of they decided to send them to the woods and far away. The werewolves were forced to move into the forests and start a new life. Time passed by and for a long time there was no interaction between humans and werewolves. Then there was this werewolf that emerged named Tony, he had the guts to go and make peaceful negotiations with the human beings. Tony went to the land and interacted with the leaders of the humans and even requested for them to live in peace and they were harmless. The human beings turned down their request, claiming they were dangerous. The werewolves went back to live in the woods. After some time there emerged a calamity amongst the human beings. There emerged dragons which were burning down houses of human beings. When Tony saw what was happening he told his fellow werewolves to go and help out. It was a difficult because they did not know how to fight. They managed to come up with a plan and they prospered and chased the dragons away. The human beings were so thankful for the help they were given. For that reason the scientist requested they return and life continues. The werewolves agreed and even returned to land so that everything can go back to normal. The scientists ran some tests for the werewolves but the werewolves did not know why they did so to them. The scientists claimed they wanted to ensure they were doing alright. Then everything went back to normal. Tony requested that the werewolves to train so hard so that they can be fit incase of war. Tony received much love from the humans they liked his kindness and goodwill to help others. He united human beings and werewolves to be one. He even agreed with the humans that werewolves should receive education and live just like human beings. He stepped up as their leader. Within the werewolves there was one of them who became jealous. He felt as if Tony was receiving so much credit. Jack felt as if it should be him who was the leader and he could provide better leadership. Jack thought for a while what could he do to bring Tony down. At first he thought of training hard so that he could become the strongest werewolf. After him training for a while he decided to do his first attack. Jack was vandalizing the homes. For some time he was successful in what he was doing since, he used to carry out attacks to humans without stealing anything. Investigations were carried out but for a while without success. The scientist tried to set a trap to catch the guy but with little success. Tony got angry and he even had a plan with the werewolves to catch the person. Jack was also part of our team he orchestrated the plan with Tony to find the person. It was as if he knew this person so well. When it was time to execute the attack we did not see him. When he was out there going to attack one day was seen by a small girl who was lost in the neighborhood. Then Jack realized he was seen by a child and so he hid his face. The next morning the people who were vandalized said their daughter saw the guy. When their daughter described the person she saw it could not match anything. Jack had gotten away with one this time. When Tony heard the story of the little girl he had a suspect and so he had to do some investigation. First he started by investigating at night to see if Jack was going out. Jack was a step ahead he knew he had play lowkey. He even had to hide his things in his tent. Tony had to scheme a plan in order to catch him in the act. Tony had to fake being asleep every night in order try and catch him. Jack went away to try and scare people away but on the way he saw Tony waiting for him. Jack got so afraid when he was ambushed. Tony interrogated Jack and he became so nervous because he was guilty. He knew he was guilty so he chose to ran away. Tony started chasing Jack and he ran away into the woods it became intense to the point it now became a fight. In the woods Jack started by attacking Tony but Tony dodged him. Then jack said you are no match for me, I've trained so hard for this day when I beat you I will become leader of the werewolves. Tony then said were you doing all this because of jealousy, do you know how many lives you put at risk. Then Jack said now ill kill you. He charged at Tony then knocked him down. Then he punched him down to the floor. Tony was injured and he even started bleeding. It was evident Jack was too powerful for Tony. Then Tony remembered he had to fight his way if he was to survive. He mastered courage got up and decided to get into his head. Tony pretended to be dying slowly, then Jack came to attack him. When he clenched his fist to finish him he missed and hit the ground. He screamed at the top of his voice because he was hurt. People even came out to see what was goin on. Tony had mercy on him he said he was not going to kill him. Werewolves are not killers, he deserves to go to jail. Then the authorities captured him and sent him to jail. Then the human beings became so angry and decided that the werewolves should leave and go back to the woods. They decided to push them out of their lives despite Tony coming to the aid of their help. The werewolves had to go back to the woods where they lived before. Even after what Tony did to them they decided to chase them away. Jack was taken to imprisonment by the authorities but on the way he broke free and ran away. life went on as normal