Alex had a lot of questions in his mind what if he told his father about what he saw. His mother never had any relative, who would that woman be? He still loved his mother so much. When he went back home he just kept quiet. Tony asked him how is his mother doing and he got nervous. He then answered she is doing just fine. Alex then asked tony if his mother had any relatives. Tony told him it is a very long story. Way back then in the days there occurred a fire at a party in their home and all of them were burned, there were no survivors except them. Then tony asked him why was he asking? He said never mind. That night Alex had a lot questions in his mind what if one of them survived and now flew to New York. He decided the next day he is going to visit her and get answers to his questions. He did so and asked Joy who was that bald woman who came to visit her yesterday? Joy was surprised to know Alex saw Katy. She had to make up a lie that she is a very close friend. Alex questioned her by saying she never had any friend. Joy said she did have one who was very private. His time ended and he had to leave. Joy really felt relieved and she knew Katy had to act very fast or else they will get caught. It was very fortunate Katy had found a plan to get her out of prison that same day. She had planned to use drews virus to infect the people in prisons so that Joy can escape. They had that plan with drew so that he can send many of them to people there and she will interfere with the lights and open all the doors so that she runs out. The plan was well executed and the people were infected with the virus but Joy was exempted. Katy played her role well and drew drove them off to safety. They had succeeded in the first task. They drove to drews place to settle. Tony who was at home chilling saw the news that there is a prisoner who escaped at midnight. They claimed it was his ex wife. He just laughed sarcastically and said this time I will end her. The next day he went there to find out what was going on. The antidote was given to the people and they were now receiving treatment. When he heard of the local virus he wondered how it is still there and drew is dead. He got to find out there is someone who was paying a visit to Joy everyday while in prison. They claimed it was a bald woman. Tony was left with a lot of questions. He had to visit Sysco that same day to get answers. He asked Sysco if drew died that day. Sysco said he was shot twice in the head no way he survived. Tony asked him if they took his body and buried it. Sysco said he was focused on supplying the antidotes. He asked Tony how can one survive two bullets in the brain? Tony then told him he might still be alive. When Tony went home he asked Alex if there is anything he has not told him. Alex knew he had to tell his father the truth. He told him there is a certain woman who has been paying his mother a visit in prison. Tony asked him to describe her appearance. Even after being described he could not know who she is. On the other side Katy Joy and Drew were now united to bring down Tony. Joy was the one orchestrating the big plan to do away with Tony, she told them no one should touch his son no matter what. She told them they should strike soon because Tony is very dangerous. Joy told them they should go and get the virus use it on him and then shoot him on the head to ensure he does not survive. They had to go and get the best weapons to use. The next day they went and acquired the weapons. Drew told them if they are going down they should go with Tony. They did not even plan anything they just waited till midnight to attack Tony in his home. They first broke his door and got in. Tony was not even at home that night he was out working. When they entered they searched the whole house until they woke up Alex. When he got out he found his mother with 3 guys ruining his home. He asked Joy what are you doing here? She said she has to do this once and for all.