(Every one sitting close to each other)
MASTER YU:: NOW every one listen carefully, mostly our new member here(looking at Adam whit a smile).
(Silence.. every one waiting for Master Yu to start talking)
MASTER YU:: IT all began thousands of years ago whe..
ADAM::(cutting in )is this history class cause I hate it (looking angry for some reason)
MASTER YU::(looking tensed) will you let me speak..
(Everyone looking at Adam with hate..)
MASTER YU:: So as I was saying thousand of year's ago whe .
ADAM:: (cutting it again) please be fast I have too go to school (looking sad).
(Every one looking tensed...)
MASTER YU:: (calming down) Good now let me Begin __________ __________________ _________ Thousands of years ago Earth One Hundred was created, by the Almighty creator and was handed too the Elder god's too be in charge, in this Earth One Hundred were creatures of different kinds, which were the WHITE ELF'S, BLACK ELF'S, FAIRIES, VAMPIRES, BEASTKINDS, HUMANS, DWARFS, AND THE DEMONS. They were all living in peace until the Elder god's discovered a powerful mysterious stone made from a yellow germ, this germ was formed out of the dust of creation, that was used in creating everything in Earth One Hundred. After they found it they knew it was the core, of the Earth and felt it's power flow through them one by one, then they went on a meeting as what they are going to do with ths New object they found, but a serious message was sent too the Elder god's by one of the messager of the Almighty creator, the message was clear and they were not too temper with the mysterious stone which, was the core of Earth One Hundred but they disobeyed this warning, and tried to to use it's power's for them self , which resulted to a big power surge, that affected the whole Earth One Hundred in a bad and good way, and the Almighty creator was very angry and swore never to help them fit the mess they have created, and he also said the only one who can fully fit this mess will be, the chosen one, and the chosen one will be a person the mysterious stone will chose to hold its powers and he/she shall be the one, to free them and the rest for the great catastrophe ahead, and after he left the mysterious stone vanished and was never seen again until now which is in your palm..
ADAM:: WOAH, that means am the chosen one, but why me? And if am the one to free you all why were those creepy things trying to kill me? (Looking suspicious)
MASTER YU:: they are trying to kill you to stope the redemption.
ADAM::(looking more confused and suspicious) but..
MASTER YU:: no more questions let me finish.
MASTER YU:: after the disappearance of the mysterious stone, time went by and the world was changing and changing, into something unbelievable, it became very big beautiful, advanced, full of technologies, and the it all happened conflicts every day and all creatures were forced to live on their own breaking them and divided them into different kingdoms like, THE WHITE ELF'S KINGDOM, THE BLACK ELF'S KINGDOM, THE FAIRIES KINGDOM, THE VAMPIRES KINGDOM, THE BEASTKIND KINGDOM, THE HUMANS KINGDOM, THE DWARFS KINGDOM, AND THE DEMONS KINGDOM. no one were allowed to enter each other's kingdoms, the BEASTKIND KINGDOM is the biggest kingdom cause they were more in population, and YHE DWARFS KINGDOM was the smallest not because they are not many but because the were small, the size of a Human new born baby. As time also passed the Elder god's decided to create a place where all kinds will stay together and the Elder god's will be in charge and so they did, invited all the heads and rulers of every kingdoms and they are agreed on one thing, that this new place that will be created will only be for business trading with one another, and also agreed that only few of their citizens will leave their to carry out this process, and it was done, after they created it they made an agreement to call it THE AZAMU EMPIRE the center of business and peace between all kinds expect the DEMONS they never agreed to any of their plans and decisions so they were not included cause the DEMONS knew what the Elder god's were trying to do. The Elder god's were trying to unite all kingdoms and races together without the help of the chosen one and the mysterious stone so the Almighty creator will lift everything he ever said and forgive them so, the DEMONS have been in a hunt to find the mysterious stone or chosen one and stop him/her before he/she redeem everyone, that was why they were trying to kill you Adam, and THE AZAMU EMPIRE was bigger than all kingdoms including the BEASTKIND KINGDOM, the AZAMU EMPIRE is the biggest empire that has ever been created. And you Adam will be the one to redeem us all (looking at Adam)