After the Minion who was turned into chicken left, Lilly and Ajax prepared to leave.
MASTER YU:: why do you want too leave? You are already here.
AJAX:: Seriously you think we came here intensionally?
LILLY:: wait what are you driving at Master Yu or Mr Yu
ANNA:: "gaps" Lilly where do you guys want too go?
AJAX::"frowning" Where did we go in the first place?
MASTER YU:: How are we supposed too know?
LILLY:: Since everyone is asking questions, what did Helios do with Adam's body?
AJAX:: "Smirking" now no one what's too answer that right?
ANNA:: okay l myself don't know··l.l..l don't know okay ask Master Yu he was the one who convinced me, that this is for the greater good. And I have Notting too say "looking down"
AJAX:: No one was asking you okay!
LILLY:: we were talking to mr Yu "pointing at her father"
MASTER YU:: lf you all want too leave, leave!!! I have no answer for you at all!! "walking away"
ANNA:: are you going to send them off!! like that?
LILLY:: his not sending us out!! we are leaving by ourselves!
ANNA:: Ajax,,, you are going to leave just like that?
AJAX:: the day you betrayed me that was the day I left "walking away"
LILLY:: Goodbye "waving at her"
( The desert of lost souls/The boundary between The Demon kingdom and the AZAMU EMPIRE)
VETIS:: Do I see a chicken?
ASMODEUS:: This is not a normal size for a chicken.
VETIS:: Wow the chicken is coming here.
ACLANAYR:: "watching all this""smiles" good his back
VETIS:: Who...who ..who is back?
MAMMON:: He losted, he was turn into a chicken, your minion failed!! I thought you said...
ACLANAYR:: Hmm hmmm hmm longer, we will.go back too our lord tell him the Minion failed, but it was longer that we thought.
MAMMON:: This was just a warm up right, that's good, cast the spell we are going back Vetis.
VETIS:: okay although I don't know just happened "casting a spell"
MINION:: Master you can't leave me, master!!!
ACLANAYR:: Why come back? Your work is over "rasing his hands up" I cast ye back to the bottom pit now!!
(Soon the minion in form of a chicken vanished/ they also disappeared but in a different destination.)
LILLY:: "panting" can't still believe we have been walking for more than an hour now.
AJAX:: "laughing" I thought you are a strong woman?
LILLY:: "still panting" who said anything about been strong in the aspect of walking a long distance, so why aren't you tired yet?
AJAX:: not that am not tried, but I focus more on something else other than focusing on this walking of a thing.
LILLY:: what are you even saying?
AJAX:: I don't know, but we have to find Adam first.
LILLY:: first we have to go too a place, where we can seek for help.
AJAX:: Where exactly?
LILLY:: My aunty's place
AJAX:: you mean your half human and half wolve aunty?
LILLY:: Why do you have to be specific? We are beastkinds from the wolve clan, got it.
AJAX:: Hope she doesn't bite off my butt
LILLY:: we are not full wolves, idiot!
AJAX:: to be honest, if no one pays attention too you, no one will know you are from the wolve clan. You look more off a human, expect your eyes like that of a wolve, and your ears are that of a wolve but less hairy. And..and your two long teeths and your finger nails that grow long and comes back short again I think that's all.
LILLY:: Wow that's great!!! I actually forgot that I have the ability too make my fingers longer and short "laughing" and I think that cause my mother is a full blooded human that's why am lesser of a wolve than a human.
AJAX:: Nah, shake it off, sometimes I wish I was not a full blooded white elf "smiles"
LILLY:: don't you say that, but I was going too ask you this, and I think this is the right moment to ask you.
AJAX:: What's that?
LILLY:: Why is your skin not pure white, like a normal elf?
AJAX:: oh that "laughing" I was saved by human magic when I was little, I was so sick, human magic saved me and then growing up my sick colour started changing, making my skin to look more of a human bit still white.
LILLY:: Wow okay well rested now let's get going.
AJAX:: okay what way? Should we follow?
LILLY:: follow me.