LILLY:: "Dumbfounded" Come again.
CARA:: I said your mother.
AJAX:: Wait, you mean to say that, Helios is using Lilly's mother to blackmail her father?
RUTH:: YES, something like that.
LILLY:: Who killed my mother? why didn't I hear about it? But..
CARA:: your mother has been missing for the pass one year now, one month before the coming of the chosen one.
AJAX:: Seriously, I thought you said she writes you?
LILLY:: Yes she does, I read her last message before this whole betrayer thing occurred.
CARA:: That was not her message,
LILLY:: That's her hand writing.
RUTH:: And do you think, that magic can't copy someone's hand writing?
AJAX:: Let me guess you guys have been the one, writing those messages.
CARA:: Yes we are,
LILLY:: How long, how long!!!!!!, do you guys think, you can hide it from me?
CARA:: As long as your father, finds a way to tell you him self,
RUTH:: But, your father told us, he can bring her back, we should wait.
AJAX:: Wait how do you guys, she is dead?
CARA:: He saw her dead body,
AJAX:: But you said she was missing? How can he see her dead body?
RUTH:: she was missing, before Helios brought her dead body to him, and promised him to bring her back to life,if he do what he asks of him.
AJAX:: How do you kny all this, I thought you knew less?
LILLY::"Frowns" you are only making this worst!!!, are you a fool!!! can't you just shut up for once, Ajax you ask questions like an idiot!!!!
AJAX:: "Gasp" Seriously Lilly? Me? I will say this to you all, right here right now, I don't trust you Ruth!!, haven't you ever asked her how she knew all this? if you his sister, don't know all This.
CARA:: That's because, she used magic!! boy.
AJAX:: Lies, can't believe you have been fooled, by this old woman, our palace, has a force field, magic or anything such of, don't work in there and around it "smiles", so tell me how did she know all this? if..
LILLY:: If my father, didn't tell you all this..
CARA:: No no no!! you were told by Helios!!, you work for Helios.. Ruth!!! You are a betrayal...
Guard 1:: "shouting" sound the alarm!!! Sound it now, we are been attacked by Demon's!!!!
(*Ponnnnnnnnnnn poooooooonnnnnn*)
CARA:: What's happening?
RUTH::" laughing" too late they are here.
CARA:: You work for Helios, and the Demon's too?
RUTH:: Who says you can't work gor the two, more power " vanished"
AJAX:: Now she disappears!!
CARA:: You too have to go.
CETUS:: They are breaking the entrance mam,
CARA:: How many are they?
CETUS:: "face down" Two thousand Demons.
AJAX:: Aclanayr's minions
LILLY:: What!!
CARA:: Aclanayr was the one who sent one, of his Demon's to attack you guys, so he sent his minions now to attack us.
AJAX:: How do they know we are here?
CARA:: It's a Coincidence.
CETUS:: What do we do?
CARA:: We fight!!
LILLY:: How do we help?
CARA:: You don't help.
AJAX:: What!! why are we gonna do now?
CARA:: Go back and find help, from other worthy source, take this, find this address, and save the chosen one first, before anything "hands dem a paper"
AJAX:: how do we leave.
LILLY:: There is always a back door.
CETUS:: They have surrounded the whole valley.
LILLY:: What about the villagers?
CETUS:: They are in the underground house. They will be safe for a while, we will fight with our last blood.
CARA:: You too leave.
CARA:: Through that porthole.
LILLY:: where did that come from.
CARA:: now go.
LILLY:: Thanks for the information, I promise you all this will be over soon "bows in respect"
*Author's note* thanks for your support love you all.