( Council of the Elder god's)

ATHENA:: If anyone See's you here you are gonna regret it, and what happened too your,  human form, the chosen one.

HELIOS:: Hmm, that was nothing to do with you, but, I was betrayed, by one of the monks, but! Those two Guardians, made it possible, they shall pay with their life's.

ATHENA:: Do what you want to do, let me do what I have to do, but I will help you, I shall send my agent, after that monk, who sperated you from the chosen one,..

HELIOS:: Do which you have to do, and I will travel for more power, the past elder gods shall help me, they set a part for me, the previous Elder god's were thrown out of the council, by the almighty creator, because they all agreed together, and started what am doing, they were thrown too the pit.of doom, but there they made another empire, the league of doom, even the demon's them selfs can't compare to them.

ATHENA:: How did you, know all this?

HELIOS:: Not ever thing, is been told, the Almighty creator, knows what he did, am not the only one who knows about this, Ares too knows, but he lacks the knowledge of a true leader.

ATHENA:: So we are not the first Elder god's, wow.

HELIOS:: Let me list, them for you. :: APOPHISA, (male)their leader, WHIRO (male) LOVIATAR (Male) LAMASHTU (male) ANUBIS (male) ARES (make) HECATE (female) TIAMAT (female) KALI (female) EOS (female).

ATHENA:: Ares was among them?

HELIOS:: Yes, why do you think that, The almighty creator likes him.

ATHENA:: So what's, happening now?

HELIOS:: Am going to meet them for help, now I understand what they meet by, do not underestimate your opponent "smille" 

ATHENA:: Bye, I have work to do, monk to kill.

HELIOS:: do not forget, that the monk is with the chosen one, and the two guardians.

ATHENA:: I won't forget, my love.

HELIOS:: "smiles" *vanished*

ESOSA:: *gasp* so now I know, who this Helios is working for, but why didn't Ares tell me about all this? I must ask him.

(Human kingdom)

DORA:: now, I can't say a word, your food is always sweet, mother *smiles*

DINAH:: Your compliment, is always good, ohh you brother just arrived.

DORA:: When?

DINAH:: Few minutes from now.

DORA:: "Laughing" you got me again seer, I'll be ready when he comes.

DINAH:: Bye my angel.

(At the entrance, of the human kingdom)

AJAX:: I still have, a bad idea about  'going.,... entry this kingdom, 

RIO:: Are you afraid? Don't worry you are a white elf, white elfs are allowed in the human kingdom, 

LILLY:: What about me, am an halfcast, half human, half Beastkind, so?

RIO:: Yeah yours will be a little bit of trouble, but I have an asset that will help me get you in.

ADAM:: "Shouting/mimicking Rio's voice" open the gates!! I come in peace, *winked at them*

LILLY:: how... how. did you do that?

RIO:: You stole my voice?

ADAM:: Nope, I just mimicked your voice.

AJAX:: That's cool, 

MAN 1:: "Shouting" welcome Mr Rio, it have been a long time, and if I may ask, who are your friends?

RIO:: They are the Guardians, of the AZAMU EMPIRE.

MAN 1:: open the gates!

AJAX:: That was easy.

RIO:: "walking" wait till you get inside.

MAN 1::  Close the gates!!

MAN 1:: what!!! An halfcast , you know this is an illegal, act, 

LILLY:: Hey am a guardian, am not bad, neither am I evil..

MAN 1:: Okay,,,, okay,,,, okay,,,,,. but if anything happens, I gat my eyes on you.

RIO:: thanks man.

(Few minutes later)

DORA:: Rio!! "Running forward"

RIO:: "hugs her" I really missed you

AJAX:: Wait.... wait I thought you said your wife is dead?

ADAM:: is your side chick?

DORA:: Did you just call me a baby chicken?

ADAM:: What?

AJAX:: Yeah, Seriously you just called her a baby chicken.

LILLY:: A chick is a baby chicken, literally you are calling her a fowl.

RIO:: This is my sister, Dora, a member of the Human kingdom council.

LILLY:: Wow, my mom used too tell me that, women aren't allowed to be a member or even chosen..

DORA:: So your dad is the one who is the Beastkind huh?

LILLY:: yes..

DORA:: Pray the other council, members take you in.

AJAX:: She is a guardian, of the AZAMU EMPIRE known for peace.

DORA:: then how do you explain, demon's killing people their?  Demon's weren't allowed there you know that, don't you?

AJAX:: yes but they invade, in Beastkind form, or Vampires form.

DORA:: We also heard they distroyed, the mini valley village, little people survived, and they went on killing the everyone in the village of lamatu, they come in different form, when they are about to fight, they trun back to demons.

AJAX:: little people survived in the mini valley village.

DORA:: Yes, shall we go now, the council is waiting.