Number One Waifu (1)

"Waifu over meta, for sure."

- ShanTheWhale -


 Imagine if you were an ordinary person who suddenly found yourself trapped inside a game, with no idea of when or how you could log out. It's common to feel a surge of panic and anxiety, especially when you think about all the unfinished work piling up at your job and the loved ones waiting for you back in the real world.

 But that wasn't the case for Shan. He still whistled happily on the car. That's because in his world, Shan had no family or close friends. As for work, he didn't need to be on call 24/7, and money kept flowing into his account. So, Shan's current feeling was like being on a vacation in the game world, enjoying himself and meeting his Waifu.

 Shan had relatives, but he wasn't close to them and didn't particularly like them. His parents, before their passing, made him promise to help his relatives who were in financial difficulty. Shan always fulfilled the promise to his parents, but his relatives didn't value his help at all. They just kept asking him for money and had no intention of working. They were addicted to alcohol and gambling and spent their time at pubs and bars. Shan felt like he was being treated like a walking ATM.

 Shan's relatives only visited him when they needed money. Whenever Shan needed them, they would always disappear and make excuses. For instance, when Shan threw a birthday party, they claimed to be busy and never showed up to celebrate with him. Likewise, when Shan was sick and hospitalized, he was left all alone with no visitors. But whenever they needed money, his relatives were miraculously available.

 When it came to friends, Shan had none. Everyone knew he was wealthy and approached him with ulterior motives, hoping he would treat them to meals or buy them expensive gifts. Shan was fully aware that no one genuinely liked him.

 As a result, despite his wealth, Shan found himself quite isolated. Surrounded by individuals who failed to bring him any joy, he turned to gaming for solace. Unlike his fair-weather friends and leeching relatives, games never betrayed their players. No matter how much he invested in them, they remained loyal and unwavering companions. As Shan spent more money on the game, his characters became stronger and more powerful. This was what he liked the most.

 "We've arrived, Mr. Shan," the attendant informed him.

 Upon reaching the stadium, Shan was utterly stunned by the sight that unfolded in front of him.

 The Wisher Arena resembled a colossal, cutting-edge stadium. Its structure featured a floating, arched dome, and the entrance pathway comprised an undulating escalator, reminiscent of a spiral staircase.

 Despite his limited social interactions, Shan, as an affluent individual, had occasionally booked tickets to witness world-class sporting events. Yet, none of the stadiums he had visited could match the sheer grandeur and magnificence of this one. Still, Shan was aware that this was a video game, a fantastical world where beauty was naturally enhanced.

 "Greetings, Mr. Shan. I've been informed that you wish to watch an Intermediate Wisher League match. We've prepared a seat in the sponsor zone for you. Please follow me," another NPC-like attendant greeted him.

 Shan nodded and followed , impressed by the beta test's dedication to player convenience. If a new player were to enter this world for the first time, they would undoubtedly feel lost and overwhelmed. Having NPCs readily available to provide guidance was a significant advantage.

 The attendant led Shan towards a glass elevator. As the elevator ascended, Shan could clearly see the panoramic cityscape. The view was no different from what he had seen in the game. However, experiencing such realism firsthand was considered an unparalleled experience.

 The attendant escorted Shan to the sponsor zone's amphitheater. The single sofa chair seemed luxurious and comfortable, resembling the most expensive movie theater seats. Shan noticed that in the general seating area, the seats were closely packed together, like typical stadium seating, and the spectators sat tightly with almost no empty seats. In contrast, in the sponsor zone, including Shan's section, the seating was arranged in a shaded area, with each sponsor's chair spaced out appropriately. There were also staff members providing personalized service, as well as a bar serving drinks and snacks. It could truly be called a VIP experience.

 As Shan followed the attendant to his seat, he noticed curious glances from the other sponsors. Most of them were older gentlemen, dressed in sharp suits, a stark contrast to Shan's casual attire. He didn't recognize any of them, but he assumed they were fellow AI game sponsors, potential rivals in the gacha wars for powerful characters.

 "Since you might not be familiar with the Wisher competition system, allow me to explain," the attendant standing beside him began.

 "The Intermediate Wisher League is a competition for Wishers with rankings in the B-Tier, C-Tier, D-Tier, and E-Tier categories. Most Wishers here are affiliated with small to medium-sized organizations. The purpose of the competition is to test the skills and prowess of the Wishers. Naturally, it also attracts sponsors who seek to recruit promising rising stars into their ranks..."

 Shan listened and yawned because both the game system and the NPC driver had already explained it to him before.

 "Wisher competition are purely for testing purposes, ensuring no harm comes to any participants. During each match, a 'hologram' system is employed. The image you see in the center of the arena is a realistic hologram of the Wisher, replicating their power level and skills with absolute precision. The Wishers control their holographic counterparts from outside the arena. The numbers displayed on the field represent the damage inflicted by the Wishers' powerful skills, calculated and measured by DPS meters installed around the arena."

 Shan observed that the actual Wishers were standing on glowing circular platforms around the arena. However, the actual duel would be projected as a hologram on the arena floor, with damage numbers appearing just like in the actual game. This sparked Shan's interest.

 "The Wisher League is a team-based competition, with a maximum of 10 members per team. Since each Wisher possesses unique abilities, team composition and strategic planning to maximize team performance are crucial aspects of the competition, thus serving as a test of the sponsors' skills as well. Therefore, this competition evaluates not only the individual capabilities of the Wishers but also the strategic prowess of the sponsors."

 Shan paid little attention to the attendant's explanations, as it was all old news to him. Having played Miracle Azlia since its launch server, he had consistently held the top spot on the server. Surely, he could easily grasp these basic concepts.

 His gaze drifted towards the packed stands across the arena, filled with spectators from diverse races. Many eyes wandered towards the sponsor zone, and upon noticing Shan's attention, they nudged their companions and pointed in his direction, waving and beckoning him with enthusiastic gestures.

 Shan raised an eyebrow in surprise.

 "That group of spectators seems quite enthusiastic," Shan said

 "Oh, that zone is for trainee Wishers. They don't have a ranking tier yet, so they can't participate in the Wisher League. The minimum requirement is E-Tier."

 "They know I'm a sponsor?" Shan couldn't help but wonder, recalling the information from another attendant that he was a sponsor with no reputation points yet.

 "Of course, sir," the attendant replied with a wide grin.

 "Most Wishers possess keen senses. If you've studied the demographic data of Azlian citizens in Dayland, you'll find that 70% are ordinary people with no powers, 25% are Wishers with special abilities, and the remaining 5% are affluent individuals. Of this 5%, only 1% are willing to become sponsors and support the Wishers."

 "In simpler terms, sponsors are a rare breed, making them a beacon of hope for all Wishers, especially those at the N-Tier level. These Wishers may not possess exceptional skills or immense power, and their chances of establishing themselves as prominent figures are slim. Their only hope for a promising future lies in securing a reputable sponsor who can nurture and develop their talents."

 "Ah, I see," Shan murmured, realizing that he was the only real player in the beta test.

 "While you may not have established your reputation as a sponsor yet, your status as a 'whale' is already widely known. All the Wishers are aware that you're a new whale sponsor, and they're eagerly anticipating your plan regarding which Wishers you'll recruit. Unsponsored Wishers are particularly keen on your attention, and even other sponsors are starting to view you as a potential rival."

 "So, it feels good to become famous." Shan chuckled, realizing the reason behind the other sponsors' attention – they saw him as a potential rival.

 Shan waved at the Wishers on the opposite stands, who enthusiastically returned his gesture, thrilled to have caught his attention

 "Indeed, sir," the attendant replied.

 "Many unsponsored Wishers are eagerly watching you, but you'll need to prove your worth as well. If you turn out to be a whale with no real skills, the SR and UR Wishers might overlook you. They represent the pinnacle of Wishers, and even major sponsors are vying for them."

 "UR Wisher? No way would someone like Vinz ignore me," Shan said boastfully. Then, he recalled his purpose for being here.

 "So, most UR Wishers are already affiliated with sponsors, right? What about Vinzent? Do you have any information on him?"

 "Vinzent LeFolyn. We all recognize him, though not in the positive way. Vinzent is an unsponsored D-Tier Wisher."

 "D-Tier?" Shan found the ranking rather low, but it didn't surprise him much, as Vinzent was consistently placed around that level in most tier lists online.

 The attendant continued his explanation, "Despite Vinzent's potential to reach UR level in power tests, his actual performance in matches falls far below expectations. His damage output is significantly lower than what his potential suggests, leading many to label him as a 'fake UR' or 'imposter UR'. Additionally, Vinzent shows no interest in training with other Wishers or participating in competitions outside the Wisher League. His presence in the league is purely to maintain his ranking. As a result, many sponsors consider Vinzent to be an unqualified Wisher. His lack of dedication to improving his skills has made him unattractive to potential sponsors and teammates."

 "That's not true, I'm very interested in him," Shan declared. "I'll quickly accumulate points to reach Platinum level, so I can recruit Vinzent into my team."

 "In fact, there's another reason why many people distance themselves from Vinzent," the attendant continued.

 "Have you ever heard of the 'LeFoyln Family Curse,' Mr. Shan?"

 "Ah, that gloomy backstory of Vinz's," Shan grumbled, his tone laced with disapproval.

 Every time he thought about Vinzent's storyline in the game, Shan felt like taking a stack of million banknotes to smash the head of whoever designed the storyline. Why did they have to torture his beloved character like that? Couldn't they have given him a happier story?

 "No matter how others perceive Vinz, he'll always be valuable to me," Shan said.

 Whenever Shan felt mentally exhausted from his relatives' constant requests for help, logging into the game and seeing his beloved Waifu's face always soothed his soul. Shan wasn't sure why he was so attached to Vinzent like this. Perhaps they both had something in common. He felt a special bond with Vinzent.

 However, the attendant looked at Shan with a puzzled expression. In his years of serving sponsors, whenever Vinzent's name was mentioned, they would all shake their heads in disapproval. They all believed that a Wisher like Vinzent had no future, and his family's tainted reputation only added to problems.

 Typically, any UR Wisher would be highly sought after, but Vinzent was the exception – no one wanted him. Perhaps it was only this new whale sponsor who showed any interest in him.

 "May I ask, Mr. Shan, why are you so interested in Vinzent?" the attendant couldn't help but ask. Could it be that this sponsor saw some hidden potential in this fake UR Wisher?

 "Reason?" Shan chuckled. "Because he's my future wife, of course! Hahaha!"

 Shan replied with a burst of laughter, leaving the attendant with wide, confused eyes. He studied Shan carefully, his mind deep in thought.

 He recalled that this new whale sponsor had identified as M+, but he couldn't shake off a feeling that it wasn't quite accurate.

 Since Shan wasn't a true Azlian, he figured simply changing his gender on paper would be enough. Little did he know that Azlian gender was a far more complex topic than he realized.