Chapter 3

"You … how dare you hit me!"

Yu Haoyun gnashing teeth, his face is unbelievable.

Yu Chen grinned: "Why not?"

Having said that, Yu Chen waved another slap and fanned out Yu Haoyun's other half of his face with 5 fingerprints.

extraordinary shame and humiliation!

Endless anger burned on Yu Haoyun's chest, and at this time there was only a single thought left in his mind: "Kill him, kill this waste !!!"

"you are courting death!"

Yu Haoyun roared angrily, and behind him suddenly rose a dragon shadow full of several feet.

A huge dragon power pervaded in the Dragon Soul Palace.

Many Yu Family children with weak Spirit ranks even have shiver coldly in their bodies.

This is the Bloodline coercion of Dragon Race, and the Bloodline Spirit of High Rank, which has absolute suppression for the low-grade Spirit.

At this time, all clansman looked at Yu Chen with a silent eye, and chuckled secretly.

Why bother!

Originally submit to humiliation, you are still safe and stable Young Patriarch.

It is really stupid to actively anger Tianxin Young Master!

Just when everyone felt Yu Chen was over, the latter's face did not show a trace of worry.

On the contrary, he smiled: "Grade 8 Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, is it strong?"

Yu Haoyun said with a sneer: "It's all this time, and still talking nonsense."

Yu Chen is still smiling: "Grade 8 Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, is it strong?"

Yu Haoyun snorted and was about to speak.

Suddenly, the anger on his face froze.

Because he found Yu Chen's right hand, it was now attached to the Dragon Soul Crystal.

But this is not the point. The point is that this dragon soul crystal is shaking and even cracking.


You know, this Dragon Soul Crystal is the Dragon Crystal from the first Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon on the mainland.

People of Yu Family can absorb the energy in Dragon Crystal during spirit awakening, which can greatly improve their Spirit strength.

But even the one who claimed to be the strongest successor of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan a few hundred years ago, when he was awakened, only this crystal vibrated 100 times.

But now, this Dragon Crystal is shaking violently continuously, even cracking.

"You … Yu Chen, how dare you damage the family Supreme Treasure?"

Looking at this scene, Yu Haoyun was so horrified that he couldn't even speak.

Yu Chen is still smiling: "Grade 8 Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, is it strong?"

In a word, Yu Chen right hand exerted a little force, and the Dragon Crystal was turned into a powder in his palm.

At the same time, his within the body sounded a vast dragon cry.


This dragon cry seems to have come from the time before the 10000000 million years ago, across time and space, resounding in the Dragon Soul Palace.

No, not just in the Dragon Soul Hall!

It spread out, spread throughout the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan base, spread throughout the entire imperial city, and even spread throughout the entire Empire!

Dragon cry sounded, Heaven and Earth moved!

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan base is covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning criss-crossed, and blue lightning that is as thick as an arm, falling continuously, as if to tear the sky dome!

In the sound of dragon cry, Yu Chen within the body, an azure'shundred zhang Divine Dragon emerged, among the clouds above Yu Chen's head, faintly discernible!

Bang peng ~ peng ~!

Hundred zhang Divine Dragon emerged, wanting to summon out Yu Haoyun of Spirit, the whole person is involuntarily creeping on the ground!

Not only Yu Haoyun, but all the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan people present, but also each and everyone's body crawling on the ground!

This is a kind of coercion on Dragon Bloodline!

Canglong appeared, 10000 dragons all know allegiance!

"How can this be!"

"What Spirit is he awakening ?! Only breath can bring such a powerful oppression!"

"Absolutely impossible! How could he be stronger than me!"

Yu Haoyun and the clansman under him felt the coercive pressure radiated from Yu Chen, his body was trembling, and his eyes were full of incredible colors!

They simply didn't expect that "waste" like Yu Chen would be able to awaken such terrifying Spirit!

Yu Haoyun, in particular, was coerced by Azure Dragon Spirit, and it was unbelievable to stand up from coercion.

But the coercion on Bloodline, could he be resisted by someone who just awakened Spirit!

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up halfway! Even Spirit within the body seems to be scared and has no resistance at all!

Yu Haoyun quickly looked proud from the original, like a deflated ball, and the whole face was stagnant and crawling on the ground!

Like a dead dog!

"What kind of Spirit did the Young Master wake up to?"

Not to mention the younger generation of the family, even the elders responsible for the awakening, under the pressure of Azure Dragon Spirit's Bloodline, their legs tremble, and there are some look of shock in their eyes!

"What is going on?!"

In the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect Elder Palace, 3 Elders and several consuls feel the oppression from within the body, the different colors flash in their eyes, moved towards the direction of the Dragon Soul Palace!

"Variant spirit?"

On the Landian Peak where the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect patriarch is located, a man in a blue gold robe stands on the top of the mountain, frowning slightly, and heading towards the Dragon Soul Palace!


At the same time, in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan count 1000 ten thousand li beyond, Star Luo Empire.

Several old men dressed in white costumes looked away towards Heaven Dou Empire Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan.

"this is..."

"The direction of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan?!"

"It seems that Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan is going to have a great character!"

As the first old man with white hair, his hands fell behind him, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"This child appears in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, and the situation on the entire Spirit continent will be subverted!"

"So powerful Spirit, Heaven and Earth have changed color!"

"Our family finally gave birth to two geniuses together, and now Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan appears like this evildoer, we still lose a little."

Beside this old man, several other old men dressed in brocade clothes looked at Heaven Dou Empire in shock.

And behind these people, the Spirit that emerged is like a White Tiger with a different pupil!


At the same time, far away in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan counts 1000 ten thousand li beyond, in a mountain isolated from the world, also known as Heaven Dou Empire Upper Three Sects – Clear Sky Sect.

Several old men, dressed in linen, stood in the sky and moved towards Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon.

"this is..."

"The direction of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan?!"

"It seems that Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan is going to have a great character!"

As the first old man with white hair, his hands fell behind him, and a cloud of air spit out of his mouth.

"With such a powerful Dragon Race coercion, is it possible that Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan was born a Grade 9 Bloodline person ?!"

"Or, it is the existence that is above Grade 9!"

Several other old men felt the pressure from 10,000,000 li, and their eyes were full of look of shock!

"Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan appears this child, the situation on the entire Spirit continent will be subverted."

"Tang Hao, where are you?"

Beside these old men, there is also a middle age person in a gray robe.

This person is the current sect master of Clear Sky Sect!