Chapter 6

"Junior Academy?"

"Young Master, depending on your aptitude and the power of our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, the senior Academy of Heaven Dou Empire, you want to enter and enter! Why choose a junior Academy?"

"Yes! Notting is just a Junior Academy! It has the difference between Heaven and Earth with a senior Academy! You need 3 thoughts!"

Hearing Notting's words, Elder and the consuls on the scene all advised.

The clansman of the younger generation present also frowned, and his face was puzzled.

How would they not think that Yu Chen would choose a junior Academy!

Heaven Dou Empire, Academy is divided into three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Among them, the Junior Academy is the most common one. The students are probably the children of some poor families. Those who graduated from the Junior Academy are hardly able to achieve anything.

The senior Academy is different. Most of the students gathered in the senior Academy are well-know figures of the younger generations of various families in the mainland!

2 The difference between the heaven and the earth!

Judging from Yu Chen's identity and the innate talents now showing, entering a senior Academy is completely with no difficulty!

"Notting Junior Academy."

"It's worth it."

"Your Spirit is so strange, I am afraid that only the" He "can teach you on the whole continent."

Only Yu Yuan, after hearing Yu Chen's words, his eyes slightly dim, and nod agreed.

The reason why Yu Yuan reacted this way was because he knew very well that in this Notting, there was a person who was hailed as the first theory-Yu Xiaogang!

"Young Master, Yu Xiaogang he…"

The big Elder on the side also reacted, ready to say something.



But before waiting for Elder to speak, 2 vain dragon cry sounded!

Azure Dragon Spirit of hundred zhang high emerged again from Yu Chen within the body!

As Azure Dragon emerged, a Five Clawed Golden Dragon with golden scales flashing seemed to come from 9 days, breathing the dragon's breath, exuding endless dragon power!

Bang peng ~ peng ~!

The Bloodline oppression of Azure Dragon Spirit alone is powerful enough, let alone Five Clawed Golden Dragon now!

2hundred zhang Divine Dragon, hovering above Yu Chen's head.

The disciples in the entire Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan can't help but creep on the ground, even all of you Elder's legs are soft!

If there is no strong spirit power support, they will certainly kneel on their knees!

Especially the big Elder standing at the front, because the Five Clawed Golden Dragon suddenly appeared, the coercion directly forced him to kneel down!

Then he reacted and used spirit power to support himself.

"What is this?!"

"There is such a powerful Bloodline coercion!"

"Hasn't Young Master's spirit awakening been completed?! What the hell is going on!"

Whether it is Yu Yuan, or the elders and countless clansman present, seeing the appearance of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon in bright golden color, an extremely strong look of shock appears on each and everyone's face!

The original Azure Dragon Spirit of Yu Chen was already shocking enough. Now, with the addition of Five Clawed Golden Dragon, Ssangyong parallels are even more shocking!

Yu Yuan looked at the Five Clawed Golden Dragon circling in the sky, the spirit power of the whole body surged, and 9 spirit rings of different colors appeared all over the body!

He didn't know that Five Clawed Golden Dragon was an enemy or a friend. Once Yu Chen had a slight accident, he would definitely try his best to save Yu Chen!

At this time, Ssangyong hovered above Yu Chen's head, and countless forces on the mainland were once again attracted by these natural phenomena!

In various forests, countless Spirit Beasts have also made pilgrimages!


Under the attention of Yu Yuan, the Five Clawed Golden Dragon circling with Azure Dragon in the clouds, opened his mouth, and suddenly spit out a black aura exuding rich spirit power, which fell on Yu Chen!

"This… what is this again?!"

"10000-year spirit ring?!"

"Heavenly spirit ring ?! And it's still a dragon attribute!"

All clansman on the field, seeing the black spirit ring spit out by Five Clawed Golden Dragon, the shock that appeared on everyone's face was more intense!

Several Elders and consuls in the clan were even more surprised that their chins could not close together!

Spirit Beast, which has survived for 10000 years, is extremely rare in Heaven Dou Empire!

Normally, Elder of the Li people leads the team to hunt Spirit Beast. It takes less than a few months to find a Spirit Beast of 10000 years!

Among Spirit Beast, Spirit Beast is the rarest dragon!

If it is the 10000-year-old Spirit Beast, it may take a few years or even decades!

And now Yu Chen is gifting the spirit ring, and it is the dragon spirit ring of 10000 years!

It is difficult to find the spirit ring of the dragon that others have spent countless hours and energy, but now Yu Chen is directly given by Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

It's really comparing oneself to others will only make one angry !

Yuyuan saw this scene, and a thick look of shock appeared on her face, but soon Yuyuan frowned slightly, and her whole body spirit ring appeared, ready to shoot!

The 10000-year spirit ring is certainly precious, but you must know that Yu Chen has just awakened Spirit!

Although is innate talent is extremely demon, spirit power has reached level ten, but it has simply absorbed the 10000-year spirit ring!

Spirit ring can bring a huge bonus to Spirit, and the backlash effect on Spirit ring is also extremely huge!

Moreover, the higher the year, the stronger the backlash ability!


"What the hell is he! Awakening such a violent Spirit, and now it is the 10000-year spirit ring!"

"Fortunately, he is only 10000th grade, and he will definitely be killed by a 1-year spirit ring backlash!"

The big Elder whose eyes have always stayed on Yu Chen, seeing this scene is also a surprise and shock that can't be dissipated in the eyes!

But soon it turned into a strong color!


But under everyone's attention, the golden glow unlimited Five Clawed Golden Dragon once again spit out a dragon breath!

Under the dragon's breath, the black spirit ring soon submerged into Yu Chen within the body!

Five Clawed Golden Dragon's dragon breath is intertwined with black's 10000-year spirit ring, and with the companion of Azure Dragon Spirit, this 10000-year spirit ring has no resistance and is directly integrated with Yu Chen!


The spirit ring merged, Yu Chen's imposing manner suddenly rose high, and the Five Clawed Golden Dragon hovering in the sky also disappeared over 9 days.

At this time, Yu Chen within both eyes Long Ying appeared, and his spirit power was further refined by half.

"The first spirit ring was in 10000, which directly raised my spirit power to Fifth Level."

Yu Chen felt full of energy, with a black spirit ring around his body, and his mouth slightly raised.