Chapter 17

Spirit Beast, the channel for obtaining Spirit ring most important for Heaven Dou Empire Spirit Master.

The higher the year, the more precious the spirit ring.

Correspondingly, the higher the Spirit Beast battle strength of the year is, the stronger it is!

However, like the Spirit Beast forest attached to each Academy, it is different. Most of them are Empire-spirit Spirit Beast.

The year and risk are much lower than those of the outside forest.

As long as it is outside the forest, there are more than 3 Teachers leading the team.

Therefore, in this trip to the Spirit Beast Forest, in addition to Tang San and a few other students who want to get a spirit ring, Academy also picked some students with good aptitude to go together.

Among them are Yu Chen, Xiao Wu, Chen Rui and several senior students. The number of the team is around thirteen-fourteen.


Little Fatty Chen Rui led the way, Yu Chen and several of them soon came to the entrance of Academy.

At the gate of the Academy, the Teacher and the students who are going to the Spirit Beast Forest are all here.

"Dust Brother!"

"Dust Brother!"

Seeing Yu Chen coming, several senior students immediately greeted Yu Chen with great respect.

"Xiaochen." Yu Xiaogang noticed that Yu Chen was coming, and also looked up nodding.

The other 2 teachers who lead the team are naturally no exception, and they all focus on Yu Chen.

Yu Chen is now in Notting, but an influential figure.

After all, the entire continent, whether it is a junior Spirit Master Academy or an advanced Spirit Master Academy, has never happened before, and freshmen who have just entered can suppress senior students!

At present, the students of Notting, no matter what grade they are, are all based on Yu Chen!

To put it bluntly, that is the entire Academy students, all are Yu Chen's younger brothers!

This situation has not happened in the entire history of the mainland!

"big brother."

Yu Chen heard the words of everyone, slightly nod, and then turned to greet Yu Xiaogang.

"Since everyone is here, start early."

"But before going to the Spirit Beast forest, you must remember that you must not be able to leave us ten steps away!"

"Let's not go deep into the Spirit Beast forest. If we go deep into the forest, even we can't save it."

Grandmaster met Yu Chen nod and said with a serious voice to everyone present.

"Yes! Grandmaster!"

Tang San, Chen Rui and several senior students now answered in unison after listening.


After this, headed by Yu Xiaogang and 2 Teachers, the entire group moved towards Spirit Beast forest direction!

Spirit Beast Forest is the forest where Heaven Dou Empire feeds Spirit Beast. It is located just 3 10 li behind Nuoding City.

Taking Notting 's footsteps, but it took the time it takes half an incense stick to burn time.

Close to the Spirit Beast forest, everyone can see an extremely wide city wall from afar, the entire Spirit Beast forest is enveloped by the city wall.

The entire Spirit Beast forest looks like a vast and colosseum!

"Is that the Spirit Beast Forest?! How big!"

"This is my first time here. Do you think the Spirit Beast inside will be particularly terrifying?"

"It shouldn't be?"

Several students, overlooking the Spirit Beast forest in the distance, showed a trace of excitement and a trace of fear in the unknown.

"The Spirit Beast Forest is despite the Spirit Beast Forest controlled by Empire."

"But there are still many crises in it. If you don't keep up, you can become Spirit Beast's belly at any time."

Yu Xiaogang, while seriously admonishing the students, handed out a certificate from the storage bag to the guard who was responsible for guarding the forest.

If you want to enter the Spirit Beast forest, you must hold the Academy certificate to enter.

"Notting Academy, go in."

"Spirit Beast in the forest, since the last time the sky dragon shadow emerged, I don't know what is going on, and it has become very irritable."

"Do not go deep into the forest, just walk around the outermost edge."

The guard who guarded the forest opened the gate of the forest after reading the certificate, and reminded Yu Xiaogang entire group.

Hearing the words of the guard, Yu Xiaogang turned his head to look at Yu Chen, and then he moved towards the forest.

Yu Xiaogang is very clear that what the guards say can make all Spirit Beasts in the Spirit Beast forest become irritable, it must be Yu Chen 's extremely perverted Azure Dragon Spirit!

Under Yu Xiaogang's leadership, Yu Chen and Xiao Wu and their entire group also entered the Spirit Beast forest one after another.

As soon as you step into the forest, you can see some strange-looking Spirit Beast, with 5 colorful cats, and flying butterflies with fangs. The years are probably around ten years.

"For the Spirit Beast riot in the forest, we can only go deeper than 500 metres. Within 500 metres, you can choose Spirit Beast at will."

Yu Xiaogang walked to the front, finished speaking loudly, and immediately turned to Yu Chen.

"Xiaochen, although this outermost Spirit Beast is not high, you still have to be careful."

"By the way, during this half a month, I think of an Academy that suits you very well – Shrek Academy!"

"This Academy only accepts peerless genius, but it also has several points of agreement with you."

Yu Xiaogang approached Yu Chen and summoned a Spirit-like Spirit. Two Spirit Rings appeared on his body and used as a way out.

"Ding! 3 options system activation, please host to choose:

1. Refuse to go to Shrek Academy, continue to stay at Notting Academy, and get a reward ring spirit +1 for ten years!

2. Refuse to go to Shrek Academy, go to Advanced Academy to learn, and get a reward of 500 gold coins!

3. Promise Yu Xiaogang and go to Shrek Academy to get rewards: 2nd Spirit, 4 Divine Beast – Vermilion Bird!"

"Please host to make a choice within 30 seconds!"

When Yu Xiaogang had just finished speaking, the prompt of system sounded in Yu Chen's mind.

Yu Chen has reached Level 20, and the first option reward is the spirit ring reward, but it is Spirit Beast which can be seen everywhere for 1 years. Yu Chen will not choose it naturally.

As for the gold coins rewarded by the second option, Yu Chen has not used up even the 2 gold coins that Yang Xiong handed over before, and his gold soul card has never moved!

In contrast, the third option of natural selection rewards the 3nd Spirit – Vermilion Bird!

"Vermilion Bird" 2 words, Yu Chen will not be strange!

"Big brother is going to be fine."

After making a choice, Yu Chen responded to Yu Xiaogang.

"Is Brother Chen going away?"

"How long has Brother Chen been here, will he leave so soon?"

After Yu Chen finished speaking, Xiao Wu and Chen Rui and the others immediately turned their gazes over, their faces full of reluctance.

Especially Xiao Wu, when she heard that Yu Chen was going to Shrek Academy, the 2 little hands couldn't help but hold Yu Chen's clothes corner tightly!