Chapter 19


Under Azure Dragon Spirit, the Spirit Beast in the entire soul hunting forest is creeping on the ground, making a pilgrimage!

In front of the eyes, the two extremely rich Datura Snake were killing intent, and the snake body was trembling under Azure Dragon Spirit, and the whole body was lying on the ground!

Under Longwei, for the snake-shaped Spirit Beast, there is great pressure!

In addition to these 2 Datura Snake, the Yu Xiaogang present is no exception, everyone is deterred by the power of Azure Dragon Spirit!

"This…what is Spirit?"

"I haven't seen Chenge cast Spirit for so long since I came to Academy. It turns out that Chenge's Spirit is so perverted!"

"I finally understand why Brother Chen doesn't cast Spirit anymore! If Brother Chen casts Spirit, the pressure of Spirit alone is not something we can resist!"

"Not only that, you see that there is no black spirit ring at the bottom of Chen Brother's feet, but black represents 10000 years! The first spirit ring is 10000 years ?!"

Tang San and Chen Rui entire group, crawling on the ground, looking at Yu Chen like Divine King in front of him, an extremely rich look of shock appeared on his face!

The two Teachers who were blown away are also surprised that their jaws are difficult to close!

Yu Chen has a great reputation in the Academy of Notting, but the Academy's people have never seen Yu Chen release Spirit. Everyone thinks that Yu Chen is Spirit's too weak sorry to release.

But at this time, Yu Chang's Canglong, who is a hundred zhang high, is completely strong enough to be abnormal? !

The breath from Spirit alone is not something they can resist!

Except for Spirit, the people present have never heard of it. The first Spirit Ring is the Spirit Ring of 10000!

The higher the age, the stronger the oppression brought by absorption!

The first spirit ring can absorb 100 years, and it is already the top match of the spirit ring. Just like the few old students who came to the soul hunting forest this time, they do not dare to expect even the 100-year spirit ring , let alone 10000. Year's spirit ring!

Even if they put it in front of them, they dare not move it!

Moreover, is Spirit Beast 10000 so easy to encounter? !

"'s him."

Xiao Wu looked at Azure Dragon, who was behind zhang high behind Yu Chen, and two big eyes stared at Yu Chen closely.

The body of Xiao Wu is Spirit Beast in Star Forest. When he just turned into an adult, he was attracted by Yu Chen 's awakening spirit at that time.

She didn't expect, Yu Chen is the one who caused the big change in Heaven and Earth!

"This … Xiaochen spirit power has reached Level 20!"

Knowing Yu Chen variant spirit and Yu Xiaogang of the 10000 spirit ring, looking at Yu Chen in front of you, it is also a look of shock in your eyes!

Judging from the spirit power exuded from Yu Chen, Yu Chen's spirit power level has already reached Level 20!

Just know that this is only a few days!

Yu Xiaogang, the first of Spirit Master's world theory, has seen many geniuses, but he has never seen such a perverted cultivation speed!


Double pupils appear, Spirit opens.

Yu Chen stepped out and the black spirit ring at the bottom of his feet slowly rose!

Nine Heavens dragon cry!

Accompanied by the black spirit ring rising from the bottom of Yu Chen's feet, Azure Dragon shouted behind him!


In the sound of Long Xiao, Yu Chen can clearly feel that his strength has increased significantly, but the two Datura Snakes are now directly crushed by Long Wei to deform!

Nine Heavens dragon cry, amplification itself lowers opponents!

"Why do I feel that my full attribute has doubled directly?"

"I feel the same way! I have grown 2 times"

"This … is it possible that is Chen Ge's 10000-year spirit ring skill ?! It is actually possible to Amplify all of us! This is too much!"

Everyone around, under the amplification of Nine Heavens dragon cry, everyone was extremely excited, and the praise of Yu Chen continued in his mouth!

In particular, Chen Rui and the others, who have low spirit power.

Although they do n't know what Yu Chen 's first Spirit Ability is, they can feel the perversion of Yu Chen 's Spirit Ability!

Although Yu Xiaogang amplification was not as exaggerated as them, it was shocked to shut his mouth.


When the praises in the crowd kept on, I saw Yu Chen accompanied by Canglong, the black spirit ring condensed all around, and waved out!


Yu Chen's palm waved out, and four golden dragon shadows suddenly roared from the palm of his hand!

Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms !

The 4 dragon shadows slashed out, due to the addition of Azure Dragon Spirit, exuded the power of the dragon, and attacked 2 Datura Snake!


Datura Snake is known as the Poisonous Arrow demon. In addition to its high offensive ability and toxicity, its scale armor's defensive power is extremely hard!

Even if the two teachers led by Yu Xiaogang and Academy, it is impossible to break through the defense of Datura Snake!

But now 2 prostrate 2 Datura Snake, under the Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms swayed by Yu Chen, the scale armor burst instantly!

The blood of dark green keeps flowing!

The originally fiercely surging Datura Snake, under Yu Chen's blow, both of them became dying!

Yu Chen 's Azure Dragon Spirit suppresses these 2 Datura Snake itself with great Bloodline suppression, plus Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms with extremely strong formable power, the ordinary snake Spirit Beast will be directly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

However, these two Datura Snake still have a breath, so that you can know that Datura Snake is far more powerful than the ordinary snake Spirit Beast!

"His! Brother Chen is too strong…"

"Two such powerful Datura Snake were killed in a single move in the hands of Brother Chen!"

"I don't care! I have followed Brother Dingchen in my life, and I will be happy to give Brother Chen's shoes!"

The surrounding Chen Rui and the others, seeing Yu Chen instantly maimed 2 Datura Snake, the shock and admiration on each and everyone's face became more intense!

The love deep in Xiao Wu's eyes has also increased a lot!

You know, even the two leading teachers are not the opponents of this Datura Snake, but Yu Chen has done a trick!

Showing such terrifying strength, everyone will naturally be more shocked!

"Xiaochen, wait!"

"This is God's will! You Level 20 spirit power, just need a spirit ring breakthrough, the second spirit ring's year limit is 2, and this Datura Snake year 764 is right for you!"

"Datura Snake is called the Poisonous Arrow demon, and its innate talent attribute is extremely high, although it is not as good as your first spirit ring, but it is definitely an excellent choice!"

"As for the other 400 years, it also happened to be absorbed by Tang San."

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiaogang was equally shocked. Although he knew his younger brother's strength and innate talent were extremely perverted.

But I have never seen Yu Chen shot, and now I am shocked to see that Yu Chen has such lethality.

But Yu Xiaogang responded quickly and hurriedly reminded Yu Chen.

"Little San went to absorb these 400 years of Spirit Beast."

"As for me, I don't need it."

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Yu Chen is just looking at the head.


Just when Yu Chen just finished speaking, a hundred zhang Golden Dragon, from 9 days down!