Chapter 21


Looking at the curious glances of Yu Xiaogang and Xiao Wu, Yu Chen right hand lifted slightly, and two black spirit rings at the feet slowly floated up.

Among them, the second spirit ring lighted up slightly, and Azure Dragon Spirit emerged behind Yu Chen!


With the second spirit ring on, Azure Dragon Spirit spit out a dragon roaring sound!

The dragon roar sounded, with Yu Chen as the center, Spirit Beast died instantly within 100 meters!

In the 100 years of Spirit Beast, in the sound of Long Xiao, blood was spilling from all over, and he was scared to move on the ground!

Among them, the 100-year Spirit Beast with a slightly lower year is more like the Spirit Beast in those ten years, which is directly transformed into blood mist and died completely!

Even the 600-year-old Datura Snake, under the dragon roar, completely dissipated Life Aura!

At this moment, beside Yu Chen, there is no Spirit Beast who can stand!

2nd Spirit Ability – [Blue Dragon Roar]!

[Blue Dragon Roar]: Spirit Ability of large-scale lethality, can carry out large-scale lethality, and at the same time can briefly amplify your own spirit power!

(Long Wei doubles the damage to Spirit Beast!)

"Too…too perverted!"

"This 2nd Spirit Ability is not only of great lethality, but also its scope?"

"It's worthy of a 10000-year spirit ring!"

Yu Xiaogang and Xiao Wu entire group, looking at the countless spirit rings around them, and the 100-year spirit ring that appeared on Datura Snake, a thick look of shock appeared on everyone's face.

You know, Yu Chen's own spirit power is only more than 20 levels, but it can achieve such a large range of lethality. I can imagine how terrifying this 10000-year spirit ring is!

"Brother Chen is my idol from today!"

"In our village, there is no one with a 10000-year spirit ring. There are two 20-year spirit rings in the level 2 of Chenge! If you say that, the people in the village will definitely say that I am cheating! "

"That's for sure! As far as the country bumpkins in your village are concerned, how could you be extremely talented like Chenge!"

After being shocked, Chen Rui and the others were discussing spiritedly again, boasting constantly in his mouth.


After Yu Chen completed the second Spirit Ability, Tang San on the side had already absorbed the spirit ring.

Tang San 's own innate talent is not bad, so it 's not surprising that absorbing a 400-year spirit ring.

After Tang San's absorption was complete, the crowd quickly left the Hunting Forest and returned to the Notting Academy.

This time I came to the Hunting Forest, whether it is Tang San or is Yu Xiaogang, Xiao Wu, the relationship with Yu Chen is getting better and better.

After all, strictly speaking of which, this time in the Soul Hunting Forest Tour, none of them can live without Yu Chen!

Yu Chen's shot is equivalent to their life saving benefactor!

When the people returned from the Spirit Beast forest, the night had come. After thanking Yu Chen, they returned to their dorms.

Perhaps because of Yu Chen's Spirit, Xiao Wu's body is Spirit Beast, and he feels more dependent on Yu Chen.

As if, Yu Chen is her King-like!

Therefore, Xiao Wu said that he would not move, but after falling asleep, he would involuntarily hide in Yu Chen's arms.

Yu Chen looked at Xiao Wu in her arms and smiled at the head.

Immediately began to investigate, this Spirit Beast forest trip, not only won the second spirit ring, his own spirit power has reached Level 2!

Compared with the previous strength, it can be said that there is no small improvement.

Yu Chen slept deep after checking his own attributes.


The 2 days agreed by Yu Chen and Yu Xiaogang passed quickly.

"Brother Chen, everything is ready!"

"We can go at any time!"

3rd day Early in the morning, Tang San had packed his luggage, and the expression was excited to talk to Yu Chen.

Even Yu Xiaogang came to the 302 dormitory early to wait for Yu Chen.

"Now that everything is packed, let's go."

Yu Chen glanced around and saw that Xiao Wu also packed things up, nodding beckoning to start.

Yu Chen nod and the entire group headed by Yu Xiaogang all started to move and moved towards the school gate.

"Dust Brother!"

"Dust Brother!"

"Brother Chen has gone all the way!"

The news of Yu Chen's departure from the Notting Academy spread. The students in the first to sixth grades of the Academy, as well as the Teacher and Principal of the Academy, were neatly arranged at the side of the school entrance 6 and watched Yu Chen leave.

Some of the cute girls, with a blushing face, walked to Yu Chen and stuffed Yu Chen with small things to show their hearts!

"Brother Chen! You will always be the boss of our 302 dormitory!"

"Be careful on the road!"

In particular, a few people in the 302 dormitory Chen Rui, were reluctant to see Yu Chen.

Shrek Academy has strict requirements, and Chen Rui and others are very aware of their innate talents, so they chose to stay at Notting Academy.


Yu Chen looked at Chen Rui several people, nod with a smile.

After not staying too much, follow Yu Xiaogang to leave Notting Academy and go to Shrek Academy!

Shrek Academy is located in Soto, a city adjacent to Nuoding City.

Compared with Nuoding City, Soto City is much larger in scale. Nuoding City can only be called a small city, while Soto City is a big city without compromise.

The total area is nearly 3 times that of Soto City, and there are all kinds of shops in the city!

In the center of the city of Soto, there is also an extremely tall and magnificent building, which is several dozen meters tall and there are countless pedestrians walking under the building.

The top of the building is engraved with 6 large characters - Soto City Soul Arena!

As for Shrek Academy, it is located in a small mountain range 3 10 li behind the Soto City Arena.

From a distance, it looks like a small broken village.

"Grandmaster, isn't this Shrek Academy a senior Spirit Master Academy? How can it look so poor?"

Tang San, who was behind Yu Chen, looked at Shrek Academy, which looked very poor on the mountain range, and looked suspicious.

It stands to reason that a high-level Academy like Shrek Academy will certainly be very luxurious, but from the point of view of the buildings, they are far inferior to the junior Academy like Notting Academy!

"Because, Shrek Academy only accepts monsters."

Yu Xiaogang smiled at the head and continued to walk forward with several people.

"20 years old reaches level 1, do you dare to say that it is a genius ?!"

"I'll make it clear to you that our Shrek Academy only accepts monsters, and innate talent is not enough, so don't come here and ask for fun!"

As Yu Chen and their entire group approached Shrek Academy, they soon saw the entrance of Academy.

There is a middle age person in black clothes, and a teenager with red eyes and blue eyes is enrolling!