Saber: Minamoto no Kazuo


Minamoto no Kazuo was a swordsman of the highest caliber. With a single swing of his blade, he could cut mountains in half. With him doing this came stories, one of these stories of him states, that if he wanted to, he could cut the very earth in half. While this may not be true, it became one of the most known parts of his legend. This is seen in his Saint Graph, where even if the story was fake. It became one of his Noble Phantasms. Let us stop focusing on this part and get to where his story started.

Kazuo was born in the early 8th century, to Minamoto no Senshi and Minamoto no Ikari. At a young age, he showed immense talent with the sword, easily beating instructors that were 3x his age. This talent stayed with him his whole life, it was mainly shown during his time in the military. During his stay in the military, Kazuo was a force to be reckoned with. Every battle he was in, he became a nightmare for his enemy. Anyone that came in his path he killed, by the time he was 17 he could fill mountains with the number of people he killed. He was given the title "Sainan no Kenshi", while this title painted a horrific image of him, outside of battle he was the opposite. This is shown in a journal of one of his closest friends, Yamamoto Akihiko

In one of his journals, he wrote this. "Kazuo was a demon on the battlefield, decimating the enemy to the point where even in a fight where he was outnumbered 1 to 30, they were still hesitating to fight him. While stories twisted him into some sort of demon, he was a great man when he was alone with family and friends. He always showed great humor when drinking with his fellow soldiers, I even remember one time when after a heavy night of drinking. He was found in the pond across from his home, blacked out drunk. It was a funny moment to witness when we went out searching for him."

His time of being in the military came to an end in 744, when at the age of 25, he was betrothed to his love Shotoku. Shotoku's father who at this current time was the current emperor of Japan was not happy with Kazuo's marriage to Shotoku, the only reason he allowed this marriage at all was due to Kazuo being an important asset and the love between his daughter and Kazuo was real and not forced. Kazuo and Shotoku became Emperor and Empress of Japan in 749 when Shotoku's father died of an illness passing away in his sleep. Even if he was an emperor he was still a military man, this is shown when during his time of being the Emperor, he went through 157 battles and 9 wars. all of them he won, out of all them only one was a major point in his legend.

Meikyo's rebellion was one of the major battles he fought during his time as the Emperor of Japan. This was one of the longest wars he was in, the rebellion started in 753 and ended in 761 with Meikyo's death. In this rebellion alone Kazuo fought in 67 battles, mainly leading his men. The only important part of this rebellion is at the end of it when Meikyo stormed Nara where the Imperial Palace was at the time. Kazuo was annoyed at how this war was going and decided to go out alone to finish his war once and for all. It was said that before the battle, Meikyo was stunned at the arrogance Kazuo had believing that he alone could defeat them. It was with a single swipe of Kazuo's sword that he bisected 40,000 of the 80,000 that were brought to defeat him. The other half that survived were stunned by what Kazuo did, it was until the sound of something crashing behind them did they fully come back to awareness. What brought them out of it, was even more terrifying, The two mountains that they crossed between were evenly cut in half. The soldiers after what Kazuo did immediately surrendered. Meikyo's last words before he got bisected along with half of his men were one simple word. "M-Monster...".

It was after that battle, that the rebellion was officially ended. There were no notable wars after the rebellion, they didn't even last long to be counted as war. Kazuo in every single one of them ended it like how he ended Meikyo's rebellion, with a single swing of his sword. Between the wars and Kazuo being an Emperor nothing really else happened. He died in 820 at the age of 103 he passed away peacefully in his sleep, his love Shotoku died at the age of 97 in 814 also in her sleep. Kazuo's story would inspire many swordsmen in the years to come to try to rival and beat his swordsmanship, some would get close but none would be as great as a swordsman as him.


[Throne of Heroes initializing]

[0...%] [6...%] [14...%] .... [97...%] [100...%]

[Throne of heroes initialized]

[Recording legend of Sainan no Kenshi....]


[Initializing Saint Graph]


[Name: Minamoto no Kazuo]

[Class: Saber]

[Alignment: Neutral Good]


[Strength: A+]

[Agility: B++]

[Endurance: B+] [Orginally C+, but due to Noble Phantasm [My body is my sword A+] this is raised to B+]

[Mana: E] [Due to Divinity D, this is raised to C++]

[Luck: B+]

[NP: A+]


[Swordsmanship: EX]

[Minds Eye (True): A]

[Clairvoyance: B+]

[Divinity: D]

[Noble Phantasms]

[Ame-no-Ohabari A+]

[Izanami's blade that was used to cut up the infant Fire God Kagutsuchi, from Kagutsuchi's blood two gods were formed Sea God Watatsumi and Rain God Kuraokami were formed. This is Kazuo's main weapon when he found it on a military campaign, while in his possession he became so attuned with it that it fused with him with this it granted him a small bit of Divinity]

[My body is my sword A+]

[Kazuo had become so attuned with his sword that it eventually fused with him. With the activation of this Noble Phantasm, his body gains a slight shine to it. Since he fused with Ame-no-Ohabari which had Divinity infused within it from the blood of Japanese God Kagutsuchi, he is granted a small bit of divinity]

[Throne of Heroes Profile Complete]

[Throne of Heroes Shutting Down]



Hello, Teaka here, how did everyone enjoy this info dump for saber. It is the context for his history and his Saint Graph. I want to go through Fate/Apocrypha with him summoned by Jeanne, no he won't romance Jeanne, as his only love in life is his wife Shotoku. Only Jeanne and Amakusa would be able to see the Grand Saber text, since well their ruler. Even if Amakusa's war is long over, he was still ruler. In this, since rulers are mainly summoned by the grail they hold knowledge of who holds the title grand in each class. Only one other version of him is going to hold the title Grand and that is his Archer version, he shares this title with Super Orion.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sneak peek into the next one [Name: .... Pendragon]

Peace <3