Rider: Horatius Ectorius

A/N: Hey author here, putting in this little message here to explain something. With his reincarnations, they don't give a flying #### about time and space, his previous reincarnation before this one was Aulfric Pendragon. That reincarnation isn't born/made until 30 to 40 years after Horatius's death. With this reincarnation, his soul is still tainted with the malice and destruction of his time as a berserker. One massive helper with that is Dark Rhongomyniad, this is why Altera likes him because she thinks he is like her, a being of malice and destruction.


Horatius Ectorius was a beloved hero of Rome, slaying and destroying anyone that dared to harm Rome. But with a twist of fate, instead of helping Rome prosper, he almost destroyed it. Let's see how his life played out.

(A/N: I am using the real Atilla the Huns history mixed with the one with fate, using the template of the real Atilla the Hun, and removing the brother. Since Altera was found by the elders of the hun tribe in the dark ruins of a civilization, then manipulated by the Huns.)

Horatius was born in 412, two years after the Gothic Emperor Alaric sacked Rome. From a young age, he was considered a prodigy, constantly beating anyone that dared to challenge him. It was no surprise that when he joined the legionary at the age of 17, he was not declined but accepted greatly by the Military. While there was nothing going on at the time, Horatius was still greatly improving his skill. Sparing constantly with his fellow soldiers who he considered his brothers, It was until 432, that he got the chance to prove himself.

In 432, a man of high standing in both the Military and Senate was found giving information and funds to one of Rome's enemies. He fled before he could be captured, so Horatius and a small legion of 2000, were sent out to capture him before he could escape Rome. Horatius and the small legion were able to where he was, but before they could capture him he ran. They gave chase, unknowingly to them they were being led into an ambush.

It happened too fast for them to be able to react, the legion of 2000 men soon became 1600. The Commanding Officer was killed along with 400 men, and Horatius was able to quickly reign in the legion and took command. Horatius was able to fight off the ambush, out of the 2000 men who were sent only 500 remained. It was only after the battle that Horatius found something that was wrong, when they were counting the dead they only discovered 600 dead. This was weird since only 500 were alive, this only added up to 1100 men out of 2000 that were sent. After healing the wounded as much as they could, they set out back to the military encampment.

What they found back at the Encampment, was one of the major turning points in Horatius's love for Rome. The 900 soldiers that disappeared were found alive, Horatius who was furious at them, shouted at them demanding them to tell him what they were doing here. The commander of the encampment who arrived to find out who was shouting was shocked at the sight of Horatius and his men. He was quickly able to inform Horatius, that he and his men were reported dead. The commander who was able to quickly put together what happened ordered his men to arrest the people who betrayed the Roman Military under desertion.

This was also a starting point of war since Horatius and his men were able to identify who ambushed them. It was a neighboring Empire named Sidor, who lately before the betrayal was poking at Rome and trying to see what they can and not do. Quickly tried to deny all claims that it was them that attacked Horatius and his men, unfortunate for them the spies that Rome had in Sidor explained otherwise. They were found to be harboring the Betrayer and even giving rewards to him for what he did.

The war between Rome and Sidor started, it lasted from 432 to 438 with the eventual capture of the capital of Sidor. During this war, Horatius was given a title by his enemies, Horatius the Slayer. This title came from the fact that in every battle he has been in, he was the one that killed the most on each side. It got to the point that people thought he was a demigod of Mars, the Roman God of War. This may be true as there are no records of him having a father, only records of his mother and the one she married after the father's supposed disappearance.

One battle also gave Horatius another nickname, Horatius the Undying. During a battle, Horatius was injured to the point where death was inevitable. But he kept moving, it was to the point where the enemy thought he was Mars himself. There was a point where there was not a spot on his body that wasn't a wound. He still kept moving and killing.

It was said that the gods were most impressed with his performance in this war, that they gifted him a mount. Something to match with his title Horatius the Undying, it was a massive war horse. Swords were useless against it and arrows broke on contact with the horse.

(Picture of the horse)

It was during the Sieg of Sidor's capital that Horatius lived up to his title of Horatius the Slayer. The roads were filled with the bodies of the people that Horatius killed, even the king and his family weren't spared. This act gained the attention and interest of one Attila the Hun. Nothing would happen until Attila the Hun attacked Rome in 440.

Horatius battled against Atilla, multiple times from 441 to 445. It was in 446 that he was captured by Attilla herself, and instead of executing him. She took him for herself, stating that she couldn't let someone that was like herself die. Horatius was adamant that Rome wouldn't let a soldier like Horatius be captured for so long and would send an offering to barter for his release. It would only take a couple of weeks for Horatius to see that Rome doesn't care about him, and with this Horatius, already shaky love for Rome was broken. Horatius and his most loyal men joined Attila the Hun.

Horatius over time slowly fell in love with Attila and vice versa. They went through many conquests together, and Horatius stayed with Attila to the very end. Even when dying while In battle they two still stayed together, dying together while holding each other.

Thus this is the end of Horatius the Slayer and Attila the Hun.


[Throne of Heroes initializing]

[0...%] [6...%] [14...%] .... [97...%] [100...%]

[Throne of heroes initialized]

[Recording legend of Horatius Ectorius....]


[Initializing Saint Graph]


[Name: Horatius Ectorius]

[Class: Rider]

[Alignment: Neutral Evil]


[Strength: EX] [Raised from A+ to EX by Demi-God of #####]

[Agility: B++]

[Endurance: EX] [Raised from A to EX by Demi-God of #####]

[Mana: E]

[Luck: C]

[NP: A]


[Battle Continuation EX]

[Able to continue fighting even if both arms are lost and legs. If legs or arms are lost, ones would form from energy]

[Riding EX]

[Being able to ride Anicetus, a Divine horse made by ####]

[Demi-God of #### A]

[You are war incarnate, raises strength by one class.]

[Loved by Destruction EX]

[Any Magecraft spell that is based around Destruction, is ineffective against you]

[Loved by ##### EX]

[You are loved by the one that ended the ####,]

[God-Slayer EX]

[You are linked to the one that ended the ####]

[Noble Phantasms]

[Anicetus EX]

[Anicetus is Horatius's war horse given to him from his Divine Parent ####. Is capable of blocking any attacks from anything that is not something Divine in nature.]

[Veni Vidi Vici EX]

[The name comes from Julius Caesar saying, I came, I saw, I conquered. Is a Reality Marble Noble Phantasm, sharing similarities with Ionioi Hetairoi. This allows Horatius Ectorius to project into this world, his most famous battle. The battle where he got his name Horatius the Undying, along with this noble phantasm summons his most loyal soldiers along with Attila as well. It also shares the concept of Ars Paulina, Death does not count. So if someone has enough magic power it allows them to revive someone that died an infinite amount of times.]

[Throne of Heroes Profile Complete]

[Throne of Heroes Shutting Down]



Hey, Teaka here. What do you guys think about this chapter?. I personally hope you the readers enjoyed this chapter, and if you guys find this boring just skip the history and read the Saint Graph. Personally, I would read the history as it gives more knowledge of the character to you. Also explains some skills they have.

Peace <3