Sorry for not updating.

Uh hey there, this is Teaka writing, and I am sorry for not updating. Have had a lot happening lately in the past two months. From moving stuff and renovating my house, to having to deal with some family problems. What doesn't help with this is that I've had health problems that have recently started to ramp up again, so that doesn't help with me updating. So while this little note is here to inform you that I am alive and well, I am not continuing this story. During my time away from writing, I've looked back at my writing of this book and I am somewhat disappointed with myself.

I had so many many opportunities with my characters to give them a full fledge backstory but I didn't. Which has annoyed me since there were many occasions when I could do something to give more life to my characters but I didn't use those opportunities.

So let me toss my ramblings aside to confirm something with some readers, this story is dropped. I have one hundred percent lost interest in writing it. But I haven't lost interest in writing something else about fate. This time I am going to have just one character and not fumble around trying to write stories about different characters.

So yeah this is the end of my ramblings at least in this story, see you guys later in a different story.

Teaka out.