Five New Spells


Cassandra, lying lazily on the floor in the corner of the room, was startled by a loud noise from the window. She lifted her head and saw a large chest had arrived in the room. Above the chest were four black fairies with blue wings flying.

"zhua khobu bago bago ha tado!" [This is the groceries that Queen Lilya sent!]

"thamu shoba." [Thank you] Cassandra said weakly.

After saying those strange words a.k.a black fairies languange, they walked out of the window. Nothing happened when the little body passed through the window.

"It's impossible. How could they get through without feeling pain or burning," Cassandra muttered. She immediately got up and walked to the window. Her eyes were still amazed by the toughness of the four little fairies' bodies.

"Of course they have been given protection by your mother, Cassandra. Don't you think that far?"

Gomiko's signature little voice greeted Cassandra. The bundle of feathers flew and approached Cassandra.

"Good morning, Gomiko. Why are you awake, you can sleep all day here," Cassandra said.

"I'm not sleepy anymore. My eyes are fresh. What's this?" asked Gomiko, his eyes looking at the large chest under the window.

"They said these were groceries from my mother. You must have heard what Lilya said yesterday, right? I'll process everything in here, otherwise we'll both starve to death," Cassandra said casually.

Gomiko was wide-eyed. The little animal opened its mouth and said, "How dare you, call the queen by her name! You really are crazy, Cassandra!"

Cassandra rolled her eyes and said, "I'm just sick of it. Anyway, Lilya won't hear what I'm saying here."

"Up to you. Now you better just open this chest, Cassandra, I'm already curious to see what's in it, "said Gomiko.

Cassandra then raised an eyebrow and said, "How?"

"Yeah, I forgot that even for this small thing you can't do it. Then, what now? Can't you learn it from that book? I guess opening a chest is a very easy spell. Um… wait?! Can't you open the cupboard?" asked Gomiko.

Cassandra nodded quickly and smiled broadly. Then, without waiting long, she pointed her hand from the dark corner of the room and began to cast a spell.

"Laburo birazo!"

Instantly the box opened. For the first time, Cassandra felt very satisfied to be able to master this spell. She ignored the burning feeling in her palms.

"Okay, quickly open it, Cassandra! I wonder if there's grape or not in there!" Gomiko said excitedly.

Cassandra nodded. She immediately bent down and opened the chest. The cheerful face immediately changed when she saw the contents of the chest.

There were only three leaves, two raw fish, and one long loaf. The only thing edible was the bread. A paper also appeared in the middle of the chest. Cassandra immediately lifted the paper to see what was written on it.

"Look! Grape!" shouted Gomiko.

The little creature was ready to see a large grape hidden under the paper, but Cassandra quickly brushed it off, so Gomiko bounced against the wall.

"AHH!" shouted Gomiko.

"I'm sorry, Gomiko. It's a precious grape, if I can't change other foods, that's all I can eat," Cassandra said firmly.

Gomiko seemed to float with a face that sneered at Cassandra. Then, the young girl's eyes returned to the paper in her hand. However, after she looked at the paper back and forth, she didn't see any writing appear either.

"This paper is blank, how do I know what to do with all these materials?!" Cassandra complained.

"Do you also need a spell to see the contents of the message? I'm sure your mother won't give you an easy hint," said Gomiko.

Cassandra took a deep breath. She was annoyed. Her head could imagine how annoying her mother's face must have been to see Cassandra being tested like this.

"Argh! This really sucks! Why does she have to test me so hard! I know she wants to see me improve, but I feel like this is too much. Why doesn't she just manage all my activities from waking up to sleeping again with various kinds of spells!" Cassandra complained.

But, there was nothing Cassandra could do. The beautiful girl chose to surrender and stepped towards the spell book in the corner of the room.

Her head immediately hurt when the first page of the book appeared. All the writings and forms of movement are shown to make her sick. Cassandra scratched her non-itchy head, full of emotion.

"Instead of being constantly emotional, you better immediately find a spell to read messages," said Gomiko. The furry animal perched on Cassandra's shoulder.

Cassandra carried the book to the bed and read it lying down. Her eyes were warily looking at each spell that was written. Entering the tenth page, she still hadn't found the spell, but as is well known, she couldn't stop because her stomach was getting hungry.

Cassandra's head was about to burst at the sight of every writing, but only when she was on page twenty-fifth did a title in red ink appear.

"Secret message reading spell, AH! THIS IS THE ONE I WAS LOOKING FOR!" Cassandra shrieked.

Cassandra rose from her position and began to recite the spell seriously.

"This spell uses the element of fire and circular motion. You just need to put your hand in front of the firelight and rotate it, then stick it on the secret message medium. AHHH! ALWAYS ENDS UP UP! SO BEFORE I UNDERSTAND BY READING THIS SPELL, I ALSO HAVE TO MASTER THE SPELL TO GET FIRE! I--."

Cassandra's sentence then stopped. Her face, which was reddened with annoyance, instantly changed. She took the body of Gomiko and flew in front of her. Cassandra squeezed the round body covered in fur and said, "You idiot, Gomiko! I can do that cheap spell! The fire spell is one of the spells I'm good at!"

"Yeah, but you don't have to press my body like this, Cassandra!" Gomiko protested.

"Oh, sorry!"

Cassandra then let go of Gomiko and immediately took a deep breath.

"Gholumba zalire!"

Three small flames floated in front of Cassandra. The beautiful girl then clapped her hands happily. Even so, her palms started turning red, and they felt slightly sore, but Cassandra wouldn't mind it this time.

"Good, Cassandra! Now continue with the spell you just read," said Gomiko.

Cassandra nodded. She pointed her hand in front of the fire and slowly started reciting the spell in the book.

"Secreta mouseje aleka!"

Cassandra held her breath as she put her hand on the paper she was holding. Her hand felt like a huge rock had hit it. It hurt so much.

"Look! The paper turned red!" Gomiko said.

Cassandra's eyes immediately shifted, and she lifted her hand off the paper. Then, finally, the writing starts to come out. Cassandra also read the message from Lilya.

"A leaf is used to produce apples and one leaf will give you green tea. Wine for jam and fish you can change according to what you want. All that food will be gone within five hours of it arriving if you don't process it right away. Every day there will be new ingredients in chests and new messages, so value your time, Cassandra."

The paper immediately turned to dust when Cassandra finished reading it. The young girl then threw herself on the bed. It felt like he was about to give up already because completing multiple spells in five hours was impossible for her.

"Cassandra, hurry up! You will lose all that food!" said Gomiko.

"Five hours Gomiko! Very short time! Do you think I can do it!" Cassandra said irritably.

"You always doubt your abilities! What's the harm in trying it! The proof is that this morning you were able to break a new spell, right?!"

Cassandra looked down at her hands, which were still red and sore. Although still pessimistic, what Gomiko said is true. This morning she had succeeded with something new. Her head remembered the message from her grandmother in her dream last night.

'I am a witch with mixed powers, maybe I should be able to do all this!' Cassandra muttered in her mind.

The young girl then stood up and turned so excited that she clenched her fists and said, "Alright! This time I will prove to you, in five hours all these ingredients will change!"

"Yes, that's the spirit you really need, Cassandra," said Gomiko.