He Rejected My Friend Request?

At the same time, the [World Chat Channel] was filled with messages.

[What did everyone eat tonight?]

[I bought the panther meat from that big boss, but I only had enough gold coins to buy one unit. Can't fill my stomach at all!]

[I don't even have one unit! And I don't even have gold coins! It was difficult for me to get a militiaman, so I gave him a simplest mission: I sent him out to gather wood but he ran away! I'm so angry!]

[My situation is the same as yours! But I'm worse off than you. Not only did my militia run away, but even the Wild Leopard troops that I've painstakingly cultivated have run away. Their loyalty is trash to the point of vomiting blood! I wasted so many of my resources for nothing!]

[That's crazy! How are we going to defend against the invasion of darkness?]

[Please teach us, Big Shot! One unit of food is already an extravagant demand, how did you do it, so much food!]

[Who's this Big Shot? Can you tell me your name?"

[Wait a minute! Don't just start cheering! Isn't it about time for the Big Shot to trade food again? I've already prepared all the gold coins in advance. Nobody fight with me!]

[That's the Big Shot for you. We're so grateful he's exchanging food for gold coins!]

[Is there a possibility that the Big Shot is giving us food in this manner because he's afraid we'd go hungry? What a good person! I'm crying!]

Su Hao's behavior of exchanging food for gold coins was becoming more well-known among the people in the area.

It was about nine in the morning, and Su Hao would put his food on the shelf at ten in the morning.

There was still an hour to go.

Su Hao had yet to wake up.

However, there were already many castle lords waiting in the [World Chat Channel] and [Trading Channel].

[I've already prepared gold coins! Don't try and fight me for the meat!]

[So what? My finger speed is definitely faster than yours!]

[Really, guys? Isn't it only 9am now? Do you have to come so early?]

[But aren't you here early too?]

[Sorry, but I've been waiting for two hours, and I'm so hungry I can't sleep. To tell you the truth, I didn't believe that the Big Shot would have so much food for the next two times. I thought it was fake too, and I didn't expect everyone to use gold coins to exchange for food. Since gold coins are useless, I definitely won't pass on a good deal!]

[The panther meat hotpot was really delicious, but it was gone before I had my fill. I want another 10 units today! Come on out, Big Shot!]

Su Hao finally woke up.

He smirked faintly when he saw the contents of the chat.

Just as he had expected, the requests for food have increased greatly.

Moreover, many people were already waiting for him because they wanted to buy food.

Supply drives demand, as the saying went. When the demand was greater than everything else, it was time to increase the price.

After all, there was a demand but no supply, and anyone who did not want to go hungry would have to spend anything to buy it.

Su Hao would definitely be able to earn a lot more that day.

He took out the 254 units of meat in the warehouse and sold it.

The remaining 55 units of meat was enough for him and his 50 militiamen.

[One unit of meat for 10,000 gold coins!]

[Total 254 units available]

He put all the food on the [Trading Channel] as soon as the clock struck 10.

All of a sudden, the lords who had collected all those gold coins and waited for Su Hao had just started rejoicing when they were dumbfounded but what they read!

5000 gold coins for a unit of food was already outrageous and expensive, and a price increase of a few more gold coins would still be considered a reasonable price. However, the price had almost doubled to 10,000 gold coins!

What else could that be except extortion?

Even if they knew that the gold coins were useless, they could at least use it to exchange for food from Su Hao. They were originally able to exchange two units of meat for the same price, but it had since dwindled to only one unit!

The lord, who originally thought he could eat an extra unit today, could only eat one unit like before!

For a time, all of them were cursing Su Hao like crazy in the chat room!

[Hey! You're taking advantage of the situation to hike the price, aren't you! Even if the gold coins are useless, you can't just quote such a price to us!]

[That's right! No matter how much gold I have, I can't just spend it like that!]

[Boycott these extortionist price hikes! One unit of food can be exchanged for at most 5000 gold coins!]

[I won't buy it even if I starve to death!]

Su Hao did not care about their comments at all, because he knew that his food would be sold out.

Even if a castle lord could hang in there and not eat, the troops and militia under his command needed to eat. If any member of the militia was left hungry, it would affect their fighting strength and also its loyalty.

Once the loyalty of the troop class dropped below 50 points, the loyalty of the troop would be reduced by 10%.

There might even be betrayal.

The reason why many of the castle lords' soldiers had fled was simple.

Their loyalty was not 100 to begin with, and they were not even given adequate food. How could anyone expect them to just sit there and starve to death?

Su Hao was not at all worried that his food could not be sold.

As expected, it did not take long.

The 250 units of food that he had put on for sale were all snatched up!

The castle lords, who had just purchased the food, could feel an ache in their hearts!

It was a simultaneous feeling of agony and happiness.

Even though the gold coins were useless, it still hurt!

After all, they knew that they were being exploited by that big shot!

At the same time, Su Hao's act of exchanging food for gold coins began to spread around. It was not only the lords in his region who knew about it—it even attracted the attention of people in other regions.

In the comments section, there were a lot of angry words that scolded Su Hao for being a profiteer, but a new and different set of comments were like a different set of fresh air.

[I've been observing him for three days. He's the only one who asks for gold coins in exchange for food.]

[Hey Big Shot, can you tell me what the use of gold coins?]

[Yeah! Can we make iron from gold coins?]

[I don't think it can be used to cast iron, since it requires an iron furnace. I initially thought he was a gold coin collector, but now I believe he isn't! The gold coins must have some special use.]

At the same time, on a large plain extremely far away from Su Hao's territory, a beautiful woman with an excellent figure was riding on the back of a White unicorn.

Not far behind her, there were several unicorns hunting in the wild cattle area.

This woman's name was Qin Shuang.

She knew that Su Hao had been exchanging a large amount of food for gold coins for three days, and if he could have so much food, then he must be extraordinarily capable!

She felt that she could make him a friend, or even an ally.

With them helping each other, they could become the leaders of this Endless Continent together!

Thinking of this, she raised her eyebrows and looked at the message in the [World Caht Channel].


"Let's be friends."

Immediately, she opened Su Hao's private chat box and sent a message to add him as a friend.

[Hey, why did you use gold coins to exchange for food?] [Sent successfully, read]

[I know you're definitely not what they say you are.] [Sent successfully, read]

[My name is Qin Shuang. Let's be friends?] [Message failed (red exclamation mark!)]

"Did he just reject my friend request, block me, and delete me?"

Qin Shuang was somewhat stunned.