Add Me as a Friend if You Want My Evolution Stone

Tens thousand over Holy Light Bugs dived into the water.

They had grown a few centimeters in size within the span of just a few days.

It seemed as though they had grown a lot from being a larva and were almost reaching maturity.

However, some of their wings were clearly broken, and the light on their backs was rather dim.

It seemed that no matter how strong they were in a group battle, they were still suffering greater and stronger injuries outside.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Holy Light Bugs had the ability to divide and devour limitlessly, they probably could not hold on for much longer.

The 30-square-meter Holy Healing Spring before Su Hao was unable to hold more than 10,000 holy light bugs.

Such a situation was indeed beyond Su Hao's expectation, but then again, it was also rather reasonable.

The power in the dark fog was unknown and terrifying to begin with, and he did not know the true power of the forces they had encountered outside.

However, the objective situation was already in front of him, and Su Hao was well aware that he had to speed up the evolution of the Holy Light Bugs.

Speeding up the growth of the Holy Light Bugs would help them increase their ability to resist wild beasts, thus reducing the number of injured Holy Light Bugs.

The reborn Su Hao knew that there was a resource that could help speed up the evolution of the Holy Light Bugs.

The evolution stone.

The Holy Light Bugs had been killing wild beasts outside but did not manage to get any evolution stones.

After all, it was not something that could be obtained by killing wild beasts.

In his previous life, Su Hao obtained the evolution stone by accident from someone else.

Evolution stones were so rare that most people did not even have a chance to see one.

Rare items naturally had stronger effects, and once an evolution stone was fed to a Holy Light Bug, the entire swarm would receive the benefits—meaning that all of them would develop together!

Such was the power of the evolution stone!

At the moment, the fastest way to obtain evolution stones was to trade in the [Trading Channel].

Since neither Su Hao nor his swarm of bugs obtained an evolution stone, he would have to see if anyone else had one.

After all, what if one of the two billion lords had an evolution stone?

If there was, they would surely be willing to exchange a large amount of food for it.

Su Hao took out the 413 units of meat he had just collected, and put up 353 of those units on the [Trading Channel].

[One unit of food for 10,000 gold coins]

[100 units of food for one evolution stone.]

[353 units of food in total.]

As soon as the transaction information was announced, the chat spiraled into chaos.

They were already used to Su Hao's sky-high price.

They still bought the meat even as they complained, but they knew that they could not change anything.

After all, they would not have to suffer if they had the ability to go out and hunt for food.

Su Hao knew that his food would still be sold out, but what he did not expect was that all 353 units of food were sold in exchange for gold coins!

He did not get the evolution stone!

No one even knew what an evolution stone was, as they had never even seen one before.

Food was all they wanted.

No one noticed that Su Hao was looking to exchange the food for something else.

At the same time on a distant plain, Qin Shuang traveled the plain on her unicorn in the dark, traveling on the plain.

All of a sudden, a deafening roar came from the distance!

Qin Shuang had sent out a few White Unicorns that ran in groups and chased after the Wild Cows like crazy.

Soon, they each had a Wild Cow in their mouths!

Her beautiful eyes lit up slightly when she saw that!

"It's the Wild Cow boss from yesterday!"

"A level three elite beast!"

She had a total of five White Unicorns. The one she was riding on was level three, while the others were level two!

She collected the corpses of the Wild Cows one by one.

In the end, he obtained 23 units of beef, 11 pairs of bull's horns, 1 energy stone, and 1 evolution stone.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the evolution stone, which was about 20 centimeters wide and more than 10 centimeters tall.

It was black and gray in color, like an ore.

The stones glowed under the stars, and the entire surface of contact was uneven.

She knew that the use of the evolution stone was for her troops. After eating them, the soldiers would then grow together.

As long as she ground it into powder and fed it to one of her white horses, the rest of her white horses would also level up.

This was a combined effect unique only to evolution stones.

However, the evolution stone was something of a luxury for her.

Had she been in possession of tens of thousands, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of troops, feeding them the evolution stone would turn them invincible.

However, all she had were five unicorns, and it would be a waste of the rare stone if she fed it to them.

Then, she put away the evolution stone, planning to use it in the future or exchange it for something more useful.

Thinking of this, she decided to open the [World Chat Channel] to have a look.

As soon as she opened it, she saw Su Hao's transaction message and the comments from the other lords.

[No way. I only realized it after snatching the food. Did the Big Shot just send another exchange message?"

[Yes! I just checked the chat history again and saw that the big boss was actually willing to use 100 units of food to exchange for the evolution stone!]

[May I ask what kind of high-level thingy an evolution stone is? If I have it, I'll definitely xchange it!]

[You and I both! I don't know what it is either, and I've never seen something like that before!]

Seeing this, Qin Shuang flipped to the top of the transaction information.

[100 units of food in exchange for 1 evolution stone]

Her eyes lit up.

She was overjoyed, not because 100 units of food could be exchanged for an evolution stone, but because the message was posted by Su Hao.

She had wanted to befriend Su Hao the last time around but was rejected.

Although she was disappointed, she comforted herself by saying that he probably deleted all the chats he received from other people in one go.

In all honesty, she genuinely wanted to befriend Su Hao, as she believed that he had a troop type that was beyond Grade A.

He was similar to her in the sense that both were qualified to stand at the top of the continent's food chain.

A person like him was worth befriending, winning over, and forming an alliance with.

She was already a little disappointed that he had rejected her the last time, since her Grade A troop type was not that bad to begin with.

She could totally form an alliance with Su Hao and develop with him!

Although she had only five unicorns, they all formed a top-tier troop!

Su Hao needed an evolution stone, and judging from what was happening in the chat, she was probably the only individual who had one.

When she saw that, the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile and she said lightly, "The time has come. I'll definitely make sure I succeed in adding you as a friend! It'll be your turn to beg me."

She immediately typed a few simple words in the comment section.

[I have an evolution stone. Add me as a friend if you want it.]