It's the Evil God!

Qin Shuang's expression soured.

She did not believe Su Hao's words in the slightest.

No one would trade that much food every day just because they liked gold and shiny things.

She gave it some thought and decided to trade the evolution stone with him.

That was her character.

She believed that Su Hao would be someone who kept his word if he was willing to use 100 units of food to exchange for an evolution stone.

Since that was the case, it was not impossible for her to use her sincerity to move him and allow him to take the initiative to establish a friendship with her.

She immediately replied: [Alright, I'll give you the evolution stone. I meant what I said though. I don't want any food. I hope you'll see that I'm sincere and I don't have any bad intentions. I just want to be friends with you.]

The moment she sent the message, an uneven stone suddenly appeared in the middle of Su Hao's warehouse!

He saw a black stone about 20 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters tall right in the middle of the warehouse floor.

Su Hao's eyes lit up when he saw that, and he then walked over to touch the surface of the evolution stone.

It was lustrous, dark, and sparkling a little too.

There was no doubt that it was an evolution stone.

It was exactly the same as the one he had seen in his previous life, except for the difference in size.

He did not expect that Qin Shuang would really keep her word.

However, he felt that there was no need to make friends at the moment, so he gave most of the meat, panther teeth, and some fur to her.

After all, he did not want to owe her a favor.

After sending those resources out, 24 catties of meat and 14 pieces of fur appeared in Su Hao's warehouse.

Although there was not a lot left on Su Hao's end, the key was to feed the Holy Light Bug with the evolution stone ...

With that, he could imagine that the next day's food supply would definitely be much better than before!

At the same time, Qin Shuang—who was still on the plains—was still under the impression that she could form a friendship with Su Hao, but she could not believe her eyes when she saw all that meat, fur, and even teeth in her warehouse.

Her slightly pleased expression had disappeared in an instant.

She did not know whether to laugh or cry, for she had never been that angry before!

The fact that he had sent her food meant that he did not want to owe her a favor!

Qin Shuang was a woman who had countless men chasing after her and begging her to be their friend!

'Who do you think you are, Su Hao! Do you think you're all that just because you have some beast meat and fur?'

She did not lack any of those items at all!

As soon as that thought popped up in her mind, a trace of anger appeared on her beautiful face!

She already had a bad impression of Su Hao, and if she ever had the chance to meet him, she would definitely give him a piece of her mind!


At the same time, the 10,000 or so Holy Light Bugs that had just recovered from the Holy Healing Spring were now flying back into the darkness!

Su Hao immediately took advantage of this opportunity to have the 10,000 Holy Light Bugs stay behind.

He then ordered his militia to grind the evolution stone into powder and sprinkle it in the Holy Healing Spring.

When the militia heard the order, the evolution stone—which was still glowing with a black luster a moment ago—was immediately destroyed and turned into powder.

Su Hao stored one-third of it in the warehouse for future use.

The other two-thirds were ground into powder and scattered in the clear, blue water.

The evolution stone powder floated in the Holy Healing Spring and dissolved in the water.

The bugs' injuries had already recovered, and as soon as the black powder dissolved and the bugs came into contact with the black powder, a stronger and more resplendent golden light began to shine!

After a few seconds, the golden light dissipated!

The result was just as Su Hao anticipated.

All of the bugs had doubled in size!

The bugs that had been in the larval stage all along adults immediately evolved into adult bugs in an instant!

The hardness of their carapace was four times that of a larva!

It also meant that they could better withstand the attacks and injuries of the wild beasts in the dark.

They would be more capable of handling the beasts, and the degree of injury would be greatly reduced.

Furthermore, their wings were also three times larger than before, which meant that they could fly faster!

All in all, the resistance and attack ability of the adult bugs were more than three times that of the original larvae!

As soon as their injuries had completely recovered, they had immediately evolved into adult Holy Light Bugs.

They all flew out of the Holy Healing Spring and into the dark sky!

At that moment, they seemed to be filled with vitality and endless possibilities!

The swarm of bright insects flashed golden in the dark sky, and the golden glow disappeared in the darkness slowly.

At the same time, in the depths of the dark forest, hundreds of thousands of Holy Light Bugs flapped their golden wings and flew in swarms.

In just a few days, they multiplied infinitely and devoured everything in their path!

The grass, trees, and green leaves of the forest were all eaten up wherever they went!

One could even say that not a single new blade of grass could grow!

They devoured everything in a wild frenzy and started multiplying like nobody's business!

A few thousand turned into tens of thousands; tens of thousands turned into hundreds of thousands; and hundreds of thousands turned into a few million!

They had reached a level where no numerical unit could count their numbers!

It was terrifying!

Furthermore, their bodies were also growing stronger by the day!

At first they were two centimeters, then they grew to four centimeters, then six, then eight!

it was not just the size of their body, but the size of their wings and feelers too!

That was not all though!

At that moment, behind the swarm of Holy Light Bugs were the adult bugs that had just eaten the evolution stone powder from the Holy Healing Spring.

In a flash, the millions of larval holy bugs fused with the 10,000 adult bugs!

A yellow explosion of light appeared!

Millions of Holy Light Bugs were evolving at the same time, whether in the forest, on the cliff, on the sea, and in the air.

All of them continued to move forward.

Their wings, their shells, their feelers, and the light on their backs became harder, bigger, thicker, and brighter!

Such was the power of the evolution stone.

Once a bug received the evolution stone's effect, then all the bugs, no matter how large they were, would evolve together!

It only took three seconds!

The Holy Light Bugs had varying growth rates, with larvae turning into adults, and mature adults turning into bug kings!

The bug kings were leading the rest of the swarm up front while flying and gnawing!

Compared to the development speed of the other lords' troops, the Holy Light Bugs' growth rate was already tens of thousands of times faster.

They had already exceeded the balanced level of development in that world!

However, that was still not enough, because they would still encounter attacks from even more powerful forces even at such a terrifying growth rate!

In the endless darkness, an unprecedented highly-concentrated dark force was attacking!

The unknown darkness was visibly tearing apart!

A hand made of black mist reached out from the tear!

A black sky hung over the river, and everything was distorted.

The entire continent was shocked by the power in the crack!

A voice came from the crack.

"I'm curious what kind of troop class has surpassed god-level."

Su Hao was shocked when he noticed that voice from his castle!

His expression froze for a moment.

"That can't be! It's the Evil God!"