Only Death Awaits Them!

The Sacred Night Bug came into existence.

All the troops on the continent trembled, and the cries of the wild beasts continued in an ever miserable and fearful tone in the darkness.

The night was dark and the fog continued to linger.

An increasing amount of dangerous and terrifying beasts were being jolted awake by that frightening power.

Back inside the castle, Su Hao looked at the Sacred Night Bug that had been upgraded to SSS-Grade and then placed it into the darkness.

The invasion of darkness was nearing, and he had to speed up the growth of the Sacred Night Bug!

Furthermore, there was not much food left in the warehouse.

After experiencing such a traumatizing event, Su Hao knew that he had to control all future development.

Moreover, he was fine with letting only one Sacred Night Bug grow in the dark, because there were no troops or wild beasts on that entire continent that could compare to the SSS-Grade Sacred Night Bug.

On the contrary, too fast a development would necessitate Su Hao to recall it in time to control rein in their development a little.

It was the only way the Evil God would not be attracted to the world again.

As soon as he had that thought, Su Hao gave his order to the Sacred Night Bug, which had already darted into the endless darkness.

Its golden-black wings sparkled the mist and it eventually disappeared.


At the same time, the other feudal lords on the continent were also making progress at a steady pace after about three days.

They were happy and delighted with their development, and everyone seemed to be chatting in the [World Chat Channel].

[Man, I thought it'd be difficult, but the elves in my Spirit Flower Garden have already grown to three! They went out to hunt this morning, and they actually brought back the corpse of a level one Black Panther! One Black Panther is worth ten units of panther meat, so I don't think I'll let myself be scammed in the trading channel anymore, especially not to that guy who offered food in exchange for gold coins!]

[Not bad, but the number of spirits in my Spirit Castle has already reached five! They brought back the corpses of a level one Black Panther and a level one Wild Bull! I'm eating comfortably now!]

[Yeah! My castle has been upgraded too! I finally moved from a thatched house to a wooden house! I'm so happy!]

[I haven't upgraded my castle, but I gave all my resources, including food, to my half-dragon troops. I can't even bear to eat it myself! The countdown to the invasion of darkness is getting closer and closer, so we must focus on training our troops!]

[I agree with him! I'm mostly happy over the fact that we're finally able to let our troops hunt outside. We're one step closer to success as long as we can successfully kill wild beasts!]

[That's right! And another thing! We don't have to be ripped off by that sh*thead anymore! Even if my troops can only bring back 10 units of meat, I'm willing to wait for them to become stronger! I'd rather die than get ripped off by that sh*thead again!]

[I totally agree! Besides, he's not the only one who can trade on the Trading Channel. We can also trade our items in the channel if we get more food, or if we get stuff like energy stones and crystals!]

[You're right! Why didn't I think of that sooner! Let's make a deal, fellas!]

Moments later, the [Trading Channel] was instantly filled with a wave of trading.

[Blue Fatty's Castle: one unit of food for ten stacks of wood!]

[Spirit Flower Garden: one unit of food in exchange for ten stacks of stone!]

[Half-Dragon Castle: one unit of food for half a ton of coal!]

[Death Knight Castle...]

Everyone began to join in the wave of trading.

When supply exceeds demand, the unit prices would be lowered accordingly.

It also meant that one unit of Su Hao's food would no longer be as valuable, and the transaction of one unit for 10,000 gold coins would probably slowly be forgotten or even ignored in the trading market.

Su Hao closed the panel and smiled faintly.

He had already expected the situation, since he could not have been the only one on the entire continent who was making progress.

Everyone else was also making every second count for their survival.

However, little did they all know that the result of their efforts was not even one-hundred-millionth of the Sacred Night Bug.

Su Hao was absolutely confident that he could force the other lords to buy his food.

At the same time, the lone Sacred Night Bug was wreaking havoc in the unknown darkness where fog filled the place!.

It was fearless and ruthless.

A gust of cold wind blew everywhere it passed, and a cold aura was perceivable in a five-mile radius around it.

The aura directly started all the wild beasts within those five miles, even causing some to die.

The beasts roared as the mountains and rivers trembled.

Every single low-level wild beasts fled in panic, but none of them escaped the Sacred Night Bug's 'demonic claws'.

Dozens of level one Wild Leopards were frantically running away in front of the bug, and their faces had a pained expression!

The Sacred Night Bug was flying at full speed about a kilometer behind them!

Within a second, more than a dozen level one leopards were instantly killed and dismembered!

The lone Sacred Night Bug was strengthened by the ability to devour and multiply infinitely.

One turned into 10; 10 turned into 100; 100 turned into 1,000; 1,000 turned into 10,000!

The Sacred Night Bug that had been operating solo a moment ago had now multiplied into a huge black mass!

They formed swarms and shuttled back and forth to devour everything within sight.

They ravaged every single place they went, and not even a blade of grass was growing.

The Sacred Night Bugs had grown to such an epically terrifying scale in just a second, and they achieved that result simply by devouring a dozen Wild Leopards.

If they were to encounter a beasts of far higher level and far greater numbers, there really was no limit to how much that could multiply.

One could easily imagine how powerful those SSS-Grade Sacred Night Bugs were!

Their very existence could be likened to gods!

At the same time, a huge, five-meter-tall level six Giant Ape was gradually waking up in the cave.

Previously, the Holy Light Bugs had never attacked any beasts above level five. Thus, the higher-leveled beasts never saw any reason to do so, as there were other lower-class wild beasts for the Holy Light Bugs to deal with.

There was a simple explanation for why all those beasts were waking up then—they were all so intimidated by the powerful force that they had no choice but to wake up!

If they did not wake up any sooner, they would not be in a position to escape or fight. Death would then become the only certainty that awaited them!