Green Dragon

After Su Hao was done branding his slaves, he proceeded to commence his last lottery.

He felt that it was a bit of a pity not to get the SSS-Grade troop type that he wanted most during the previous 11 chances.

The highest prize on the roulette wheel was an SSS-grade prize, so he hoped that his last chance would go in the direction that he wanted.

With that thought, he immediately started the roulette!

The needle began spinning rapidly and Su Hao watched everything without taking his eyes off!

The spinning stopped at long last and the needle had landed on a certain area as well!

[Congratulations, you've obtained an SSS-Grade troop type!]

[SSS troop type: Green Dragon! ]

[Ability: breathing poison that poisons wild monsters to death]

[Limitation: Dragon limited to only one. Unable to reproduce. Must be slowly nurtured from a dragon egg. The abilities of a high-level adult Green Dragon will be so limitless that it could rival the strength of a god!]

[Advantage: when it reaches a certain advanced level, it can break through the shackles of SSS-Grade!]

[Cultivation conditions: dark mutant crystals are required.]

[Do you want to cultivate it? ]



Su Hao's eyes lit up after seeing that.

His wishes had come true, and he had drawn the reward that he both needed the most and looked forward to the most.

The reason why SSS-Grade Green Dragons could break through shackles and achieve a godlike level after reaching adulthood was all thanks to their ability to devour and revive indefinitely.

Despite being an SSS-Grade troop type, however, the dragon was unable to multiply indefinitely, meaning it could not grow into a group like the Sacred Night Bugs.

The Sacred Night Bugs' had an advantage in that they attacked in a swarm, contrasting with the Green Dragon's lone attacks.

Even if the Green Dragon's ability reached a high level and attacked the Green Dragon together, the end result would either be a lose-lose situation or the millions of Sacred Night Bugs would be devoured by the Green Dragon.

The SSS-Grade Sacred Night Bugs were powerful enough that they could be compared to the gods, but a high-level dragon could even surpass the Sacred Night Bugs! The dragon had, quite simply, reached a level beyond that of the gods!

In his previous life, Su Hao had never seen anything with an ability to surpass the gods.

However, Su Hao surmised that only a troop type above god-level could face the Eternal Night head on

In his past experience, several people with almost godlike SSS-Grade troop types were still eventually devoured by the Eternal Night.

Even so, that was the only hope Su Hao had to contend against the Eternal Night.

He had to at least give it a try!

At that moment, a white light appeared in Su Hao's vision!

[Congratulations, Castle Lord! Your Green Dragon egg is slowly hatching! ]

By the time those words disappeared from his vision, a huge dragon egg had appeared in front of Su Hao.

Upon seeing that, Su Hao knew that his priority at that moment was to train it into a high-rank Green Dragon.

He only had one dragon, so he needed to ensure that everything was done perfectly right from the beginning!

After all, he would face the risk of losing the Green Dragon if anything went wrong.

High-quality dark crystals were required to nurture it throughout the entire incubation process, but those were far from easy to obtain.

Outside of the Endless Continent was a paradise that bore countless rich resources, ores, and mutant crystals.

One of them would be the dark crystal that Su Hao wanted.

At the same time, however, great rewards come with great risks.

After all, level 10 beasts were the lowest individuals there, and any beast that appeared was at least level 10. It would only mean that they would encounter higher level beasts as they went deeper.

When Su Hao passed by there in his previous life, he encountered Sea Dragons around level 12 as well as various other sea monsters!

Those sea monsters were naturally hidden in the deep sea and did not come out easily, but most of them were all high-level monsters!

The Sacred Night Bugs's devouring ability on land was naturally better than if they were on the bottom of the sea.

If he startled those high-level monsters, all he could do was try his best to ensure the bugs were fighting on land.

After all, the Sacred Night Bugs would lose some of their strength compared to on land, as the Sacred Night Bugs's infinite devouring ability at the bottom of the sea would be affected by the resistance of the water.

Elsewhere, the castles of the other castle lords had suffered intense damage from the invasion of darkness.

Although the lords had successfully resisted the invasion, they sustained huge losses in the troops, militia, and their castles.

As a result, various resources were needed to restore their castle to normal.

At the same time, some castle lords who had successfully leveled up to level five began to appeal for the exchange of elements in the [Trading Channel ].

The suffering had ended for now, and everyone began to recover gradually!

The liveliness in the [World Chat Channel] were also gradually increasing.