Sacred Night Bugs Evolve; Super Aptitude Obtained!

Turmoil ensued, and the Sea Dragon vanished after being turned into a pile of bones.

The bodies of countless injured Sacred Night Bugs fell into the sea.

At that moment, su hao knew that his plan had failed.

The mutant crystal was originally reserved for the dragon egg, but he was no longer able to obtain it.

That was because the crystal had already been devoured by the Sea Dragon, which in turn, was devoured by the Sacred Night Bugs.

The ensued that the effects of the mutant crystal would be received by the Sacred Night Bugs.

It deviated from Su Hao's original plan because the Sacred Night Bugs' level ought not to have reached a godlike level, thus precluding it from having such godly strength even though it had leveled up.

At that moment, however, the remaining 200,000 or so Sacred Night Bugs actually began emitting a strange light on the surface of the sea!

Su Hao could see that the sacred Sacred Night Bugs' shells, feelers, and body size had all increased!

By right, the Sacred Night Bugs were injured when fighting the Sea Dragon and should still be injured then.

However, the bugs were undergoing another change after devouring the mutant crystal! At that moment, the bugs' shells were extremely hard, so even if they encountered another monster of a level 12 or higher, they would not be devoured or killed!

Upon seeing that scene, Su Hao's pupils trembled and he came to a realization!

'Why didn't I think of this before?' he chastised!

The Sacred Night Bugs had originally reached SSS-Grade—the highest grade there was. Although they were unqualified to surpass the gods, their strength was already in a class of its own.

With the Sacred Night Bugs swallowing the mutant crystal, their abilities did not increase, but rather, their aptitude had reached the upper limit!

It also meant that the Sacred Night Bugs had already evolved, meaning they had already obtained the aptitude to surpass the gods!

Although they did not have any power to surpass the gods per se, they had received the aptitude to do so.

As long as he continued to breed them and allow them to level up, they would one day be strong enough to surpass the gods!

After all, the Sacred Night Bugs' ability to devour and multiply meant that there was no upper limit to their aptitude.

If that was the case, then his swarm Sacred Night Bugs—of which their aptitude had just received an upgrade—would one day surpass the gods!

It might even be possible that they would surpass the Evil God, but it was only a matter of time before they did so!

As Su Hao was pondering over everything, the Sacred Night Bugs in his field of vision had actually derived another extraordinary ability!

He saw that the Sacred Night Bugs could split from two to four, and the four then merged a stronger, larger bug with a harder shell!

One bug split into two, and the two bugs then became one!

Splitting and merging did not seem to bring about too much of a change, but on the flipside, if multiple bugs with the same ability were merged into one, then the last bug would have all the combined of the bugs that had merged to form it.

For example, if ten Sacred Night Bugs of similar energy gathered into one, then the end result would be a Sacred Night Bug that had the power of ten bugs combined!

It was simply terrifying!

Since there was no upper limit to the multiplying and merging of the Sacred Night Bugs, then there would come a day when they split into more than a million, and those million could then merge into one under Su Hao's command. The final end result would be a bug with an extremely hard exoskeleton as well as unparalleled devouring ability—it would have the power of more than a million Sacred Night Bugs.

That single Sacred Night Bug might even have a power that was comparable to that of the Evil God!

Furthermore, that giant Sacred Night Bug could then multiply into many more through the infinite division ability!

10,000 Sacred Night Bugs could then divide into another 10,000, with the process repeating over and over again.

There was no longer a limit!

If the cycle continued, they would one day surpass the Evil God!

Once the Evil God was surpassed, nothing could ever stop the sacred Sacred Night Bugs from multiplying indefinitely!

By then, the Sacred Night Bugs might even be able to contend with the Eternal Night!

A trace of hope flashed in Su Hao's eyes when he had that thought!

He believed that such a day would definitely come.

At the same time, whatever resentment or anger that Qin Shuang had toward Su Hao disappeared at that exact moment, for she had finally come to realize how much of a gap there was between her and Su Hao.

Before that happened, she had always thought that working harder and having more upgrades would allow her to be able to surpass him, or at least be on par with him.

However, his strength had given her a realization.

The sheer ability and development of her Sacred Night Bugs were completely beyond her knowledge and common sense. At that moment, she finally accepted that she should give up all hope of being on the same level as Su Hao.

Surpassing Su Hao was something she could never hope to accomplish in her lifetime.

At that moment, she suddenly recalled all the conversations she had with Su Hao before. She even held the Holy Light Torch and went deep into the darkness just so she could tell him about the darkness!

She felt embarrassed, so much so that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and burrow into it!

Her ability was not even a fraction of Su Hao's toe. At that moment, she no longer felt that there was any need for her to compete with him and have him discover her childish thoughts.

All she wanted was to follow Su Hao's line of thinking.

With that in mind, she looked at Su Hao and spoke in a gentle tone, "Let's work together, Big Shot Su. I will never find mutant crystals on my own in the future, and I'll definitely listen to you."

Su Hao snapped back to his thoughts when he heard her statement.

He frowned slightly and glanced at her.

As soon as Qin Shuang's made eye contact with Su Hao, she immediately smiled and stretched out her four fingers in a pledging gesture.

"I swear I won't cause you any more trouble! I have a Holy Light Torch that I can use to light your way. Please let me follow you. I beg of you."

As his voice fell, Su Hao shook his head slightly and sighed.

'Help? I think she just wants me to protect her…'

Then, Su Hao turned around and walked forward. He knew that his plan had failed, but there would still be more dark mutant crystals waiting for him in such a large mine.

After all, although the Sacred Night Bugs had obtained the aptitude for super evolution, the nurturing of his Green Dragon could not be neglected.

Su Hao needed to obtain a large number of dark mutant crystals in order to incubate the dragon egg.