Cheat, the System Unleashes

[Host: Lin Xuan]

[Level: 1]

[Stage: none]

[Innate Skills: Turtle Breath Level 1, Turtle Shell Level 1, Devouring Evolution Level 0]

[Agility: 1]

[Hardness (physical defense): 10]

[Endurance (magic resistance): 10]

[HP (vitality strength): 10]

[Lifespan (the estimated number of years that one will die of old age): 500]

[Attack: 0.5]

[Available Attribute Points: none]

Lin Xuan's attribute panel also updated quickly. Besides his hardness, endurance, health, and longevity, he could not see anything else. However, it was understandable. After all, this was how turtles were.

Among the innate skills, the one that Lin Xuan was most satisfied with was Devouring Evolution. This meant that he could devour anything in the future. It could be said to be heaven-defying to the extreme.

However, he still needed to level up. If he tried to devour a demonic beast that was much stronger than himself, not only would he fail, he might even suffer a backlash.

Ordinary demonic beasts usually only had a lifespan of about 100 years. Powerful demonic beasts would have their lifespans increase as their cultivation realm increased.

However, Lin Xuan was different. He was a turtle and had won at the starting line since birth. His lifespan was a full 500 years!

No wonder tortoises could live longer. After all, it was something they were born with, and as Lin Xuan's level and realm increased, this number would continue to increase. One could imagine how terrifying it would be in the future.

With his defensive and devouring abilities, as long as he did not seek death, he could live as long as the heavens and earth.

After all, most types of demon beasts didn't have tortoiseshell on their menu. They didn't like to gnaw on thick and unmoving tortoiseshells. However, the devouring skill was gray, and the status indicating it was unusable also showed the skill level to be zero.

After settling everything, Lin Xuan found a place to hide and closed his eyes to rest. When he opened his eyes again, it was already night. The whole coastal forest was shrouded in the night, like a monster lurking in the dark.

He didn't feel it when he was a human, but transformed into a beast, he felt like his surroundings were huge. Even the little grass beside him felt extremely tall.

A ray of silver light fell on the ground. He subconsciously looked up and realized that the moon was particularly round tonight. The faint moonlight surrounded the area, full of holiness and unspeakable mystery.

Almost instinctively, Lin Xuan moved his heavy body in pursuit of the moonlight. Countless silver light spots surrounded him and slowly entered his body.

The night of the full moon was also the time when the essence of the moon was the strongest. The world changed suddenly. In the past, a human might not be able to feel it, but now that he was in his beast form, Lin Xuan could clearly feel an inexplicable power flowing in his body.

Although the global beastification was caused by the meteor shower, no one knew where these meteorites came from. Moreover, after the mutation, the magnetic field between heaven and earth had also changed.

"Could this be the legendary essence of the sun and moon?"

In his past life, Lin Xuan had heard that some beasts could absorb the essence of the sun and moon to cultivate. However, only those with extraordinary bloodlines or powerful demonic beasts could do so.

For someone like him, even survival was extremely difficult, let alone cultivation. Lin Xuan seized this opportunity and began to calm his mind to get rid of distracting thoughts.

More and more silver dots of light gathered in the surroundings. From a distance, it looked like a giant cocoon that could emit light. If there were people around at this moment, they would definitely discover the strange scene in the forest.

It was as if a small world was being nurtured the same way the Milky Way flowed. Lin Xuan felt a warm current flowing slowly in his blood and veins.

When he opened his eyes again, his body felt light, as if even his heavy turtle shell didn't exist. Lin Xuan opened his panel again, and his attributes had changed. There were many more things.

[Host: Lin Xuan]

[Level: 5]

[Stage: Black Class rank 2]

[Innate Skills: Turtle Aura Level 2, Turtle Shell Level 1, Devouring Evolution Level 1]

[Agility: 1]

[Hardness (physical defense): 10]

[Endurance (magic resistance): 10]

[HP (vitality strength): 10]

[Lifespan (the estimated number of years that one will die of old age): 500]

[Attack: 0.5]

[Available Attribute Points: 10]

Lin Xuan was a little shocked to see his turtle aura level up to Level 2. He didn't expect it to level up so quickly. It was unbelievable that he could gain experience just by breathing.

No wonder he was now at Level 5, and even his realm was at Black Class rank 2. Of course, this was also because he had absorbed a lot of the essence of heaven and earth during the night of the full moon.

Lin Xuan felt a little regretful. It can increase so much at once. Unfortunately, it's not common. He can only wait until the next full moon. 

Moreover, he had a feeling that the more he leveled up, the more experience he would need, making it more difficult. However, these were all matters of the future. For now, he did not have to worry so much.

As the world changed in the future, more and more humans turned into beasts. It seemed that due to the feedback of spiritual energy, many plants that could improve strength and realm grew. Some could even improve the power of bloodlines.

Every time those appeared, it would cause a bloodbath. Lin Xuan was more of a Buddhist, so he left things like leveling up to fate. After all, as long as he lived long, nothing was impossible.

As long as he stayed put, everything was possible!


An untimely sound came from his stomach. After all, he had not eaten anything after transforming into a turtle.

Probably already used to the turtle shell, Lin Xuan didn't feel cumbersome with his body. Even though it was a little slow, he continued moving towards the beach.

Humans could walk that distance in less than a minute, but he had walked for nearly a few hours. Fortunately, after beastification, his comprehensive physical fitness had improved a lot, so he did not feel particularly tired.

"I'm really moving at a turtle's speed now."