Hey, Let's Split the Pig Together

Lin Xuan looked at the calm and magnificent sea in the distance. The sound of the waves moving and hitting the rocks became exceptionally clear, as if they were ringing in his ears.

This feeling was unprecedented. It was as if he could capture all the sounds in the world, even the faint sound of fireflies flapping their wings was extremely perceivable to him.

Lin Xuan's eyes turned and landed in the northeast direction. As expected, a small firefly flew up slowly like a small lantern in the night.

"It's too magical."

Just as Lin Xuan was sighing, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps that was followed by the sound of heavy breathing.

Lin Xuan's expression changed. 

Oh no, something is running towards me. 

Judging from the commotion, it was not something he could deal with. Lin Xuan's instinct told him to run.

In fact, he was moving as fast as he could using his short legs. In his whole life, this was the quickest he had ever run.

However, when Lin Xuan looked at his surroundings, he was still on the beach. He hadn't even run out of the beach area!

"I forgot that I'm a turtle now..."

In the boundless forest, a scarlet red object the size of a lantern was gradually approaching in the night. It was filled with blood and an ominous feeling rose from Lin Xuan.

"What the hell is this thing?"

Lin Xuan was speechless. With his speed, even a demonic beast could catch up to him. Seeing that the sound was so close and was about to get to him, he couldn't escape.

Lin Xuan then retracted all four of his limbs into the turtle shell and immediately used the 'turtle breath' skill.

In ancient times, there was the turtle breathing Divine Art. It was said that the user did not breathe and looked as if they were dead. They could even walk freely underwater. This was because the breathing of the turtle was long and narrow, and it had the ability to hold in its breath for a long time.

Even though Lin Xuan reacted quickly, he was still seen by the object.

When it came closer, Lin Xuan realized that what he had seen earlier was just the eyes of a demonic beast. What was revealed in front of him was a porcupine that was as tall as a human.

Its entire body was pitch-black with spikes all over its body. Most importantly, the two sharp fangs at the side of its mouth flickered with light, simply making people shiver in fear.

Lin Xuan estimated that it could swallow him in one bite.

[Red-Eyed Porcupine, a level-three extreme Mystic demonic beast]

Looking at the system text, Lin Xuan felt his scalp go numb.

Although it was only one level higher than him, the Black Tortoise had no combat power. Moreover, the Red-Eyed Porcupine was clearly not to be trifled with. He, who had zero combat power, was not a match for it at all.

Lin Xuan hoped that he could use his strong defense to force the Red-Eyed Porcupine to retreat, but looking at the huge body that was getting closer and closer, it clearly had no intention of letting Lin Xuan go.

The Red-Eyed Porcupine circled around Lin Xuan and couldn't find a portion to eat.

Lin Xuan almost fainted when the stinky saliva dripped onto his back. The first thought that came to his mind was that he felt very dirty.

The Red-Eyed Porcupine suddenly raised its two front limbs and stomped on the back of the Black Tortoise with lightning speed. This time, it used all its strength.


As the sand and stones flew, the ground trembled. A small pit appeared where Lin Xuan was, showing the amount of strength the Red-Eyed Porcupine had.

However on his turtle shell, there wasn't even a white mark or let alone a crack.

The turtle shell protected Lin Xuan well. Other than a little ringing in his ears, he did not receive any damages which made him feel emotional again.

This was the advantage of turtles. Not only did they have long lifespans, but they also had high defense. Although their attack power is weak, it was not a problem in comparison. 

Lin Xuan was still a little worried at first, but after the Red-Eyed Porcupine repeated the action a dozen times, the turtle shell remained the same. He gradually felt confident and calmed down.

The Red-Eyed Porcupine panted heavily, and the sounds of its puffing were like bellows. Slowly, the sound became a little distant.


Looking at the Red-Eyed Porcupine that had been circling around him since earlier suddenly turning back, Lin Xuan carefully stuck his head out. At this moment, the Red-Eyed Porcupine was already tens of meters away from him.

"Could it have given up and is preparing to leave?"

However in the next second, the Red-Eyed Porcupine sprinted over and Lin Xuan quickly shrunk back in fear. As the world spun, the turtle shell also spun rapidly, drawing a beautiful parabola in the air before landing heavily on the ground.

Other than feeling a little nauseated, Lin Xuan was not injured at all. It took him a long time to recover.

"What?" Lin Xuan couldn't help but complain. "This Porcupine must be a spirit!"

Whether it was a push or a knock, the Red-Eyed Porcupine was helpless. Even with the help of a strong momentum, it could not break Lin Xuan's thick turtle shell.

Looking at the Red-Eyed Porcupine that couldn't do anything to him, Lin Xuan had a bold idea.

He stuck his head out. 

"Hey! If you have the ability, come and hit me."

Although the Red-Eyed Porcupine couldn't speak human language, it understood Lin Xuan's provocative actions as it had just gained sentience. It kept digging the ground with its front legs.

Seeing that its front feet were about to land, Lin Xuan quickly retracted his head, causing the Red-Eyed Porcupine to pounce on empty air. Lin Xuan was stunned by the strike, but he was having fun.

"You still dare to eat your Grandpa Turtle? Why don't you ask around?"

The Red-Eyed Porcupine immediately realized that Lin Xuan was toying with it. It couldn't be bothered anymore as it opened its mouth and bit down.

"Oh ho, it seems like I've gone too far."

Lin Xuan felt his body hanging in the air, and the stench of saliva hit his face. His heart tightened, and the whole turtle shell was in the Red-Eyed Porcupine's mouth. Its sharp fangs exerted force.

Only a pig-like scream could be heard. It was also accompanied by the sound of teeth breaking.

Two huge fangs were neatly broken and fell on the ground.

The Red-Eyed Porcupine was in pain, and Lin Xuan fell down as well. The sound of it made his teeth ache.

Lin Xuan gloated, "Who asked you to bite me? Look at you now. You lost all your teeth and became a toothless pig."