Crisis Strikes Again! The Night Reaper!

Lin Xuan remembered that after the global beast transformation, many demonic beasts had cultivated the power of the five elements. There were even mutated elements that could summon the wind and rain. It could be said that they were omnipotent.

In the future, when he reached a certain level, he would also be able to cultivate elemental power. However Lin Xuan did not know what his attribute was.

"If it's a turtle, it should be related to water, right?"

A gentle breeze blew past as Lin Xuan lay on the beach, deep in thought. The salty sea breeze was mixed with the strong smell of blood as it blew from the distance.

Under the moonlight, a tall figure was like a ghost in the dark night. A cold light flashed in the air, and the figure had already disappeared. It left in the northeast direction where Lin Xuan was!

At this moment, Lin Xuan had yet to realize the impending danger.

[Detected that the host has reached a certain level. Do you wish to start the evolution?]

The system's sudden prompt message stunned Lin Xuan on the spot. So he can still evolve. 


[Evolution Direction 1: Overlord Turtle]

[Evolution Direction 2: Armor-Piercing Turtle]

Lin Xuan carefully looked at the two evolution plans given by the system. The Overlord Turtle was an offensive one, while the Armor-Piercing Turtle was a defensive one.

All of his attributes were focused on defense, and his defense and attack attributes were not outstanding. If he chose the Overlord Turtle, he would not have any advantage.

After thinking for a while, he chose Evolution Direction 2. If he evolved to the extreme, all attacks would be like floating clouds in the face of his powerful defense.

[The host has chosen the Armor-Piercing Turtle.]

[Evolving ]

[Evolution 10%]

[Evolution 25%]

[Evolution 40%]

While looking at the progress bar, Lin Xuan suddenly felt a huge pressure on his back. It was as if a heavy mountain was put on him, and for a moment, he couldn't even breathe.

The turtle shell seemed to have been shattered and pieced back together. The intense pain almost made Lin Xuan faint, but with his strong willpower, he managed to maintain some consciousness.

He didn't know how long the pain lasted, but it finally eased down. What replaced it was an indescribable comfort. There was a warm current flowing through his body, repairing all of his injuries.

As the saying went, "No destruction, no construction". Lin Xuan didn't know if it was an illusion, but his meridians, bones, and muscles had become harder after the evolution.

Lin Xuan quickly opened his attribute panel, but he did not realize that as he was evolving, the dark green figure had quietly approached.

[Host: Lin Xuan]

[Level: 7]

[Stage: Black Class rank 3]

[Specie: Sharp Shell Turtle (evolvable)]

[Innate Skills: Turtle Aura Level 3, Turtle Shell Level 3, Devouring Evolution Level 2]

[Normal Skills: Hardened Skin Level 3, Acute Hearing level 1, Hard Piercing Armor Level 2]

[Agility: 1]

[Hardness (Physical Defense): 35]

[Endurance (Magic Resistance): 10]

[HP (Vitality Strength): 10]

[Lifespan (the estimated number of years that one will die of old age): 500]

[Attack: 0.5]

[Available Attribute Points: 0]

Not only did he have a new variety of skills, but his Turtle Shell, Hardened Skin, and Hard Piercing Armor skills had all been upgraded. Even his physical defense had been increased.

"This is really worth it."

Lin Xuan's sharp eyes also noticed the words 'evolvable'. Did it mean that he could continue to choose to evolve in the future?

There might even be a new direction of evolution.

Lin Xuan felt that something was wrong and suddenly had the urge to dodge, but he underestimated his speed.

Clang! Clang!

[Hardness +1]

There was a loud noise, and it was as if someone had cut the turtle's back with a knife. Lin Xuan, who was immersed in the joy of evolution, was pulled back to reality. He suddenly came back to his senses and couldn't help but complain.

He's too immoral. He actually launched a sneak attack! 

Fortunately, Lin Xuan had shrunk his neck back into the shell fast enough. Seeing the gleaming scythe almost brush past his shoulder, Lin Xuan felt a chill all over his body due to almost losing his head.

[Fourth-rank demonic beast, Moon Shadow Mantis]

They usually only appeared under the moonlight, hence the name "Moon Shadow".

Lin Xuan looked at the incomparably tall Moon Shadow Mantis in front of him. It was different from ordinary ones. It was almost the size of a tiger, and its entire body was dark green like a huge will-o'- the-wisp.

The two blades were even more terrifying, like the scythe of a grim reaper. Lin Xuan was too small in comparison.

The Moon Shadow Mantis must have been attracted here by the smell of blood. Lin Xuan didn't know how long it had been dormant, but it suddenly attacked him. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise, his head would have been separated from his body already.

"I've miscalculated. I should have cleaned up the blood here."

Lin Xuan looked to the side and saw the dark red blood stains left behind by the Red-Eyed Porcupine. No wonder the Moon Shadow Mantis was attracted here. Even though the Red-Eyed Porcupine died already, it would not let him rest easily.

Fortunately, the Moon Shadow Mantis was a solitary creature. Otherwise, if a group of them were to come and swing their large blades at the same time, the scene would be too tragic for Lin Xuan to imagine.

The Moon Shadow Mantis's appetite was at its peak. The Red-Eyed Porcupine's corpse had already been devoured by Lin Xuan, so the Moon Shadow Mantis's eyes were naturally on him. It glared at Lin Xuan like a tiger watching its prey, and the big knife in its hand was not idle either.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Lin Xuan's ears began to ring as the huge sword kept gathering power and fell down. He was not used to it at first, but as the Moon Shadow Mantis's attack speed increased, its scythe waved around, and in the end, its movements could no longer be seen clearly.

Lin Xuan was hiding in his turtle shell, but he was still used to this sound. He heard that when the Moon Shadow Mantis was extremely hungry, even if it met its own kind, it would wave its long sickle and kill each other, even cruelly eating the corpses of its own kind.

Every time it ate its own kind, its body would become bigger and stronger. It would also cut off the head of its prey and push it back to the nest. This time, the one that came was especially large. It was obvious that it had eaten many of its own kind.

It would be quite difficult to deal with the Moon Shadow Mantis in such a short time, and Lin Xuan could not think of any good ideas.

Not only was the Moon Shadow Mantis a fourth-rank demonic beast, but its two daggers were also harder than the Red-Eyed Porcupine's spikes. The previous method was obviously not enough. 

Just as Lin Xuan was deep in thought, there was no movement outside.

Could it be that the Moon Shadow Mantis saw that he was a tough nut to crack, so it didn't want to gnaw on him anymore?

As the world spun, Lin Xuan's entire body started to shake.

"What's going on?"