Uninvited Guest, Is there a Human?

Even though the Volcanic Pi Xiu could not understand Lin Xuan's words, it could tell that Lin Xuan was trying to provoke it. It circled around in a fit of rage, clearly not ready to give up on its attack.

The Volcanic Pi Xiu wasn't a coward. In such a harsh environment without its natural enemy, it became braver. If there was a huge difference in size, it might not have fought Lin Xuan head-on.

The key was that both of them were similar in size, and Lin Xuan even looked smaller than it. He didn't look like he was strong either, so how could the Volcanic Pi Xiu not look down on him?

After charging for a while, it charged again. This time, it had learned its lesson and aimed at Lin Xuan's limbs. But no matter how fast it was, Lin Xuan would retreat back into the turtle shell in the blink of an eye.

The Volcanic Pi Xiu pounced on nothing again. After two rounds, it had used up more than half of its strength. It could not do anything to Lin Xuan and panted heavily at the side.

Lin Xuan found the right time and pressed himself against the belly of the Volcanic Pi Xiu. His four claws were short but powerful, clinging onto the soft flesh of its belly like superglue.

The Volcanic Pi Xiu was covered in armor except for its abdomen, which was a weak spot. Sensing that something was wrong, it wanted to curl up, but Lin Xuan blocked it. The hard turtle shell made it very uncomfortable and it couldn't use its full strength.

Lin Xuan's move completely stopped the Volcanic Pi Xiu from curling up, but at the same time, his four limbs were exposed. He was suddenly bitten by the Volcanic Pi Xiu, and his fine teeth felt like countless needles were piercing him.

Of course, he did not hold back and retorted. He exerted strength in his limbs and his fingertips dug deep into its flesh. At the same time, his mouth was not idle.

Although his mouth was small, he could still bite off some skin and flesh. The Volcanic Pi Xiu was in so much pain that it howled wildly.

The Volcanic Pi Xiu defense mechanism was not triggered as it was not in its curled up state yet. Even if it was triggered, Lin Xuan had nothing to fear.

The damage he dealt was not fatal, so the rebound effect would be offset by his own defense, almost negligible.

The following battles didn't have much technical content. They were just competing to see who could last the longest.

Lin Xuan had already torn off a lot of skin and flesh from the Volcanic Pi Xiu. Little by little, the blood was flowing on the ground. Due to the high temperature, it had dried up and formed a dark stain.

At the same time, there were many nail-like marks on his limbs, all of which were caused by the teeth of the Volcanic Pi Xiu

The two monsters fought back and forth, and soon the Volcanic Pi Xiu was left with only half a breath. On the contrary, Lin Xuan had the system's enhancement and skill upgrade, and he was no longer the same as before.

[The host has successfully killed the Tier-four Demonic Beast, Volcanic Pi Xiu.]

[You have received 200 experience points and 20 attribute points!]

[Devouring creature detected]

[Rank 4 Volcanic Pi Xiu (dead) devouring success rate 100%]

[Host has activated devour skill]

[Acquired skill: Defensive Rebound]

This time, the system dropped a new skill!

Lin Xuan was a little disappointed that the monsters he had killed before only gave him attribute points and did not drop any skills.

But this time, the Volcanic Pi Xiu's "Defensive Rebound" was a pleasant surprise for him.

[Host: Lin Xuan]

[Level: 14]

[Stage: Black class rank 5]

[Species: Sharp Shell Turtle (evolvable)]

[Innate skills: Turtle Aura level 9, Turtle Shell level 8, Devouring Evolution level 7]

[Normal skills: Hardened Skin level 7, Acute Hearing level 6, Powerful Thrust level 6, Defensive Rebound Level 1]

[Agility: 1]

[Hardness (physical defense): 120]

[Endurance (magic resistance): 40]

[HP (vitality strength): 110]

[Lifespan (the estimated number of years that one will die of old age): 500]

[Attack: 3]

[Available attribute points: 20]

His level did not increase, and his attributes did not increase much. It was probably because of the Tier 4 demonic beast. If he wanted to level up, he might have to kill a few more.

But just this skill alone made Lin Xuan satisfied. From now on, his armor was even stronger. Not only could it not be pierced through, but the rebound effect was also greatly enhanced. It could be said to be a weapon against the enemy.

This time, it was really equivalent to having an anti-armor.

Lin Xuan didn't want to waste anything, so he went to the nest of the Volcanic Pi Xiu. There were some plants, but they had very little spirit Qi, unlike the blood-lipid spirit fruit.

These plants were hard to come by, so Lin Xuan wasn't picky and ate them all as snacks.

After walking around and not finding any traces of other things or monsters, Lin Xuan was finally satisfied and prepared to return home. His nest was the one he had snatched from the Moon Shadow Mantis.

As the location was good and it was well hidden, Lin Xuan used it as a temporary stop.

It was common for demonic beasts to fight for territory and nests. Even the Moon Shadow Mantis had snatched the nest from the hands of the Black Police Rat. It could only be said that the tables had turned.

However, Lin Xuan had never expected his lair to be destroyed.

On the way back, he sensed an unfamiliar aura. It seems to be the smell of humans. 

Lin Xuan was shocked. This was the center of the forest, which human would have the guts to appear here?

This place was like a maze, and it was difficult to find the right direction. Even if they didn't get lost, they would be attacked by large demonic beasts or animals. They wouldn't be able to contact the outside world, and there wouldn't even be anyone to collect their corpses.


A flock of birds was startled and flew up, circling around the treetops. It made people feel inexplicably uneasy.

He heard a strong beast roar from not far away, which gradually turned into a wail, pulling Lin Xuan back from his thoughts.

Listening carefully, there was no more movement.

"What happened?"

Lin Xuan looked into the distance and suddenly had a bad feeling. He made up his mind and carefully followed the sound.

He could only hear the sound of speeding footsteps getting closer and closer to him. Lin Xuan did not dare to let his guard down, his bean-sized eyes constantly paying attention to the movements in front of him.