Chapter 176 - The Thousand Layer of Tricks in Peach Beguile!_1

The Dragon Rising Federation places great importance on job functions.

Once a power group has registered a certain job function officially, it needs to seek approvals anew from the federation if it wishes to operate in another job function.

The Lionheart Brigade, for example, was just an adventure group previously. An adventure group does not qualify as a job function.

Therefore, they could smoothly apply to operate as a mercenary organization, a recognized job function.

If Fang Mu, after operating the Jianmu Commerce Association and involving himself in its job function, wanted to establish a Contemplation Hall, he would need to go through a lot of procedures.

A minimum endorsement from two official organizations would be required to complete the approval.

The purpose of these regulations is to ensure that power groups devote their full efforts to the job function they are engaged in,

rather than setting up another one as soon as they find a better job function.