Chapter 187 Merge: Xi Hui Reflecting Sun Crane!_2

The Green Mountain Phoenix-Tree is one of the few tree-type Guardian Beasts that can grow beyond a hundred meters at the Silver Stage.

The Green Mountain Phoenix-Tree stays green all year round, once it advances to the Diamond Stage, it resembles a green mountain from afar.

It's said that if the Green Mountain Phoenix-Tree can be advanced to a Sequential Stage, it can reach the clouds to draw in purple qi from the east.

Fang Mu believes that the Green Mountain Phoenix-Tree can reach the clouds when it is advanced to the Sequential stage.

As for the drawing in of the purple qi from the heavens, it's merely because the Green Mountain Phoenix-Tree is a lower-class auspicious creature.

This is said only to enhance the value of the Green Mountain Phoenix-Tree.

Bringing the Phoenix Crown Sparrow Crane to the manor would be perfect for it to roost in the branches of the Green Mountain Phoenix-Tree and build its nest there.